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Angela told Peter and Lyra about a place called Coyote Sands, they had to go there to find Angela's sister. Lyra smiled to herself, she didn't even know Angela had a sister, and by the looks of it, Peter didn't know either. Angela had said they had to meet with Nathan and Claire. Lyra was a little bit nervous about that, Nathan was the one who led this whole Danko operation anyways.

"Come on," Peter whispered holding onto Lyra's hand, "Let's go," The three left and went to find a car, Angela led them to the place and Lyra could feel Angela being nervous. Why? What happened at Coyote Sands? As they reached the place Lyra could feel her hands shaking, it seemed like a terrible place! Why had they come here?

She looked around, "It looks abandoned, what happened here?" she asked confused, there was nothing here. Just dust and abandoned houses, Lyra sighed and looked at Peter who was most likely thinking of the same thing. She then turned around but was soon met by Nathan, she took a step back, "The last time I saw you, you tried to kill me, Nathan," Lyra whispered.

Nathan sighed, "I'm sorry," he muttered, "I was wrong about everything," he tried to give Lyra a hug but Lyra awkwardly backed away. She looked at Claire who slapped Nathan's arm in annoyance. Lyra felt Peter grab onto her arm and pull her closer to him. Peter stared at Nathan confused and more aware.

Angela sighed, "Enough dawdling, we have to dig," she muttered. Lyra grabbed a shovel and began to dig, what were they even supposed to find? A few moments earlier, Noah had arrived making Claire happy? But upset at the same time. They had been digging for what seemed like hours. She looked at Peter and closed her eyes.

"Angela, if I just use my ability it'll be pretty easy to dig something out," she said quickly looking at Angela, she then noticed Nathan staring at her weirdly. She shuddered and looked back at Peter who nodded, he grabbed onto her arm and took her ability. "Oh- yeah, I guess you could do that," Lyra whispered.

Peter then lifted up the soil using water and they then found a skeleton, multiple skeletons actually, Lyra turned away, she walked into an abandoned house and sighed loudly, "Didn't think you seemed like the type of person to walk out like that," a voice said from behind. Lyra turned around and faced Nathan, she glanced at him angrily.

"Well, after finding out your brother's a complete psychopath, you change," Lyra muttered staring at Nathan evenly. "What do you want?" she asked before letting out a small sigh, "You've been looking at me- staring at me all weirdl-"

"I want to apologize," he interrupted, he quickly grabbed onto Lyra's shoulder and looked at her, she could feel he was being considerate, did he really understand what he did though? Did he really know how much pain everyone's been through?

Lyra turned away, "I don't think you deserve forgiveness Nathan," she whispered, "Look, I'm with Peter now, you can't change that because I love him, so please leave me alone," she muttered before walking out of the house. She could feel him following her quickly, he seemed almost desperate.

"Lyra wait," he said grabbing onto her arm, "Please," he muttered. Lyra stared at the ground not noticing that Peter saw the two walk out of the house together. She then grabbed onto Nathan's other arm, and stared at him. Lyra sighed, he did deserve to be forgiven, everyone made mistakes.

"Let go," she whispered, "I forgive you," Nathan's eyes gleamed with happiness and he nodded quickly before letting go of her arm. She then watched as Peter march up towards the two.

Peter stared at Lyra upset before pulling her away from Nathan, "What was that?" he asked quickly. Lyra stared back at Nathan and sighed before looking back at Peter, she shook her head.

"Nothing Peter," she whispered before wrapping her arms around him, she smiled before giving him a passionate kiss on the lips. She then walked back to where everyone else was, "So what is it?" she asked confused.

Angela stared at Lyra, her eyes glistened with sadness, "My parents were murdered here," she whispered, "Let me tell you, Coyote Sands is not what it seems," she added. Angela began to tell them about how she and her family were brought here, and everything. Lyra hardly payed any attention, she had stared off in the distance. Tuning in sometimes to hear Angela tell everyone about Alice, her sister's ability which was weather manipulation.

Lyra suddenly stood up, "Peter, can you- come with me?" she asked softly. Peter stared at her confused, but stood up and followed her into a house. Lyra sat on a chair and stared at Peter, "Sorry it's just- Angela's story, my parents gave me away with Gabe," she muttered. "I don't even know my real parents," Lyra whispered. "Peter, my whole life, I- maybe Gabriel didn't know but I always knew I was adopted," Lyra stared at Peter, she then shook her head. "I feel so bad for Angela, I can't- I don't have a real family,".

Peter gave her a hug, "Lyra, you're being silly, you do have family, me, Nathan, Claire, Tracy, and- and Matt, and everyone else who has an ability," he said quickly. Lyra sighed and stared at Peter sadly. She could feel her heart drop. "Hey, hey don't cry," Peter whispered giving Lyra a kiss on her forehead, "Secretly, we all love you, Sylar too I guess," Peter said rather annoyed.

Lyra smiled weakly, "Nathan, Claire, Tracy, and you," she muttered, "Matt doesn't seem to like me much," she added standing up. "Mohinder seems to hate me, Hiro and Ando, they're a little I don't know, I never spoken to any of them,"

Peter stood up beside her and grabbed onto her shoulder, "That doesn't matter Lyr, you have a family, okay? Just believe in us," he whispered. "We love you, well I more than the others but still," he laughed, Lyra slowly laughed with him.

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