Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

The next morning Rayne woke and got dressed quickly, she was feeling a little nervous and excited that Marcus had ending things with Thia, and was going to announce to everyone that they were mates. She had decided after he had left her room last night that despite the fact that he had rejected her and started to see her sister that she would give him this one chance. If he really had broken things off with her sister and tells people they are mates then she will accept him.

She made sure in her haste to get ready that she looked good. Wearing a white summer dress , the top half mouldered to her body while from the waist down flared out. After taking one last look at her self in the mirror she walked out of her room humming an old nursery rhyme her mother use to sing to her when she was a small child.

She walked down stairs as fast as she could to the kitchen hoping to get there in time to see Marcus before he left for school.

Before she walked into the kitchen she could hear her sister giggling loudly, which Rayne thought was strange, if Marcus had broken things off with her last night shouldn’t she be upset?

As soon as she walked into the kitchen, Rayne knew something wasn’t right. Her sister was standing over near the counter with two of her friends smiling and laughing at them.

Figuring it was too late to turn around and leave, Rayne took in a deep breath, and let it out slowly before entering the kitchen.

“So what was it like?” Asked Kerry, Thia’s friend.

“Amazing” Thia sighed

“Did you use protection?” Tina, Thia’s other friend asked.

Rayne froze on the spot when she heard that question, she had now caught onto what they were talking about.

“No” Rayne breathed out.

“What’s that freak?” She heard her sister ask.

Rayne ignored her sister and tried her best to get the sudden stabbing pain in her chest under control. She felt her body being shoved before she smashed into the kitchen wall.

“I’m talking to you freak!” She heard her sister scream. Followed by her friend’s laughter.

Rayne let out a small growl before turning around and facing her sister “Touch me again Thia, I dare you” She said in a low voice.

Thia took a small step back before she realised what she was doing. “You can’t talk to me like that” Thia spat out. She straightened her back and took a step towards Rayne “Watch yourself Rayne or I will ruin you”

Rayne laughed a bitter laugh at her sister “How Thia? You have been trying for years to ruin me, and what has it gotten you, nothing. Because I could care less about the people you have turned against me”

“Don’t lie Rayne, I know you are upset about the fact that no one like you” Thia spat.

Rayne rolled her eyes “Grow up Thia, and stop acting like a spoilt little brat who chucks a tantrum every time she doesn’t get what she want’s”

Rayne heard her friends gasp at the way Rayne had spoken to Thia. She had never spoken to Thia that way before in front of her friends. She knew it wasn’t worth facing Thia’s wrath if she did. But right now Rayne didn’t care. She now knows that Marcus had lied to her and slept with her sister and she hated him and her for it.

Rayne shoved her way past Thia and stormed out of the kitchen.

“You going to be sorry for saying that bitch” She heard her sister shout.

RAYNE (SBTE Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now