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Lyra sighed as she followed Matt, Mohinder, and Peter. She had met everyone, Matt was a telepath, he lost his girlfriend Daphne and he was upset, oh and he could also paint the future. Hiro was powerless and was the chubby man with glasses she saw earlier. Ando was nice and knew more English than Hiro, apparently, Ando can boost other people's ability or something. 

Matt, Mohinder, Peter and herself took Claire's dad and they are trying to get some information on him. Lyra wondered if Claire's dad even knew her, she did have an ability. There should be a file about her, apparently, there were files on everyone who had an ability. Bennet woke up quickly. Lyra looked at him as he stared at her intensely. "I know who you are," he snapped angrily, as he was tied to a chair.

She walked back in shock, she felt someone support her and she turned around, "Peter," she whispered. "Peter," she repeated. Peter looked back at her. Lyra looked at the mirror sadly, her brown hair looked so plain with her brown eyes. Peter kissed the back of her neck, and Lyra arched her head forward. She turned around and kissed him on the lips, and then pulled away.

"Yeah?" he asked softly, staring at her.

"That man said he knew who I am," she whispered. Bennet smiled at her, his smile calm and evil. Lyra shivered. After Matt got into his head, Lyra sat around confused, holding onto Peter's hand as he looked out the window.

"Don't worry," Peter said. Lyra looked at him and she quickly gave him a hug. He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a quick kiss on her forehead. She looked at the small table and saw a glass of water. Peter looked down with her and gave her a small glance. She placed her hand on the glass and water slowly floated in the air.

Lyra laughed, she quickly formed the water into a small heart and splashed it onto Peter's face. He frowned before laughing with her. "You know- my brother-" Lyra started. Matt quickly looked at the two. 

"Peter, I need you to get something, and you," Matt quickly grabbed onto Lyra's shirt. Peter quickly tried to take her back, but Matt pushed him out of the way. "Who are you?" Matt asked quickly. "I saw Bennet's head, now you tell me, what were you doing with him?" he snapped. Lyra looked around confused, with who? Who were they talking about?

"What are you talking about? Who?" Lyra started nervously, she felt Peter grab onto her hand. She stared at him, her eyes wide.

"You're related to Sylar!" Bennet shouted.

Lyra blinked confused, who's Sylar? Peter glanced at her confused, Mohinder quickly grabbed onto her and pressed his arm on her neck. Lyra gasped for air, "Stop!" she cried, "I don't know who Sylar is!" she started to feel tears in her eyes.

"Perhaps you know who Gabriel is?" Mohinder asked. Lyra's eyes widened, Gabriel, how did they know him? Peter looked at her helplessly.

"Mohinder stop," he said quickly. Mohinder glanced at Peter before letting go of Lyra. Lyra gasped for air quickly. Peter grabbed onto her arm and pulled her closer, "Who is Gabriel, to you?" Peter asked softly.

"Gabriel's my brother," she answered softly, "You guys know him?" she asked. Peter backed up slowly, letting go of Lyra, he then grabbed a piece of paper from Matt, who was telling him some combination.

"Your brother's a killer," Mohinder said. "He killed my father, he killed many innocent people,"

Lyra stood in shock as they told her what Sylar or Gabriel had done, she then sighed before staring back at Bennet who was looking at her, his gaze softened? "I'm so sorry, I didn't know," she whispered. "Why would Gabriel do something like that?" she asked quickly. "He's my older brother, he- why would he do something like that?" Lyra cried softly.

Peter wrapped his arms around her from behind and squeezed onto her tightly. "We're going to go," he said quickly. "Come on," he whispered. Lyra felt tears fall down her face, Gabriel killed people, what for? Why would he do that? She then stopped before they exited the hotel room.

"I'm sorry, for what Gabe did," Lyra muttered, "Did he hurt you?" she asked softly. Peter ignored her question and pulled her out of the room before they flew in the air. They landed at an abandoned Primatech place where Bennet kept his stuff.

Lyra stared at the ground sadly, "What did you do Gabe?" she whispered to herself, "Did you get an ability too?" she whispered.

"I know you're not like Sylar," Peter said as they opened a door, "You're like me remember?" he said. Lyra nodded, not really. "Look, your brother, he hurt people, he hurt Claire, he hurt so many people," Peter said. "But you're not like your brother at all, okay? Which is why you're useful," he grabbed onto some guns and grabbed a bag.

Lyra sighed, "I'm so sorry Peter, I'm sorry," she whispered.

"It's okay," Peter said quickly, "Come on, hold this," He handed her a small bag and he wrapped his right arm around her waist. They then flew away. Lyra looked at Peter, he was nice.

"I really- I really think," Lyra paused. Peter looked at her, they were in the air. He looked at her curiously. "Does Gabriel have an ability?" she asked, as they landed on a balcony of the hotel.

Peter sighed, "He has multiple now actually, his ability allows him to learn stuff, really quickly, he tried to take my old ability, killed me actually," he said. Lyra held onto him even tighter. "He kills people to take their abilities," Peter looked at Lyra who sighed. 

"Oh my god," she whispered, "Peter," she cried, she felt tears fall down her face, "Peter, I'm so so sorry, I'm sorry," she said.

"It's okay, I love you," he said, "I promise," he whispered before kissing her passionately on the lips, Lyra kissed back and dropped the bag. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her.

She then pulled away, "Let's go save the world," she whispered. 

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