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"You're so incredible you know?" Peter said as they entered Matt's property. "You became friends with an empath who could see someone's desires? You met someone who could control nature?" he asked in disbelief. Lyra nodded excitedly, he didn't seem mad anymore, he seemed more excited.

They soon reached the front door, through the glass Lyra could see little toys, Matt had a kid? Interesting, Lyra knocked on the door impatiently, "If my brother really is here, we should be careful," she muttered.

Peter nodded, "Got to take Matt's ability," he said quickly. Lyra laughed before nodding, the door then opened and the two were face to face with Matt.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" he asked confused. Lyra smiled before looking at Peter, what was he going to say?

"We're engaged!" Lyra suddenly cried out. Peter smiled and then let go of Lyra's hand, he then shook Matt's hand taking his ability.

Matt stared at the two in shock, "Wow, um, that's great?" he asked confused.

"Yeah, now where is he?" Peter said as they walked into Matt's house, the two looked around for any sign of Sylar.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop what are you doing?" Matt said quickly.

Lyra followed Peter into the basement and found out that Matt had an unconscious Sylar hiding behind a wall Matt was in the middle of making. Lyra stared at Peter in shock. "What did you do with him?" Peter asked confused.

Matt quickly looked at Lyra with a small smile, he was sweating, because of the work? Or because he was nervous? Lyra smiled back shyly, "What did you do?" she asked. "Either tell me, or I can find out myself," she whispered. Matt quickly stared at her a certain way, "Right, get into my head and try to stop me?" she asked.

He then looked away, "Fine! I took away his abilities and trapped him in a nightmare," Matt said, "It was the only way to keep everyone safe from him," he looked at Peter who was shaking his head and walking closer to Sylar. "No! No, Peter, you could get trapped there," Matt shouted as Peter reached his hand to touch Sylar.

Peter looked back at Lyra, "If anything happens, I love you," he whispered before giving her a kiss, Lyra nodded.

"I love you too," Lyra whispered as he closed his eyes and fell into unconsciousness, Lyra slowly placed him against the wall and sat next to him. "I love you so much," she whispered as she rested her head on his lap.

Matt quickly groaned, "Are you serious?" he asked suddenly looking at Lyra, "I'm so sorry but I have to finish the wall I was building to trap your brother," he said.

Lyra frowned, "You can't," she said sitting back up, "How is he supposed to save Emma?" she asked, "If you do that," she added softly. "Don't think you'll have to fight for it," she threatened suddenly standing up.

Matt shook his head, "I don't want to fight you," he said.

"Why because I'm a girl? Because I'm not powerful enough?" she taunted, "Come on! Hit me with your best shot Matt!" she cried. She opened her palm and quickly slashed water at Matt, making him have a small cut on his face.

"Okay, that's it!" he shouted. He then ran up to Lyra and pushed her onto the ground. "I'm sorry!" he cried as she winced in pain. He then stared at her for a few seconds, you will fall in eternal sleep, you will fall in eternal sleep, you won't wake up. Lyra suddenly fell onto the ground, her head banging against the hard floor, she fell into unconsciousness.


Lyra was awake, she could hear everything but she couldn't move, why was this happening? She then heard some voices, "What did you do?" she recognized the voice as Peter's, he sounded desperate, she felt him walk towards her and he touched her, she then started to feel her body tingle. She could move again, she opened her eyes and stared at the sight. The bricks were laying down everywhere leaving a huge mess.

Peter then gave her a hug, "Hey you," he whispered, "I missed you so much," he said, "Like so so much," he whispered. Lyra frowned, it's barely been a day, why is he acting like he's been gone for years. She leaned in and kissed him passionately, before smiling again.

"Mm, really?" she asked softly, she felt Peter nod and quickly kiss her on the cheek, she then stood up to face Gabriel. She frowned. "Is he?" she started quickly wondering if he was good or not.

Peter nodded, "Five years," Peter whispered, "I was in that nightmare for five years, Lyr even though it was actually only five hours, it felt like years." he said holding onto Lyra's hand. Lyra glanced at him and smiled.

"Five years? You guys probably missed me huh?" Lyra teased before staring back at Gabriel, she then let go of Peter's hand, "Hey, come here Gabe," she whispered before giving him a hug. He hugged back, and Lyra could hear him whimper in joy.

She pulled away and looked at Peter, "Come on, we'll fly to New York," Peter said, Lyra frowned confused, and looked at her compass. Why New York Samuel? She then followed Peter and Gabriel to see an angry-looking Matt who was shaking his head. Peter quickly held onto Lyra's hand as they walked out of the house.

"Hey," Lyra started, she looked at Peter who stared at her curiously, "Let's save the world together," she whispered. He smiled and wrapped his arm around her before jumping into the air.

In minutes they were already in Central Park, New York. Lyra stared around the carnival, she sighed. She looked at Peter, "Lyra, you go with Gabriel," he said making Lyra grab onto Peter's arm tightly.

"What? No!" she cried.

Peter glanced at her sadly, "Please?" he asked. Lyra glanced behind her to see Gabriel, she shuddered in fear. Was he different now? She looked at Peter and sighed, "I promise I'll come to get you after, okay? You two are going to find Emma okay, she's in a tent I don't know which one," Lyra nodded slowly and stood still as Peter left.

She turned around to face Gabriel, "Come, I know where the place is," she said quickly. He nodded and quickly followed her as she walked towards a tent that was most likely where Emma was. "Look, I should go myself," Lyra said, as they were at the entrance.

Gabriel looked at her confused, "I save her, in the dream Peter said I save her," he said.

"Fine, come with me," Lyra said as she opened the curtains.

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