Chapter 13

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Hero's POV -

I'm gassed that Jo liked her gift, I was so nervous about giving her it. At the mall I bought it without a second thought, I wanted to give her something special but didn't really understand why so I did it on impulse. I'm glad I did though. Hero 1 point, I mentally make a note of my victory, why am I keeping score I laugh to myself. We join the others for dinner and I'm pissed that all the guys are sat at one end of the long table, Obviously I join them because I don't know what girls talk about so I would be out of my depth if I joined them. Jo is at the opposite end of the table and I notice the way she is admiring her bracelet, it makes me smile knowing I am the cause of it. When our meals arrive we all tuck in and I see Anna reach for Jo's wrist, she looks panicked and I watch intently trying to lip read the exchange of conversation. The guys are so loud I can't really make out what they are saying but Anna and Inanna are grinning and Jo is stuttering. I hope she doesn't tell them it's from me, just as I strain my ears to hear the conversation Jo says 'Oh, yeah it is. My friend gave me it as a good luck charm for filming'. Her words instantly make my chest ache, a friend. Her fucking friend. This shouldn't bother me it's a factual statement but it does, it bothers me greatly. I know that's all I am to her but I wanted to be more, how didn't she get that. I don't normally buy random chicks jewellery but then as I think it I realise she doesn't know me. How could she know this isn't what I do on a regular basis, would she feel differently if she knew she was the first woman to ever receive a gift from me. I know it was unrealistic but something about this woman made me want to be so much more than a fucking friend. Apart from a drunken kiss Jo hadn't given me any indication that she felt the same, that didn't stop me from wanting her though. Since meeting her I knew something was different, I told myself it was just attraction but as I spend more time with her and crave being around her I know it isn't just attraction. It could be the unknown I guess, wanting somethingnI:ve never had but I don't see myself getting bored of her and that's when the penny drops that I wanted Jo more than I've ever wanted someone in my life. Shit, that's deep and unexpected but it is what it is. However, neither of us want to fuck up our first lead so maybe I need to park this and just get on with the film. Forget my ridiculous fantasy and focus on what I'm here to do. It's for the best, I know it's for the best I tell myself.

A few of us decide to go to a club, I haven't been out since London so I'm up for a night out, check out the scene. As we all head outside for the Uber I notice some of the group aren't around, I scan everyone's faces and take note that Jo, Anna, Shane and Dylan are missing. Where are they? I walk over to Sam and ask the question.

'Dude, they are staying here. To tired or to boring you decide'. He smirks whilst holding up his hands in defeat. Fuck, why isn't Jo coming? She'd rather sit with Dylan than hang out with me. I feel rage burning through me. She really knows how to press my buttons without trying. I shouldn't be annoyed about this but I am. I'm pissed off. The Ubers arrive and before I can enter the lobby and grab her ass out here to come along I am being ushered into a cab with Sam, Swen and Meadow. I'm grateful not to be with the girls, Pia keeps looking at me and it makes me feel uneasy. Like I'm on display or something.

I'm quiet in the cab, I nod during thebconversation so not to appear rude but I'm not paying attention. All I can think about is the happy foursome enjoying each others stories and jokes in the lobby. Fuck sake Jo! We arrive at the club and the doorman nods at Meadow and let's us all in. I'm not old enough to drink in America but no-one challenges me which is a relief. I order my go to drink of E & J with Coke. I scan the room and see this place is busy, everyone is crammed in like sardines. The dance floor is full of half naked girls grinding in strangers with drinks spilling as they twerk. It is alot like London I guess. Normally I would be sat with my mates, mocking the dirty dancers. Girls in clubs are not my thing, never have been. Just as I turn to take a seat on the bar stool Pia and Khadija strode over and grab at my arm 'Come dance, this tune is awesome' they both plead with wide eyes.

'Nah, I'm sitting this one out. Thanks though'. They don't look impressed but turn to Swen and Meadow with the same question, I'm relived they didn't press me on dancing. I dance back home but I'm comfortable with my mates so it's never a question we just all mess around. They stalk over to the dance floor and disappear from sight. Sam and I sit at the bar talking about music, he's in a band and was on Glee. I didn't know that about him, he has this Punky musician look about him and a really cool chain and padlock necklace, it seems so obvious that music would be his thing now but I didn't have him down for a Glee. That surprises me, I thought that was an up to date high school musical type thing. Not my go to that's for sure. I like Sam, he has this laid back, chilled vibe going and I can see us being friends. We have another 2 drinks before anyone returns to join us. The night goes fast but my thoughts still remain with Jo. Drunk girls crowd the bar and I see Sam blush, I don't know what was said but I do see him proudly annocuing he has a girlfriend and the girls disappointment is clear on her face. I don't feel sorry for her, it's a club. Who meets in a club unless it's just a hook up.

We go and find a table on the upper floor and Swen orders a bottle of grey goose for us all. The drink goes down nicely and I know its starting to pulse through my viens when my head starts to buzz. After another 3 bottles I hear the guys announce the Uber is outside. I enjoyed tonight, I talked with Sam most of it but I had thought about her for alot longer than I should have. On the way back I think about knocking on her door but I'm drunk and have no clue what I would say plus I need to stay away. This obsession is not healthy, we will be filming in 2 days and I need to stay professional. I stumble into the lobby and ask the receptionist the time.

'It's 4am Sir, can I get you anything?' she responds politely.

'Shit, I mean sorry urm no. I'm OK thanks'. I reply while staggering to the lift. Wow that drink sure has hit me now, my vision is blurry. I can see 3 lifts but I'm certain there is only 1 here. As the door opens I try to locate my room. 320, 318, 316, 314, 312, 310, 308 too far, I'm sure I'm in 312, wait...... No I'm 316. Jo is 312. I'd like to be in that room to but not to tonight I tell myself. Not any night. Get a grip Hero.

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