Chapter 93 - Moment Of Truth

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Jo's POV -

The blanket of calmness that covers my body as soon as I am within arms reach of Hero amazes me. He makes me feel fearless and safe, loved beyond anything I ever felt before. I had been pacing the floor, watching out for him to arrive. As soon as he pulled up I was at the door. Since he got home he hasn't shut up with questions though, what's wrong? What are you drinking? What are you hiding? Give me a break already. Lying is way harder in person than over a phone. It was difficult then but atleast I could hide my face now I am full display as I think of ways to divert the conversation. I am no good at hiding my feelings, my facial expressions always rat me out.

He is getting irratated so I decide it's now or never. He is going to find out soon, I can't hide it from him amd I feel a surge of confidence so I grab it. I take his hand and lead him into the livingroo., stalling maybe but in here it feels better to break the news.

'Sit' I demand but continue to stand pacing back and forth.

'Jo you're freaking me out. What is going on. Are you leaving me. Did I do something?' he panics, grabbing my hand to pulle closer to him.

'Oh god, no. Don't be stupid. I'm staying put as long as you want me to after...... Well after I tell you what we did' I scan his face to see hwo he takes this nugget of information but his knitted brows and confused look tell me he doesn't get my meaning.

'Promise me you will say exactly what you feel. Do not hide anything from me?' He nods still looking unsure of what is to come. 'Promise me Hero' I state sharply.

'I promise, what is it Jo'

'I got sick when you was away. I passed out and went to the doctor who then sent me to the hospital and I had some surgery' I pause.

'What! This all happened the day I left. What do you mean sick, sick fixable or sick, you know' he makes a wierd expression of death I think. Its funny and luckily not the case so I laugh rather than take offence. He's being honest and saying what he thinks I guess.

'Sick, fixable babe. The surgery was successful. I was out later that day that's why I hadn't answered your calls but there's more OK' I take a deep breathe and internally encourage myself to be strong. 'In about 7 months we will have a new addition to our family, your going to be a Daddy babe' I wince at the words and pray he isn't mad.

'A Daddy, a baby daddy. You have a baby in your belly right now' he says quietly scanning my body for clues of some sort of giveaway sign.

'Yes, a baby is in there now. Little jellybean is 10 weeks old' I sit beside him taking his hand and placing it on my stomach but he pulls away and stands. When he reaches for my hand and pulls me to his chest I feel his heart racing and a tiny drop of wet catches the tip of my nose. He's crying. I look up into his emerald eyes and the smile he shows me makes all of my worry melt away.

'Baby, I love you. And I will love you to little man' he says rubbing my tummy.

'Little man? Hold on, it may be little lady yet' I laugh, I can't believe he is so sweet right now. I expected a slightly different reaction but once again he blows me away with his kind soul and loving ways.

'You can be a girl or a boy as long as you like football Baby Jellybean' He kneels kissing my torso and hugging my thighs, soft tears spilling from his eyes. This is the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. My family, my beautiful man and my tiny baby growing inside me. After we both gain our composure Hero insists we go and tell his Mom. I explain that she and Mercy know but we still go along, I want them to see him after his trip plus I love being there with his family so we walk along, Hero is skipping nearly and looks like a man who just won the lottery. My heart swells watching him. I am so lucky, so incredibly lucky to share this moment with the most amazing man in the world.

Hero's POV -

A daddy, a fucking daddy. I don't know how but my heart bursts in my chest at the idea of having a child with the beautiful girl I fought so hard to be with. This is our reward, we are going to share a life that is half of her and half of me. Our baby. I could fucking shout as loud as I want right now, I want the world to know our news. My first instinct is to talk to my little person and I do as I drop to my knees and listen for any sign of movement, Jo laughing whilst running her fingers through my hair.

I can't believe it, I can't fucking believe it. Part of me has thought about this day before, back in Los Angeles but I knew it would be way off. Now its happening I couldn't be happier. I need to tell my Mom.

'Babe, they know. I'm sorry. Mercy was with me and your Mom figured we lied so turned up and got it out of us but we should go still. She would be made up to see you' she says softly. As I get ony feet I drag my girl behind as we make our way to my Mom's. As usual I don't knock, I saunter in like I won the biggest match of the season. Swaggering my way through her house to find her.

'Hero! My boy. How was Italy' I grab her before she finishes and swing her around in my arms.

'Hey Grandma' I say smiling the biggest grin and she matches it with tears flowing down her cheeks.

'You know. Oh thank goodness. How do you feel, is Jo here to?' she asks just as my girl enters the kitchen smiling and giggling with Mercy and Titan. Titan walks over and hugs me tightly congratulating me, Mercy follows and suggests Mercy as a name for our baby. She's an idiot and Jo stands watching the emotional exchange when I pull her in to join us all.

'Well I think this calls for a celebration. Call your Dad and invite him over son' my mom I struts as she starts rattling around for glasses. Jo looks a little worried so I pull her in and whisper into her ear asking what's up.

'I'm only 10 weeks, what if a celebration is too early. Isn't it like 12 weeks before you do that and tell people?' she grips my waist and I feel my worry spread. Shit! Maybe she's right. I don't know. Isn't it OK to do this now. I've never been a Dad, I just 2anted the world to know but if she is apprehensive maybe we should wait.

'Just a small celebration hey babe? Nothing wild just us' I gesture to the room reassuring her I will keep my mouth shut.

'OK, yeah. Your right. No need to worry is there' she smiles.

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