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"Please come for dinner?" Emma asked, Lyra stared at her friend, she hasn't spoken to Peter since a few days ago and honestly, she missed him, she'd been staying in Emma's room and hasn't been out since. "You know he is worried about you," Emma signed, "It's also not good for the baby if you only eat baby carrots and salami," she shook her head in disbelief. "Please?" Emma added. Emma had been trying to get her out for what- two days?

Lyra sighed, "Fine," she muttered and signed, Lyra had to admit to herself- she was stubborn. Super stubborn. Which made her hold grudges, which made it almost impossible for her to forgive Gabriel. She stood up and walked out of the room with Emma, "Thank you," she said as Emma held onto her arm as they walked down the stairs.

Emma smiled at Gabriel who was eating some food, the two were closer now. Lyra sat at her spot and faced Peter who didn't even look at her as she sat down, "Welcome back to town Mrs. Petrelli," Tracy said handing her a plate of food. It was a white-sauce pasta with some meat Lyra thought was pork.

"Thanks, Strauss," Lyra muttered, she then looked up at Tracy, "Thank you, really," she said a little louder than before. She dug into her food and took a small bit of pasta into her mouth. She slowly ate in silence, listening to Emma and Gabriel's conversation on whether red sauce was better than white sauce.

She looked down at her empty plate sadly, "Hey, what's that?" Tracy pointed to something behind Lyra, Lyra turned around to see a small box that was moving. Was something inside it? What was inside? She stared back at Tracy confused, the latter shrugged. Lyra stood up and opened the box to see the cutest puppy she's ever seen, Lyra smiled.

"Aww," she whispered, "Hey little one," she picked up the small puppy, it was a pomeranian. Lyra brushed it's golden fluffy fur and smiled before turning back at the table, "Who's is it?" she asked. She looked at Gabriel and Emma but they didn't answer. "Tracy?" she looked at her friend and laughed.

"It was Angela, she didn't say who it was for though," Tracy answered, Lyra sat back down in her chair and let the puppy sit on the table after pushing her plate away. Tracy grabbed the puppy and quickly patted it. "What are you going to name him?" she asked. "Well, all of us have a name in mind but Emma didn't want us to name him without you," she said.

Lyra stared at her best friend gratefully, "What were your name suggestions anyway?" Lyra asked looking at everyone. Peter still wouldn't meet her gaze though and that made her throat tighten. Angela brought this dog? Why hadn't Emma tell her? Maybe she was asleep at the time.

"Peter wanted to name him-" Emma started, but then Peter stood up quite abruptly. He then walked quickly back upstairs. Lyra felt her heart drop, was he mad at her? She stood up slowly, her belly slowing her down as she walked up the stairs after him.

"Let's go with whatever you guys choose okay?" Lyra called as she reached the top of the stairs, she walked into the room she shared with Peter to find him sitting at their desk staring at the wall blankly.

She pulled up her own chair and sat next to him staring at the wall, there were pictures on it. A picture of them at a restaurant, a picture of Peter and Nathan, a picture of Lyra, Gabriel, and Vanie. Lyra stared at the third picture sadly, her pet cat was given to Samuel's- or Edgar's people. She then stared at the last photo on the wall, a picture of their wedding. She watched as Peter drag his finger across a picture.

He wasn't looking at her, Lyra could feel her heartbreaking at this point, she held in a small cry but it was let out. The tears started to fall quickly, she tried to quickly wipe them off and turned away from Peter not letting him see her like this. She breathed in and out before staring directly at Peter, "You, are my husband," she whispered. "I am expecting your child, do not ever doubt the fact I love you, because you Peter, you are my life," She then stood up and put her chair away, "You are everything to me,"

She then left the room planning on finding out what they'd name the dog, she then felt Peter grab onto her hand, "Wait," he muttered, "That's why you miss him?" he asked, "Because he liked you?"

Lyra turned around and faced Peter, "No, because he didn't deserve it," she whispered, she watched Peter's mouth open, "No, I don't still like him, I married you didn't I?" she asked staring into Peter's eyes.

"I love you," he muttered before giving her a kiss, "Now let's go see what they named him," he held onto her arm and helped her down the stairs, "Are you okay?" he asked. Lyra looked at Peter, she felt better.

"Yeah," she whispered, she started to feel a little bit dizzy, "Just tired," she said trying to block out the pain. She looked at the puppy race up and jump at Peter, Peter laughed and held the puppy in his arms.

Emma quickly looked at Lyra and smiled, letting go of Gabriel's hand, "We named him Nugget," she said looking at the golden pomeranian. "Tracy suggested it because he looked like a chicken nugget," Emma signed.

Lyra laughed and looked at Tracy who stared at her concerned but smiled softly. "I'm really good at this stuff," the blonde said with a laugh.

Lyra stood there blankly, she felt her brother put his hand on her shoulder, "Are you alright?" he asked, Lyra stared back at him, her eyes wide with fear, she squeezed onto Peter's arm and kissed his hand.

"My water broke," she whispered.

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