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Lyra yawned and held onto the bouquet of flowers in her hand, she made it. She stayed in a hotel room, getting money from Rebel. She had been grateful for him, apparently, he was helping Evos around. She stared at Nathan's grave and sat in front of it sadly. She looked at the dress she bought, a black dress. It just felt appropriate.

"Hey Nathan," she started, "It's me, your friend, Lyra" she paused feeling her eyes tear up. "I really wish you were here, I've been through so much and I just- really really miss you, Nathan," she sobbed, "Why did my brother kill you?" she asked to no one in particular. "Nathan, would you approve what's happening right now?" she asked, "I really hate this, hiding out and everything,"

Lyra laid on the grass and looked at the sky, "Sometimes I wish you were still here, you know, you would agree with me with some stuff," Lyra whispered. "My daughter Nathan, she's gone, I think they killed her. I don't know what to do, I wish you were- you could've been at me and Peter's wedding," she said quickly, "You know that night I stayed with you, it was nice yeah everything but I poured my heart out to you, for the first time in my life it wasn't just me and Gabriel, I knew I had you. Nathan, I loved you, you were my best friend, and right now, things are so so tough," Lyra cried.

The tears fell quickly and she laughed, "They brought me and experimented on me like I was some animal," she cried, "I don't even know what they did to Beth," She looked at his stone and cried softly. "Nathan, I married Peter, but I'm a terrible wife, I still miss you. I miss - I know we didn't have much but you were someone other than Gabriel," she paused, "I knew it, I knew you were- everything is so messed up, you know, you're lucky, oh I wish I was with you right now," Lyra said meaning every single word.

"Not with me?" a familiar voice said, Lyra turned around and stood up immediately before wrapping him into a hug. She felt his shoulder blades and dragged her arms up to his neck. She kissed Peter passionately and bit her lip afterward. She hugged Peter again and cried in his arms.

"Peter," she muttered softly, Peter smiled. The two then sat in front of Nathan's grave. She glanced at Nathan's grave reading the words on it. He had children, he had a family, he had so many people who loved him. He didn't deserve any of this.

Peter wrapped his arms around Lyra, "What did they do to you?" he asked softly, "What did they do to you?" He repeated pressing his face against hers. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice was worrying and desperate. "Where's Beth?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I escaped- you know something strange is happening to me, my ability," she started to say, "I can see things I wasn't able to see before like I could detect- Peter I was able to- control people's bodies." She shuddered in fear, "I didn't mean to but I think I killed people Peter!" she cried. "And I lost her, I lost Elizabeth, I'm a terrible wife and terrible mother."

Peter stared at her in disbelief, "Nope, you are not- Lyr look at me," Lyra faced Peter and wiped the tears off her eyes. "You were scared," Peter muttered, "And it's okay, I love you, we'll find her together,"

Lyra glanced at him and sniffed, "How did you get here?" she asked softly resting her head in Peter's lap. "Did you fly?" she laughed. She then stood up, "Come," she then led him into the church. Lyra watched as Peter followed her. She glanced at a music player and turned it on, suddenly the song "Unchained Melody" started to play.

She took Peter's hand and suddenly let go, he looked at her confused, "Lyra," he muttered softly. She wrapped his arms around him and twirled herself around.

"Dance with me," she whispered, Peter blinked, Lyra smiled softly, "Come on," she muttered giving him a small kiss. Peter wrapped his arms around her waist as they slow danced to the song.

Peter looked at Lyra, "We have to go soon," he whispered. Lyra glanced at Peter and smiled softly, she quickly kissed him again. She pulled away, Peter then gave her a small kiss on her forehead.

Lyra nodded, "I need to tell you so much," she muttered, Peter nodded as they walked out of the church, Lyra glanced at Nathan's memorial, "Goodbye Nathan," she whispered softly, "I hope you're looking out for us," She then walked towards it and took the small picture of Nathan that rested on the grave.

She felt Peter grab onto her hand and jump into the air. Flying, it felt so natural now. She felt the wind on her face and soon they reached the ground. She looked at the house, she hadn't been there for what? Almost a month?

She watched Peter open the door and the two were met by Nugget the puppy. Lyra smiled, "Aww, hey little one, how are yo-" she looked up to face Gabriel who immediately wrapped her into a hug. She tried pushing him away. "Hey-hey stop!" she laughed as he touched her ticklish spots.

Gabriel laughed with her, but then frowned, "I'm sorry, about Elizabeth," he muttered, Lyra nodded slowly as she walked into the house and closed the door. She turned back at Peter who smiled softly letting her sit on the couch in the living room with the others. She watched as Emma teach Tracy sign language. 

"Lyra are you okay?" Tracy suddenly asked. 

Lyra looked at the ground, "No, no I'm not, Noah mentioned something about how I can learn people's abilit-" she paused as she glanced at Gabriel. She covered her mouth quickly and raced upstairs, was she like Gabriel? Was she going to become a killer? She quickly changed into something more comfortable than a black dress and she curled onto the bed. 

"Knock, knock," Lyra recognized the voice, it was Gabriel, "Hello? Did you die or something? Earth to Lyra," he sang softly. Lyra rolled over to face him, she sighed. She wasn't like him, right? She wasn't going to become a killer right? She cursed to herself, why hadn't she stayed in Colorado longer! She would've been able to find out things. "Nope, look at me Lyra," he said sternly. 

Lyra stared at Gabriel and sat up, "What?" she asked, "You're going to convince me that I'm not a killer, Gabe you weren't there! I was able to control people's bodies with a flick of my finger," she muttered. "I don't want that," She then sighed, "Then Noah mentions I'm able to learn other people's abilities," she stood up abruptly. "I don't want to be you," she whispered before leaving the room, "I never want to be you,"  

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