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Lyra gasped as she saw Emma, "Hey, are you okay?" Lyra asked, she then saw Eric, "Eric," she whispered, his ability was physical manipulation being able to control people like a marionette. Eric looked at her and Gabriel and quickly stopped Gabriel from coming any closer to Emma.

"Did Samuel tell you to come here too?" Eric asked, Lyra stared at him and nodded slowly. She walked towards Eric and smiled softly. "Oh okay, why is he here?" Eric asked pointing to Gabriel, Lyra smiled and quickly punched him. Eric fell onto the ground unconsciously.

"Well," Gabriel said, "Come on!"

Emma looked at Lyra who nodded, Lyra stared at Emma's fingers sadly, "Here," she whispered, she grabbed onto Emma's hand and quickly used her ability to wash off the blood. Emma gasped in surprise.

"Your ability is cool," Emma signed. Lyra laughed, what was Emma's anyway? She saw her older brother, tie Eric up with lights.

Lyra sighed, "Why don't you find Peter?" she signed, Emma nodded quickly before giving Lyra a pat on her head. She signed goodbye and left the tent leaving Lyra alone with her brother. Lyra whipped her head around quickly and stared at her brother, "Now that we're alone," she muttered, "Is it true? Are you a changed person now?" Lyra asked curiously. No, he couldn't have changed, no one changes that quickly. But Peter said they were there for five years... Could he have really?

Gabriel looked back and blinked, "Yeah," he said, "I am, look, Lyra, I'm so sorry for everything, for killing Nathan, for-" he started.

"I don't think I'll ever forgive you for that," Lyra interrupted, she brushed her hair with her fingers and glanced at her older brother before looking at the ground, "I can't," she whispered, "Nathan, we weren't close but he was a good man," she then looked up, "I can't forgive you," she said. She felt her heart beating quickly.

"Lyra you're the only person who has to forgive me, you're my little sister!" Gabriel cried, "You, are all I have," he said.

Lyra looked at Gabriel, "I, am all you have?" she said, "I'm Peter's if he forgives you, I forgive you, if he forgave you already, I won't forgive you yet," she watched as Gabriel stood there in shock, "What?" Lyra asked confused.

"You are so stubborn," he said before letting out a small laugh, Lyra glared at him angrily, "Hey," he said, "You're my super-smart little sister,"

Lyra smiled, "Yeah, which is why I'm not forgiving you yet, your power is like a drug, taking abilities gives you pleasure right? Well, you could relapse," she said. "I need to know that you aren't going to kill anyone anymore," Would he even change? Can he even change? How could Peter trust him so easily?

Gabriel sighed, "What are you? A doctor?" he asked. Lyra stared at Gabriel, no he's a killer, you promised, you have to kill him. But that would make me a killer too...

Lyra nodded, "Yeah, something like that," she said, "I work at a hospital Gabriel what kind of question was that?" she laughed sarcastically. Good, gain his trust, Gabriel rolled his eyes before laughing with her, "Come here," Lyra whispered. Gabriel walked over and Lyra quickly slapped his face, she felt tears sting in her eyes, he killed Nathan, he couldn't be forgiven. She quickly activated her ability and closed her eyes, was it possible to have her ability like Tracy's? She looked at the water floating around.

"What was that for?" Gabriel asked touching his face in pain, Lyra glared at him, "Right, you're still mad," he muttered, "Should've known." he added before hitting Lyra lightly. Lyra then slowly moved his finger with her ability and bent it. She gasped in shock as he screamed in pain. "What was that?" he asked.

Lyra's eyes widened in shock, "I controlled the blood in your finger, I didn't know it was going to work," she gasped, "Oh my god," she whispered in shock, she quickly walked towards Gabriel and grabbed his finger. "It's broken," she looked at Gabriel before holding in a laugh, "Ha! Serves you right, murderer," she joked.

Gabriel frowned, "I told you-"

"Lyr!" Lyra turned around to see Peter quickly running towards her, he quickly gave her a hug. He then looked at Eric who was wrapped with lights. Lyra smiled weakly before giving Peter a kiss. "Oh, hi," Peter whispered.

Lyra kissed him passionately, "I may have broken Gabriel's finger," she whispered back, Peter pulled away and laughed. "Hey, it was- my ability," she muttered.

Peter glanced at her curiously, "Your ability? How?" he asked.

"Blood, water, you know theoretically I could control someone's body," she said as they walked out of the tent. She looked at Peter who frowned, "Yeah, I know, I'm not going to use it obviously, it's cruel, I didn't mean to do it to him-"

"Really?" Peter interrupted, he raised an eyebrow suspiciously and Lyra laughed.

"Okay okay, I meant to do it, only cause he's a murderer," Lyra said looking at Emma who was talking to Gabriel. "Peter, what happened to everyone? Lydia and the others?" she asked.

Peter nodded, "Hiro saved them," he said. Lyra sighed in relief, they'd be okay. Right? She looked at Peter sadly, something was wrong, something was going to happen, it then hit her, they were going to get married.

"Okay," Lyra said. She then watched as News Reporters crowd Noah and Claire, what were they up to? She sat down on the grass and Peter sat with her. She felt Emma tap her shoulder and smile. Lyra smiled back, she then looked at Peter, "Hey, um, let's get married soon," she whispered.

Peter laughed, "Really?" he asked. Lyra nodded, he then leaned in and kissed her passionately, "Good," he whispered, "You are mine," Lyra kissed back and pulled away.

"Am I?" she teased. She then kissed him before he could answer, she looked into his brown eyes and smiled at his crooked smile. "I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too," he muttered back, "I love you too," he repeated softly. Lyra kissed him one more time, the two then stood up. Emma and Gabriel standing too as they watched something that seemed impossible- not impossible that wasn't the right word but Claire was climbing up the Ferris wheel.

Lyra stared at Gabriel who kept his eyes on the college girl, as Claire jumped down and obviously survived the reporters had recorded everything, Lyra sighed. "My name is Claire Bennet and this is attempt number... " Claire chuckled, "I guess I've lost count," Lyra shook her head in disbelief and caught Noah Bennet's gaze.

She tapped on Peter's shoulder and Gabriel stared at Bennet, "Let's go talk to him," she muttered, "Emma, you go back to the hospital, tell Fassure I'm on sick leave," she signed to Emma who nodded quickly. Emma quickly dashed off, Lyra saw Hiro and Ando wave at her and she waved back as they approached Bennet and some unfamiliar blonde lady.

As Noah stared at the three in disbelief, Peter held his arms up, "I know what you're going to say- but Sylar's- well he's changed. He saved a woman's life today,"

"Ando and I saved many hundreds of lives," Hiro said. Lyra rolled her eyes, we know Hiro, Lyra glanced at Gabriel who stood there awkwardly.

"We can argue who saved who later, right now, all eyes are on Claire which means you guys have to get out of here, far away from here," the blonde lady said. Lyra sighed, it's true, they'd have to, or the news would chase them down.

Lyra watched as Gabriel nodded, "She's right. It may be a brave new world out there, but I for one would rather face it on my terms, not the media's." he said rather quickly. Lyra nodded in agreement before looking at Peter.

"If Claire's family tree comes out, it's gonna be a mess," Peter said.

"It's a mess for later," Noah said, "For now, we need to join hands so Hiro can take us far away from here,"

Lyra nodded and took Gabriel's hand. He glanced at her holding in a laugh, she rolled her eyes. She then glanced at Claire speaking with the news before shaking her head. What have you done now?

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