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Peter closed his eyes and sighed, this would be the first time ever trying to use someone else's ability. He looked at his son, who was smiling excitedly. "Mommy's with that man!" he said. Peter looked away jealously, Lyra was with Nathan, what were they doing together? He shook his head and quickly looked at Ethan. Peter had tried this before, plenty of times, it had worked with Gabriel's healing ability and Emma's enhanced synthesis ability. 

He closed his eyes and then felt Ethan's power within himself, he sighed and then opened his eyes. "Nathan?" he whispered confused as he was staring directly at his older brother. He shook his head then smiled, had it worked? He smiled and laughed, "It worked," he whispered. He then looked at his son, "Thank you Et," he whispered before giving him a small kiss on the side of his forehead. 

"Peter," Nathan nodded. 

Peter gasped and quickly ran down the stairs towards Lyra, he grabbed onto her arm and tried pulling her towards him, "Nathan I told you I don't want to!" she shouted. 

"Bold of you to assume that I was Nathan," Peter muttered softly.

Peter watched as Lyra turned around confused and stare at him in shock, "Oh my god," she whispered, "No no, you didn't die did you?" she asked. She quickly wrapped him in a hug and sighed in relief. "You're still alive, I can hear your heart beating," She then hugged him again tightly, grabbing onto his head and pulling him closer to her. "How did you, how did you do this?" she asked excitedly. 

"Lyra you're not real are you?" he asked softly confused, "You're just an illusion of some sort and whoever is staring at me right now can see me hugging thin air?" he asked. He then pulled away and stared at his beautiful wife, it was a shame. "I-" he started softly, "I love you," he whispered. 

Lyra smiled and laughed, "I know," she muttered. She then wrapped her arms around him again, leaning her face into his chest, Peter wrapped his arms around her, feeling very different. Something was- he pushed her against the wall and kissed her passionately, then pulled away. "Hey don't stop," she whispered, pulling him back towards her. 

Peter could feel his heart racing, and he felt the pain, she was actually here. "Okay, I won't," he whispered before grabbing onto the back of her head and pulling on her hair. He kissed her again and again. Passionately. Lyra then pulled away sadly. 

She then leaned in and kissed him again, "I'm sorry," she whispered before walking away, "Stop using his ability right now and leave," she whispered. "Please, Peter," Peter could tell she was in pain saying those words. He could just tell. 

Peter stared at her confused, "Why would I do that?" he asked. "I have you, right here, and I love it," he whispered. "I can stay like this forever and be with you," he muttered. "Wouldn't you want that too?" he asked. 

"Peter you have to realize no one can see you right now except for me, Nathan and Ethan?" she asked. "You've entered the deceased world, and I need you to go back to the living," she whispered. "Please," 

"Lyra, why can't I stay here?" he asked. 

Lyra sighed, "Because I asked you not to, please don't stay here." she whispered. 

Peter then scoffed angrily, "I'll stay here if I want to," he snapped. "I don't want to leave," he muttered. He then grabbed onto Lyra's hand and gave it a small kiss. "And I'm sure you don't want me to leave either," Lyra pulled her hand away and stared at Peter before blinking. 

"You have to," she shouted, "You have to leave Peter, you can't stay here!" she then calmed down and covered her mouth quickly. "I'm sorry I shouted, but please Peter," she whispered. "I love you and you should know I only want to have what's best for you!" 

Peter shook his head, "You just want me to go because then you'll have more time with Nathan!" he shouted back. Lyra suddenly backed away and felt tears in her eyes, Peter covered his mouth and instantly regretted what he had just said. "Lyr, I'm sorry," he said. "Lyra," he whispered. 

Lyra turned away and disappeared after he heard a small sob, Peter fell to the ground and closed his eyes tightly before opening them again. He raced to the closest thing he could find, which was a mug full of coffee and he quickly threw it onto the ground angrily. It crashed and he quickly shook his head. "Daddy are you okay?" Peter looked at his daughter and smiled weakly. 

"Yeah, I'm okay Beth, thanks for asking," he muttered. He then raced upstairs and was met by Gabriel. He turned away quickly and sighed. "Hey," Peter muttered, not wanting to talk to anyone at the moment. 

"Stressed? Worried? Angry?" Gabriel asked. 

Peter sighed, "It's nothing," but it was something, he just hurt Lyra. The last person he ever wanted to hurt. "No, don't you dare try to empath me," Peter muttered as Gabriel reached his arm out towards Peter. Peter walked away but soon stopped as he felt something odd. 

"You hurt her," Gabriel muttered, "Didn't you?" he asked curiously. 

Peter turned around to face Gabriel, "I didn't mean to hurt her," he muttered. "It was an accident," he whispered. 

"Yeah, but you did it anyway," Gabriel whispered. "Obviously, your only goal now is to go back to the deceased world and apologize to her," he added. 

Peter shook his head, "She doesn't want me there," he whispered. "She told me not to go there," he shouted. "And now I've hurt her, and she doesn't want me there," he closed his eyes, "She hates me now! And I don't even know what to do anymore," 

"You should worry more about people who are actually alive Peter," Gabriel muttered before walking away. Peter shook his head in disbelief, then walked towards Ethan before hearing a loud crash from downstairs. Peter raced down the stairs to see Elizabeth and quickly groaned as he watched her quickly making anything metal fall from cupboards and cabinets. 

"Stop," he shouted. "What are you doing?" he asked. 

Elizabeth closed her eyes, "Sorry, I was just trying out my ability," she whispered. "I didn't kn-" 

"You didn't know," Peter whispered, "Go back to your room now," he started. 

"But I-" 

"Now!" he shouted. 

"Daddy, you're being really mean!" Elizabeth shouted back, "I hate you!" 

Peter looked at Elizabeth angrily and upset, "Go upstairs," Elizabeth looked back at Peter and stormed upstairs angrily. Peter shook his head. "My god, since when was everything falling apart," he muttered. 

"Since you lost her," a voice said from behind. 

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