Chapter Thirty Five

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Chapter Thirty Five

Kane POV

Kane walked into his father’s office. “I found her! I found my mate!” He said to his father before he even closed the door.

AJ smiled at his son. “That’s great where did you find her?” He asked.

“In town while I was at the drugstore picking something up for Rayne.”

“Well where is she?” AJ asked looking behind Kane at the closed door.

“She is still in town, she had only just moved here. Apparently she moved here for a job but that fell through. I kind of offered her a place to stay, and maybe some work for her.”

AJ frowned. “Is she a werewolf?” He asked.

“No, she’s human.”

“That could be a problem,” he said

“I know,” Kane said sighing. “But I don’t think she has any money and no work, I can’t just let her live on the street. She has her little sister to take care of.”

The door opened and Kane’s mother walked into the room. “Your father just mind link with me and told me you have found your mate,” she said as she walked over to Kane.

He smiled at his mother. “I did. I am just asking dad for permission for her to stay here.”

“So she is a wolf?” His mother asked.

“No,” he said shaking his head.

He watched as his mother looked at his father both their eyes had gone glassy obviously talking through the mind link to each other. A few minutes later they both looked at Kane. “It will be difficult but I’m sure we can work something out,” AJ told his son.

Kane could not help the smile that appeared on his face. “Thanks dad, thanks mum.”

“When will you be bringing her here?” His mother asked.

“As soon as I am done here I am going to drive back into town and get her,” he said to his mother before looking over at his father. “She refuses to stay here if she is not able to pay off her board by some form of work.”

Kane’s mother waved a hand at him. “She can help me in the kitchen if she likes I could always use an extra set of hands to help me cook for everyone.”

“That’s a great idea,” he said. “Ok well I am going to go and get her now,” he told his parents before racing to the door.

“Kane,” his father said stopping him. “If she is going to be living here it won’t give you much time to get to know her before you have to tell her what you are.”

He let out a deep breath. “Yeah I know.”

“Then what are you waiting for, go and get her,” his father said smiling at him.

Kane wasted no time running out of the office and out of the pack house to his car. He drove as fast as he could down the dirt driveway towards the main road. It didn’t take long for him to get back to town. He drove to the motel where his mate was staying and made his way to her room. He knocked on the door softly in case her sister was sleeping.

His mate opened the door and smiled. “You’re back!” She said still smiling at him.

“Are you ready to go to your new home?” He asked her.

“Your parents are ok with it?” She asked.

“Yep, and mum even found a job for you.”

“Oh thank you Kane,” she said jumping in his arms and hugging him. “This morning I had woke up so scared of what I was going to do, I have no money my room is only paid up until the end of the day and I had nowhere to go,” she said.

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