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Lyra looked around the building, "So your powers can get us in?" she asked. Matt nodded, Peter grabbed onto Matt's arm. Lyra smiled, was he taking Matt's ability? She sighed as she remembered Mohinder getting taken by Danko's men. It was terrible, she saw it from the balcony and wanted to save him but Peter told her to stay. 

"What are you doing?" Matt asked.

Peter smiled, "Two telepaths are better than one," he said quickly. Lyra smiled, Peter sure was smart, but how was their escape plan going to work now? Building 26 seemed dangerous, how were they supposed to escape?

Matt huffed, "Well you just ruined our escape plan? Gosh you're so stupid!" he cried out angrily.

Peter looked at him. "Look, we'll take our chances," The three walked towards the entrance. Lyra saw an older looking man standing in front of the doors. Was Matt going to mind control him? Lyra could feel the sweat dripping on the man's face as he saw them. The man let them in immediately.

Lyra sighed as they walked around the building, "Where are we going?" she asked, but no one answered her. She then felt Peter hold onto her hand. He smiled and they soon reach some guards. Lyra panicked for a second as she watched Peter and Matt glaring at the guards. Peter looked at Lyra and they continued to walk around.

Matt opened a door to some room and Peter followed, Lyra sighed and followed them into this room. Matt told the man he was going to eat his sandwich outside and he wasn't going to let anyone in. Peter immediately went on the computer.

Lyra crouched down next to him and looked at the screen, there were lots of names and they quickly found Daphne's. "She got transferred," Peter said quickly looking at Matt. Lyra stood back up and noticed he was looking at a security camera. "Wait come here!" Peter cried.

Matt ran over to Peter and stared at the screen but Lyra stared at the camera. She closed her eyes and opened her palm, she smiled and shot a blast of water on the camera. It made a huge "boom" noise and Peter looked at her shocked. "Oops," Lyra muttered.

"Lyr, look at this!" Peter muttered. "Matt, your friend Rebel is back, he's helping us, I'm going to copy these files," Matt gasped and Lyra stared at a video of them hooded, chained, and trapped.

Lyra nodded and quickly walked outside. She noticed the two guards coming towards the room.

"We have to go!" she cried as she walked back inside the room, "Peter, quick!" Peter held out his arm as if telling her to wait. She grabbed onto his shoulders, "Peter," she whispered. 

Peter unplugged the USB and ran after Matt, the fire alarm suddenly rang. He held onto his head with his hands. They tried running away and Lyra used her ability on a few people making them stop moving, using their sweat and choking them with water. Lyra grabbed onto Peter who yelled out. Was the sound too much? They were soon met with a bald guy who was supposedly named Danko and Nathan who were telling them to stop.

"Go! I'll hold them off!" Matt cried, glaring at them, he was using his ability. Peter grabbed onto Lyra and quickly ran off. Lyra stared back at Matt, what was going to happen to him? They ran down the stairs quickly and ran outside an emergency exit door. Lyra gasped.

"Peter," she whispered. He looked back at her and showed the USB. She smiled. "What are we going to do with it?" she asked calmly.

Peter smiled back, "We're going to make a deal with them, they hand over Matt Parkman and Daphne Millbrook, or we'll give this to the news and expose them," he said. Lyra smiled, that was pretty smart. 

"Peter, I'm sorry again," she whispered as they walked towards a phone booth, Peter looked back and kissed her hand. 

"Don't worry Lyra," he muttered, "You didn't know," he added.

 Lyra sighed, "What do you think caused Gabriel to become a killer and everything?" Peter stared back at her and shrugged. Lyra sighed again, if she had stayed in Brooklyn would this have happened? 

"I really don't know, I remember I had his ability, and there's this hunger to it Lyra, it makes you want to know more, maybe it took over if he used to be nice like you said, maybe you can change him," Peter said quickly. "Now, I'm going to call my brother, you stay somewhere safe, if something happens to me, I'll-" 

Lyra stared at Peter, "I want to go with you," she said. 

"Lyra, you can't," Lyra stared at him intensely, she had to do this, she had to redeem herself after what Gabriel did, she had to see Gabriel. "You're going to get killed if you do that Lyra," he said. "Look, you stay at that church we saw around the block," Peter said, "If I don't come back in an hour," he started. 

"You will be," Lyra whispered, "Please," she begged. She hugged him one last time, "Come back okay?" she asked. Peter nodded and kissed the palm of her right hand. 

Peter stared at her, "I'll try," he said. Lyra nodded, and quickly walked away, this had seemed so familiar, her leaving Gabriel was like this. She then turned around and stared at Peter as he was on the phone. He placed the phone down and walked in the opposite direction. Lyra ran as fast as she could and quickly wrapped her arms around him. 

"I love you so much," she whispered. "I love you so much, Peter," She then let go and he stared back at her. 

"I know," he said, "I love you too," he spun around and stared at her before kissing the top of her head. "Now go," he whispered. Lyra nodded. Stay safe Peter, I love you always. Be the hero, I need you. 

Lyra stared and ran away quickly towards the church, she felt tears in her eyes. "Gabriel," she whispered. "Come back to me, I'll never leave you again," she whispered. "I can help guide you," she looked around and entered the church. She sat down and stared at her hands. "God," she whispered. "Please help Gabriel, I know you don't know me, and I barely know you, but please, help my brother." she closed her eyes and felt the tears drop from her eyes. 

Gabriel, wherever you are, you are not alone. You're not alone. 


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