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Lyra woke up relieved, she suddenly saw Gabriel awake beside her. "Good morning," she muttered, she put on Lydia's clothes and laughed. A knock and a door opened, Lyra smiled and glanced at the door to see Sam. She walked out with Gabriel and they walked through the carnival.

"Sam, how are you?" Lyra asked softly. Sullivan Bros' Carnival, she's been here once, before she met Peter before everything happened, she just graduated and Sam invited her to the carnival to visit. She came here when she was alone, she remembered Lydia approaching her one day, she remembered staying here when she didn't have a dorm for university. Someone would teleport her to the school, it was awesome. She recognized everything. The music, the people. Sam had barely aged. She smiled.

Sam looked at Gabriel before looking back at Lyra, "Ah Lyr darlin', I've been fine, how are you?" he asked. Lyra sighed happily, this place was amazing, everyone had an ability and all. She felt happy but sad at the same time, she should be with Peter right now.

Lyra smiled, "Could be better Sam, I almost died yesterday," she said. Sam glanced at her surprised then grabbed onto Gabriel.

"Darlin' we must catch up later, I need to talk to this one, why don't you see Lydia?" Sam asked. Lyra nodded and walked over towards Lydia.

"Hey," Lydia said. Lyra smiled, their names were similar, they looked similar, you could almost say they were twins! Lydia was cleaning a table, "Sam's been a little- ever since his brother died," Lydia whispered.

Lyra gasped, "What? Joseph's dead?" Lyra asked. Lydia nodded sadly. "I'm so sorry," Lyra paused, "Hey do you have a phone I could borrow?" she asked. Lydia nodded and pointed to a telephone that was on a pile of hay. Lyra laughed. "Thanks," She grabbed the phone and quickly dialed Peter.

It rang for about two seconds, "Hello?"

"Peter," Lyra muttered.

"Lyra where have you been?" Lyra could tell Peter was worried.

She sighed, and looked for Gabriel, "Look, I'll be back tonight, I promise," Lyra whispered.

"Is Sylar still alive?" Peter asked.

Lyra bit her lip, "No," she lied quickly. "It was just someone who looked like him," Lyra lied. She felt her heart throbbing, she hated lying to Peter but he couldn't know that Gabriel was still alive.

"Thank god, where are you right now?" Peter asked.

"Some carnival, they let me borrow some clothes and a telephone, I'll be back soon okay Peter?" Lyra said quickly, staring at Gabriel who was doing some chores with Lydia. She heard a small hum from the other line and another girl's voice. Em? Why was he talking to Emma? Was she jealous? No.

"Yeah, if you're not home by five I'm going to look for you," Peter said. "Hiro's here," Lyra frowned, why was Hiro here in America? Didn't he go back to Japan a while ago? Lyra bit her lip again, she should go back, she could help Peter, Emma and she could help Hiro.

"What why?" Lyra asked. Why was Hiro there anyway?

"I'll tell you when you come back Lyr, please, I miss you," Peter whispered. Lyra sighed and walked back into the tent. Did he really? What if he was falling out of love with her? Lyra suddenly felt sad.

"Yeah, I'll be back, I love you," Lyra said slowly before throwing the phone angrily at the haystack. "I need to go," she whispered. She walked towards the entrance of the carnival to leave but suddenly saw Gabriel walking with Damien. She followed them secretly into a mirror house.

Damien then muttered some words to Gabriel and held onto his head, Lyra then saw Damien looking at her, he then did the same to her. "Wha-" she started, she then gasped as she saw everything. She watched as her brother killed people, slicing their heads off. She felt tears flow down her face as she saw her brother kill Peter. "Oh my god," she whispered. She closed her eyes and screamed. She could see her brother in pain but she shook her head angrily. She ran quickly out of the mirror house and saw Sam trying to stop her from running but Lyra continued to run.

"Lyr, darlin'!" Sam cried.

She ran out of the forest and into the middle of the highway, "Peter," she whispered, "They were right," Her brother was a killer. She ran across the highway and cried. She looked around for a car or anything to bring her back to Peter.

Lyra woke up confused and lost, what happened? "Angela?" she asked curiously. She was in a limo and Angela was sitting next to her with Rene. Lyra yawned, she couldn't remember anything that happened. "Why am I here?" Lyra asked, her back then winced in pain.

"You went to someone's carnival darling," Angela said, "I think they were your friends?" Lyra nodded, Samuel's carnival? Right, she found out Gabriel was a killer. She hadn't seen Gabriel there though, why was everything so fuzzy?"Look, you-" Lyra suddenly remembered getting shot on a highway, she frowned how did that happen? "There was a drunk guy, he shot you on the highway," Angela said.

"Oh," Lyra nodded, "That's weird,"

Angela smiled, "Well, we're here," she said.

Lyra smiled, "Thank you for the ride," she said quickly, she was finally back in New York. She walked through the street and quickly found the hospital Peter worked at. It's been two days since she called Peter, he was probably-

"Lyra?" a familiar voice called, Lyra turned around and sighed happily. Emma! Emma quickly signed at Lyra saying "what are you doing here?" Lyra laughed excitedly before giving Emma a hug.

Lyra had taken up sign-language when she first became friends with Emma at medical school, she signed back, "I'm here because Peter," she said. Emma nodded and quickly dragged her into the hospital, they walked through the hallway.

Emma quickly opened the door to a storage room and Lyra smiled as she saw Peter, he looked at Lyra and quickly ran to hug her, "Lyra," he whispered as he kissed her, "Oh Lyra," he muttered as he wrapped his arms all over her. Lyra kissed back passionately. "I missed you," he said. "Where-where have you been?" he asked.

Lyra pulled away and turned around to see that Emma had left, she frowned and looked back at Peter, "I told you, a carnival," Lyra muttered.

Peter stared at her, "Where's Nathan?" he asked. Lyra stared at him, even she didn't know what happened to Nathan, all her memories were fuzzy about the night she got shot.

"Not with me," she whispered.

Peter stared at her, "You know, it's okay, I understand," he said quickly, "He's probably just back in the office," he said. Lyra nodded, yeah that made sense. Nathan was a senator after all.

Lyra sighed, "Oh I love you, you know?" she whispered.

Peter nodded, "Yeah, I know, which is why I got you this." He took something out of his pocket, Lyra gasped in disbelief, a ring box.

"No," she whispered, "Peter, this?" she asked.

He kneeled onto the ground, "Lyra Gray, will you marry me?" he asked. Lyra glanced at him, they've dated for what? Two years? She started to tremble, she just found out about Gabriel being alive.

"Peter- I have, y-yes! Of course!" she smiled, she felt overwhelmed. "I just- Peter," she whispered softly. Peter quickly carried her with his two arms. He nodded slowly as he placed the ring on her left ring finger.

"I love you," Peter mumbled as he played with her fingers.

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