Chapter Thirty Eight

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Chapter Thirty eight

Jesse POV

Jesse pulled up the front of his mate’s work excited that he was going to see her again. He climbed out of his car and grabbed the box of roses that he had stopped and picked up on his way there. He just hoped that she like roses. He didn’t really know much about his mate. But from what he did know he knew that she was perfect.

He whistled softly as he walked towards the entrance of the shop, when he walked in side he noticed that his mate was not alone.

“What do you mean we can’t be together anymore?” He heard a male voice ask.

Jesse took a deep breath a noticed that the guy in the store was human. He fought with his wolf for a moment who wanted to take control and attack the human standing there. Not only because it was obvious to him that he had been dating his mate but because of the way he was now talking to her.

“Dean please” His mate said softly. "Don't make this harder then it already is"

"Don't make it harder!" He screamed.

"Settle down Dean, you will find somebody else"

“Is there someone else?” He asked raising his voice.

Jesse had, had enough of the way he was talking to his mate and walked forward making his presence known “Is there a problem here?” He asked

The guy looked at him “Mind your dam business” He said to Jesse before looking back at his mate. “Well is there?”

Jesse walked over to the counter where his mate was standing and placed the roses in front of her. “I hope you like them” He said to her. He was pleased when the guy turned his attention back on him.

“So you’re the reason she has dumped me?” The human said harshly. “You are in for a shock though, because I don’t intend on letting her go.”

Jesse narrowed his eyes at the human, he knew he couldn’t kill him even if that’s what he wanted to do at that moment. “I think it is you who are in for a rude shock” He said growling softly. Knowing he needed to get away from the guy before he did something he would regret later he looked at his mate. “Are you ready to go?” He noticed that she looked worried about the situation they were in. So he gave her a small smile in hopes to make her feel better.

“Yeah” She said smiling back at him “Let me just get my bag”

He watched as walked out of the room through a door, the guy moved to follow her but Jesse gently grabbed him on the arm “Where do you think you are going?”

“Take your dam hand off me” He said tugging his arm out of Jesse hold.

He was about to grab hold of the guy but paused when his mate walked back into the room. She walked past the human guy, who grabbed hold of her arm roughly “We aren’t done talking”

Jesse’s control was about to snap, but his mate pulled her arm back from the human “Yes we are” She told him before walking away from him and up to Jesse.

Jesse took her hand in his enjoying the electric shots that spread through his hand and up his arm as they walked out of the store leaving a fuming human behind.

"Slut" He heard the human say.

Jesse didn't think he just reacted, turning around he stormed back into the store and smashed his fist into the guys face, who then flew back from the force and landed in a rack of lingerie  "Don't you ever say that about her again." He said growling loudly standing over the guy. "Or it will be the last words that will ever leave your mouth.

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