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Gabriel blasted a lightning bolt at Peter making Peter fall to the ground as they entered the room, Lyra glanced back at Nathan who nodded, Lyra opened her palm and closed her eyes as Nathan covered for her. Sweat, Gabriel was nervous? She felt the blood rushing through his veins, a type of adrenaline, and his heartbeat quickly. She quickly jumped on a chair and slapped water across his face.

"Hi Gabe," she said with a smile. Gabriel stared at her with a smile, Lyra quickly ran towards Peter and attempted to wake him up. "Peter, take my ability," she whispered. Peter coughed blood out of his mouth and nodded as he held onto her arm to stand up.

Gabriel raised his arm out and another lightning blast came out, Peter quickly stopped it with Lyra's water manipulation. "Thanks," he said to Lyra, she nodded and stared at Nathan who quickly bowled over Gabriel and they crashed outside the window. Lyra ran towards the window worried and saw the two having a fist-fight in the air. They then crashed onto the ground. She then felt her leg ache in pain.

She fell onto the ground and groaned in pain, "Peter," she whimpered softly, she unwrapped the once-white shirt that was now all red. She looked at her wound, it was still bleeding. Lyra stared at her brother, "So you really made your choice," she snapped, "Power over your own sister?" she asked.

Gabriel stared at her surprised, "I wouldn't call it like that Lyr," he said, "What can you do against me?" he asked. Nathan stared at Gabriel angrily. Gabriel stared at Lyra, Lyra knew he didn't want to hurt her. She was his sister after all.

Lyra felt Peter hold onto her hand and she closed her eyes slowly, "I can do so much Gabriel," she whispered. "I could do so much with my ability, so why don't you steal it?" she shouted. Peter's eyes widened with fear, I'm so sorry Peter. "Why don't you come to take it huh!?" her eyes glazed with anger. "Why don't you kill me then?" She glanced at Peter and closed her eyes, he would be fine without her right?

Gabriel stared at her evenly, "Kill you? I don't have to kill you to take your ability Lyra," he said walking around the room.

Lyra smiled, "You're a coward!" she shouted as she walked after him around the room, "You're not powerful enough to kill me!" she taunted. She looked at Peter and knew he realized what she was doing. Nathan stared at her with a small smile. Peter shook his head at her and she sighed again. Peter really loved her, would it be okay?

Gabriel looked at the ground as if something was bothering him, "Shut up!" he shouted back, "You want me to kill you? I will!" he then quickly choked Lyra against the wall with his arm. Lyra stared back at him in surprise, he wouldn't kill her, would he? Nathan tried to run up towards Lyra but he fell to the ground as his arm was bleeding like crazy.

"Kill me then, kill me just like you killed our mom!" Lyra choked out. She looked at Peter who stared at her worriedly. She gasped for air, "Kill me," she whispered, tears falling down her face, she whimpered softly, "Gabriel do it!" she tried to shout but her voice was raspy.

Peter tried to come up towards her but was stopped by Gabriel's telekinesis. Gabriel dropped Lyra onto the ground. "Stop being silly Lyra," Gabriel muttered, "I won't kill you, you're my little sister," he said.

Lyra grabbed onto her neck, and it throbbed with pain, "I can't- I can't breathe," she whispered. She tried to breathe but it felt like her head was underwater, she couldn't gasp for air it was like he was still choking her. "S-Stop it!" she cried. "Ga-Gab-briel," she arched her neck back and as she began to fall, Peter then caught her.

She saw Gabriel crouching down beside her, he then stood up, "I'm so sorry," he muttered. Peter pushed him away angrily.

"Well she's hurt," He looked at Lyra, "There's something wrong with your lungs," he whispered as he stared at her, he quickly tried to perform CPR as Gabriel stared at Lyra shocked. Peter wrapped his arms around her body and closed his eyes. He quickly raised his arm and water quickly came out of Lyra's mouth.

She gasped in shock and breathed heavily, "O-Oh my god!" she cried as she looked at Peter, she wheezed and coughed, blood coming out of her mouth. "Peter," she whispered, Peter quickly wiped the blood off her mouth.

"Lyra," Peter whispered back, "I thought I lost you," he said. He kissed the top of her forehead and noticed Gabriel and Nathan were gone. "Shit, where did they go?" he asked. Lyra looked around they were nowhere to be found. Lyra walked out of the room with Peter and he half-carried her across the hall. "If your brother is going to shake hands with the president, I'll stop him," Peter looked at Lyra.

"Come back," Lyra said. "Alive?" she asked. Peter smiled, he leaned in and kissed her passionately, Lyra kissed back and wrapped her arms around his neck. She felt him kiss her neck, "Promise?" she muttered softly as he left kisses on her neck.

"Yeah, I promise, you stay right here okay?" he asked. Lyra nodded. She watched Peter walk away, and then she sighed loudly. What was she even supposed to do? Sit and wait around? She looked at a clock that was on the wall and smiled sadly. She quickly looked at her wrist, the watch Gabriel gave her was gone, where had she put it again? Right, Peter's apartment.

She walked back to Nathan's hotel room, it wouldn't hurt if she had just- "Oh my god!" she cried at what she saw, how was this even possible? "Oh my god, Nathan!" she cried. She rushed towards Peter's older brother and stared at him in disbelief.

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