Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

“Why didn’t you say something sooner?” Rayne asked Marcus “I mean you have known since, what, sixteen years old?”

Marcus shrugged his large shoulders. Rayne took a good look at the guy standing in front of her, confessing to be her mate. He wasn’t that bad looking with his sandy blond hair and his blue eyes. He was really tall, so tall in fact Rayne’s head only came to his shoulders. He was extremely muscly and had a well-toned body.

“You know why I never said anything Rayne, if the rest of the guys found out that you were my mate I would be ridiculed and picked on the same as you are. Is that really what you want for me?” He asked her.

Rayne shook her head and looked away from him “So this is you rejecting me?” She asked softly. She wasnt shocked by his actions, she knew that if she was unlucky enough to find her mate in her pack that he would reject her. Knowing it would happen didn't lesson the sting of the rejection any though.

When he didn’t answer her she looked back at him and noticed the pain in his eyes. “I’m sorry Rayne but there’s just no way we could be together.”

Rayne nodded her head in understanding. “I would appreciate if you could stay away from me from tomorrow on.” She said softly, “If I see you at all, you will bring on my heat and I’m sure you can work out what that means.”

Marcus frowned “Can’t you stop it?”

Rayne laughed at him “No Marcus I can’t, but don’t worry if somehow we do see each other and I do go into heat I can find anyone I like to help me through it, it doesn’t have to be you.”

She heard a growl escape his lips. “You will not find somebody else!”

Rayne looked at him with a raised eyebrow, she was glad she didn’t feel the mating connection yet. She may not feel the pull like werewolves do, but she would feel attracted to him. Unlike the wolves though she won’t lion out if she were to see him with another girl. She would feel the normal hurt a girl would feel when she found her boyfriend cheating on her.

“You won’t have a say in what I do Marcus, you're rejecting me remember?”

Marcus grunted at Rayne before turning around and storming out of her room.

Rayne went back to her bed and laid down, she was now looking forward to tomorrow even less, if she does run into Marcus and chances were high that she would, she would then have to find someone to help her through the heat.

Rayne groaned aloud and rolled on her side. Why did everything have to be so dam hard? She thought to herself before drifting off to sleep.

The next morning Rayne woke to the sound of knocking on her door. “Rayne sweet heart are you awake?” She heard her mother ask through the door.

“Yeah” Rayne replied

“Happy birthday sweet heart!” Her mother said through the door, “We are all waiting down stairs for you”

“Ok mum I will be down in a minute” Rayne climbed out of bed and pulled open her closet, finding a yellow summer dress she slipped it on over her bra and panties, she found a pair of white flats and slipped them on her feet before walking over to her mirror. Picking up her brush, she started to comb through her long golden blond hair. Once she had managed to tie it up in a neat ponytail, she took a good look at herself in the mirror.

She was now eighteen and her lion was fully matured. She leaned in closer to the mirror so she could have a closer look at her golden brown eyes. They weren’t the same colour as her mothers or her fathers, making her even more different than she already was. Her mother had explained that she had her grandfather’s eyes where is her mother had her grandmothers eyes.

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