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Lyra had chickened-out when Claire had asked her to call Peter that night. She sighed, Claire had stayed at the carnival for a few nights before leaving. Lyra flopped onto her bed angrily, while holding onto her phone. She then dialed Peter's number.

Lyra held onto her phone shaking, please answer, please answer. She heard a small click and she smiled in relief.

"Peter? Hey, it's me, I don't know what to say because sorry isn't going to do anything, but I'm- I really love you, but what I know, what I can do, I can really mess things up. How are you?" Lyra said nearly whispering the words.

She heard silence for a few moments and a soft cry, was he alright? "Lyra, so many things are happening, why didn't you call earlier? I was so worried," he whispered. Lyra dropped the phone in shock, no, no way. "Lyra? Are you okay?" he asked, his voice soft. Lyra picked up her phone quickly.

"Peter, I love you,"

She heard Peter sit down on his bed, "Wow," Peter whispered. "You watched the news?" Peter asked. "I went to Nathan's wake, you should've been there,"

"I know, but Peter," Lyra started trying to tell him about the memory she saw with the medal. She needed to tell him everything.

She heard Peter sigh, "Yeah?"

"I think I was there," Lyra said quickly, "When Nathan died, I was there," she then felt tears flow down her face. "I saw it when I touched his medal, I think I got Haitianed," Lyra cried. "I'm so so sorry Peter if I were stronger I would've been able to- his throat was slashed and blood was everywhere, I remember I tried to save him but I wasn't able to, he told me to tell you he was sorry,"

"Hey, hey," Peter said, "Please don't cry, I know it's not your fault, I believe you, I always believed you," Lyra sniffed softly, she quickly opened her palm and closed her eyes letting the tears fall. She quickly formed a heart, then breaking it. "I love you so much, Lyra," he said.

Lyra stared at her mirror and smiled, wiping the tears off her face, "I love you too," she muttered. "Do you- do you forgive me?" she asked.

There was a long pause, "Yeah," Peter said, Lyra cried happily. She couldn't believe it, he forgave her. Everything was okay. "Lyra, when are you coming home?" he asked.

"I-I don't know," Lyra whispered, she then heard a knock at her door. "Sorry I have to go, I love you!" she said quickly.

"Love you too," Peter then hung up. Lyra tossed her phone onto her bed and quickly went to answer the door.

She opened the door annoyed. "What do you want?" she asked, she then faced the person. Gabriel?

"Hello Lyra," Gabriel said with a small smirk. Lyra stepped back confused and afraid. He wouldn't kill her like he killed all those other people right? He wouldn't kill her like he killed their mother.

Lyra pushed through, and quickly walked away, "I have nothing to say to you Sylar," she said. She felt him following her, his footsteps growing louder and louder. She turned around and opened her palm angrily. "I said I have nothing to say to you, please leave," she said raising her voice.

He looked taken aback, "Lyra, I'm your brother," he said quickly. Lyra rolled her eyes, brother or not he was a serial killer, a psychopath, a murderer. He couldn't be forgiven, she looked at the ground and continued to walk away. She then stopped as she realized he wasn't going to stop following her.

"What do you want from me?" Lyra whispered, "I saw what you did to those people, I saw how you killed them!" she cried.

Gabriel stared at her sadly, "I don't want to be alone," he whispered, his voice almost breaking.

Lyra scoffed and almost laughed, "You deserve it, I don't care if you're my brother, I hate you," she said. She rolled her eyes and walked away, "Don't try and come after me, Gabe! I don't want anything to do with you, you killed Nathan," she shouted as she walked towards the entrance of the carnival. Was it time to leave? She shook her head, she couldn't leave, she had to protect everyone.

"I know, and I'm sorry," he said, "Can't you see what I'm trying to do! I'm trying to make up for my mistakes Lyra,"

Lyra shook her head in disbelief, "You don't deserve to be forgiven, you really hurt Peter," she whispered, "Nathan was my friend too, and when I found out you killed him, god I don't even know how to talk to you anymore!" she said.

Gabriel then grabbed onto Lyra's arm, "I'm sorry," he said.

Lyra turned back and pulled away, "Sorry isn't enough Gabriel, Nathan is dead, how do you think the Petrellis feel? How do you think Claire felt? How do you think I felt? I've been staying here because I've been so so upset about the fact Nathan is gone!" Lyra cried, "Stop saying you're sorry, I'm never forgiving you," she said, she then quickly ran back to her trailer and shut the door before falling onto her bed.

She felt tears flowing down her face, I'm so sorry Nathan, I miss you, she then wiped the tears off her face and sighed. She rolled on her bed and sobbed quietly, she hated this! She hated life, she hated everything. She wanted Peter, she wanted to feel whole again, she wanted Nathan back. Lyra cried in bed, she then suddenly heard a knock at the door. "Come in," she said softly. The door opened and she saw Samuel walk in.

"Sorry to bother you darlin', but are you doing alright?" he asked. Lyra looked away and stared at the ground. Sam was bad, he was a villain, she couldn't tell him anything.

She stared back at Sam, "I'm fine Samuel," she said quickly. "Just stressed,"

"You've been saying that for the past weeks Lyra," Sam answered, "What is on your mind? Do you need to talk to Lydia?" Sam said quickly before giving Lyra a pat on her back.

Lyra shook her head, "I'm fine, Lydia's busy anyway," she said. She looked and smiled at Sam, "Why are you here?" she asked.

"I need you for something," he said with a smirk, "Something very special," he said.

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