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Lyra yawned, it was almost time to go to the Summit. She was excited and scared at the same time, she heard that Claire was expecting, which was interesting. Lyra got dressed and sighed, she looked at Ethan, only a few weeks ago he had learned how to speak. Now he was begging his dad to play baseball with him. Of course, without a real baseball. 

"Hey, everything's going to be alright," Peter whispered. "I know we might see some people we might not want to see but we're going to be alright," he said with a small smile. "I promise!" Lyra smiled and poked Peter's forehead with her index finger. 

"Okay," she whispered. "If you say so," she looked at Peter and smiled. "Well, let's get going then," she muttered before looking at Ethan, she picked up the little boy who was playing with a stuffed animal and gave him a small kiss. "I love you, Ethan," she whispered, "Your father and I will be back soon," 

Peter nodded and grabbed onto Lyra's hand, "Let's go," he whispered before leaving the room. Lyra then saw Emma looking at the two concerned. Lyra stopped and quickly gave her a hug, Emma smiled and wished Lyra good luck. 

"I'll take care of him," Emma signed before waving goodbye at the couple. Lyra and Peter walked down the stairs and Lyra was met by Gabriel. Right, she had forgotten, he was coming with them too. She sighed and then they soon left the house. 

Lyra looked back at the house and then looked at the ground, "Peter," she started, "Do you think they might take me away again?" she asked. 

"What of course not, after seeing what you can do," he paused and stared back at Lyra. "I don't think they'd take you away again," Lyra nodded, but wasn't entirely convinced. She then looked at Gabriel. 

He stared back at Lyra and nodded, "They aren't going to take you away when Peter and I are around," he said. "You'll be fi-" he started. 

"What do you know?" Lyra snapped angrily. "Let's just go," she muttered a little bit calmer than before. Peter grabbed onto her arm and pulled her closer to him, giving her a look. "Sorry," she whispered, "I didn't mean to be-" 

"It's okay," Peter said, "It's fine," 

Lyra nodded and looked around, "So let's go!" she said with a smile. Lyra then looked at Gabriel again, he was quiet. He wasn't speaking much, did he know something she didn't? "Why are you so quiet today Gabriel?" Lyra asked curiously. 

Gabriel looked back at her, "No reason," he muttered, "Just stay with Peter no matter what," he said. 

Lyra frowned, "Why? I can protect myself perfectly fine and-" she then stopped and felt Peter wrap his arms around her before giving a kiss on the back of her neck. "Stop," she whispered softly before letting out a small laugh. 

"Oh whatever, let's just start going," Gabriel muttered before rolling his eyes at the couple. Lyra stuck her tongue out and held onto Peter tightly. 


They landed at some private airport place close to the Odessa Summit. Lyra sighed loudly and suddenly heard an outburst of screams, what was happening? She looked at Peter who nodded slowly and the two ran towards the sound of the voices. "Claire?" Lyra could hardly believe what she was seeing, Claire was- there was blood. Her hand was cut and- "Oh god," Lyra whispered. 

Lyra grabbed onto Claire's arm, she then quickly watched as Claire's secret service try to push her away but Lyra closed her eyes making them all fly in the air. Lyra shook her head and rushed towards the hospital. "Lyra," Claire managed to make out. "It's-" she paused and moaned in pain, "So good, to see you," Claire muttered. 

Soon they were inside a hospital bed, "Hey, everything is fine, I've given birth what- twice already, you're going to be-" Lyra then paused, why hadn't Claire's ability work? She then turned around to see Peter at the door. She walked towards her husband and held onto his hand. "We should leave," she muttered. 

The two walked out of the door, "Well that didn't go as planned," he muttered. 

Lyra stared at him, "Claire's Nathan's daughter," she whispered. 

Peter stared at her confused, "Yeah, you didn't know that?" he asked, but then quickly covered his mouth, "Lyra, no you can't! You said you wouldn't," he whispered. 

Lyra shook her head, "Does she even know what she caused? She caused the death of Elizabeth!" Lyra cried softly, she looked at Peter who sighed. 

"Lyra, listen to me- would Nathan like this?" he asked. 

Lyra shook her head, "Of course not!" she shouted. She then dragged Peter out of the room, "Peter," she started. "Nathan may not like this, but I don't care what he thinks anymore," she muttered. "You may not like this either but-" she then was cut off when she heard gunshots. She grabbed onto Peter and held him close as they ran towards the sound. 

Peter then looked over and looked back at Lyra as they leaned against a wall, "It's a young girl" he muttered, "She looks around 4 or something, and she's with the lady who's shooting," he said looking at Lyra confused. 

Lyra looked over and stared at the little girl who was crouching underneath a small table afraid, "I have to help her," she whispered suddenly. "Look how scared she looks!" Lyra looked at Peter who shook his head. She then looked at the small girl sadly, she then looked up to see the lady. 

"You're going to get killed," he said. 

Lyra whipped back at Peter and shook her head, "I won't," she whispered. 


"Just trust me on this one," she muttered before running towards the little girl. She quickly froze the bullets coming at her with water and blasted them back at the lady who was able to someone dodge them. She then closed her eyes making the lady fall onto the ground. 

"She won't like you!" the lady said, "Lyra, she won't-" 

Lyra's eyes widened, the voice- this was- "Erica." Lyra whispered. "You're the one who trapped me!" Lyra shouted, she then opened her palm and grabbed Erica's gun out of her hand. She pulled the trigger and shot Erica in the chest, she then shot her again and again. Lyra shook her head and felt tears down her eyes as she turned to look at the little girl. "Hey, are you okay? What's your name?" Lyra asked softly crouching at the little girl. 

"Laura," the little girl answered, "My name is Laura," she whispered. Lyra smiled softly and grabbed onto Laura.

 "Well little one, it is your lucky day because-" she then felt something sharp hit her back and a horrifying scream from Peter. Lyra put her left arm on her back and felt a knife stabbed through her back. She heard the little girl crying as she fell limply onto the ground, pain, that was all Lyra could feel aching throughout her body. She felt blood trickling down her back and she felt someone kneel onto the ground beside her. 

She watched as Peter used her ability to kill the guy who stabbed her, she closed her eyes and blinked barely. She felt Peter pick her up with his arms and he leaned in making his forehead touch hers. 

"Lyra," Lyra looked up to face Peter, she smiled weakly. "Lyra no," he muttered. Lyra watched as Peter lean in closer to her and give her a kiss. "I love you," he cried. "I love you," he sobbed, Lyra saw the tears falling down his eyes, and for the first time ever, she watched Peter cry. She lifted her right arm with all her strength and knew, she knew she was dying. 

"Peter," she whispered, "Peter," she repeated almost like a small whimper, "Peter I don't want to go," she said. "I love you," she muttered. Peter cried next to her and held onto Lyra slowly, she looked at him and closed her eyes, letting the darkness consume her, she felt a tear fall down her face and whimpered. 

Peter then leaned in and kissed her, "I l-love you," were the last words she heard before taking her final breath. 

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