56 - return

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Jade's POV

Summer ended shortly and life proceeded as normally as it could.

The death eaters really had no need for us and decided that we must stay inside the manor at all times.

My parents left and decided to stay at our own home, but I couldn't go back and stay with them. Not after what they did.

Draco went to ask his parents if I could still stay at the manor and Lucius threw a fit as usual, but Narcissa agreed sweetly.

Life at Malfoy Manor was interesting to say the least.

They had a billion house elves and their house seemed to go on forever.

I actually got lost once and had to apparate to the front door in order to find my way again.

But don't tell Draco that or I'll never hear the end of it.

Lucius was rarely ever home and Narcissa was always doing her own thing, but Draco and I didn't mind. We found ways to pass the time.

I introduced him to the muggle game Sorry and he didn't like it at first, mainly because he was a major sore loser, but he became addicted and played until he would win.


"This is bullshit!" He yelled as he glared down at the game in front of us, "You can't just knock my player off the board. I was about to get to the safe point!"

I laughed histerically seeing him so upset over a silly game but just shrugged, "That's the rules, Malfoy. I get to knock it off fair and square."

"Sorry." I smirked at him and he huffed as he crossed his arms in front of him.

He looked like a child who wasn't getting his way. "Where'd you even find this fucking muggle game?" He asked, still paying about his loss.

"Hermione introduced it to Y/n and I one time when we were hanging out. I didn't like it at first, but then I started to win and I just can't stop." I smiled as he rolled his eyes.

Hearing Y/n's name affected him though, because he sighed and looked down to fiddle with his watch.


He did this quite often and I would sometimes find him re-reading the little inscription on the back of it before he went to bed.

I would giggle seeing how whipped he was but then would remember how hard it was for him. He and Y/n had been threw so much and they had been separated all summer.

The last time he saw her was when she had been brought to Malfoy Manor and seeing her that way must have been torturous for him. She was hurt by his own Aunt and then Narcissa brought her away to another room and I felt myself let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

I knew Narcissa could recognize her and would never hurt her.

She loved Y/n.

Sometimes Narcissa would talk about how much she missed Y/n around, too, and Draco would always ask if we could change the subject. Narcissa would sigh and continue doing whatever she had been doing previously, not wanting to remind him that she wasn't here.

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