Chapter 96

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Jo's POV -

I am shocked at how quickly my pregnancy has passed, I am huge now and ready to meet my little guy, I have a week to go until my due date. Hero and I made an announcement of our news on Instagram, again choosing not to read comments or be sucked into any negativity. It felt right to share our news, I mean I was getting bigger by the day so we took control, we decided together and posted our news. Never will I let someone else control my personal life, after what the guys did to us early on with the photo.

Work has been quiet for me, not much you can do pregnant. Unless they cast a pregnant lady but Hero had been busy and cast in a film upcoming releases. Luckily filming wasn't far from home so he was able to come back rather than months away. Not that I would have stopped him, I want him to suceed. He loves acting and I would never ask him to step back from it, pregnant or not. He has been amazing throughout this experience, looking after me and Jellybean like a pro. He was a natural and will be a fantastic Daddy.

Everything is ready now, the nursery is complete and looks beautiful. Our stocks are piled high and little man has so many clothes, to many. Hero kept buying stuff and sneaking it into the closest, he thinks I didn't notice but I did. Our families have done the same buying non stop aswell as friends. Everyone has been so generous. I'm currently sat crossed legged in the nursery packing some outfits into the hospital bag. I am so nervous about birth but so excited. We can't decide on a name for jellybean but when we see him we will know.

'Jo, where you at babe?'

'Nursery. Just finishing up' I reply as he walks in. I'm glad because I need a hand getting up now. He even painted my toes and shaved my legs. What an experience that turned out to be. His nil art skills are poor and he covered most of my feet but his concentration face was hilarious so I didn't mind to much. I joked about a little girl and how he would fail at dress up. As he helps me up he has that look, the look I have become used to. He can't keep his hands off me, he loves my pregnant body and the increase in cup size. He licks his lips and I melt. Damn hormones. As we clash lips and move towards our bedroom my body tingles. Hero cups my breasts and turns me around planting soft kisses along the base of my neck whilst pulling up my skirt. I feel his fingers rub my sex and he enters me. The pleasure is intense as he glides in and out but I stop in panic as my legs feel damp. Hero stops and looks at me oddly.

'What is that Jo? Did I do something, have I hurt you' he looks over the floor beneath my parted legs and screws up his face whilst paling. 'Jo baby, it's blood. Alot of blood. We need to go now!' he states whilst fixing my skirt and running for the bag. I don't feel anything unusual, I mean no pain or aches. I am not worried only the fact I can see blood. As we climb into an Uber I try to remain calm. I have no pain, its OK I chant. As soon as we stop he grads my arm and guides me to the desk, his worry is evident as he explains in detail what happened. I'm so embarrassed at his graphic explanation to the lady at the desk who flushes a pink colour when he states "I was fucking my wife and then blood came, lots of blood and she is 38 weeks pregnant" I slap his arm as his voice is loud and everyone turns to stare. I want to disappear at the shame.

We take a seat and before long I am called in by a midwife I assume. She checks my heart rate and temperature before plugging me up to a mointor to check babies heart rate. I hear the beat through the machine and it is music to my ears. She confirms that a doctor will be in shortly. Within 10 minutes a tall blonde male e tears and greets us.

'Miss Langford I am going to examine you now, to see what is going on OK?' I nod and he bends down at the end of the bed. I laugh as Hero glares at him and tries to stand, I quickly grab his wrist and give him a death glare causing him to sit quiet.

'Well, you are 5 centimetres dilated Miss Langford. You have no pain? No cramping or tightness across your abdomen?' he asks. As I nod to indicate No he looks worried. Looking over the monitor as he thinks.

'Is everything ok Doc' Hero asks concerned by his questions.

'Yes, baby has a steady heart rate, no distress but my concern is your body is not progressing into labour naturally. You should be in some discomfort by now and due to no contractions your baby will be unable to travel your birth canal. I suggest an emergency C Section Miss Langford. We can deliver your baby safely and keep you comfortable during the birth. You will be awake throughout but numbed from the waist down. We need to get things rolling though and prep you for surgery. Do you accept?' he states, his tone is quick. Before I even have time to think I agree. I don't care what or how aslong as Jellybean is safe. Hero drops his head into his hands and I sift my hands through his hair to comfort him.

'It will be OK baby, we can do this. We get to meet jellybean sooner rather than later' I try to sound excited rather than nervous as he lifts his head and kisses my hand.

Hero's POV -

I hurt her, I feel so guilty that I broke something inside her because I couldn't give her a damn break. My fucking hormones were in overdrive for this whole time. Fuck!

I don't know how she does it, no matter what happens she puts on a brave face. My girl has grown our beautiful boy and done everything to protect him and even now, knowing she is going to surgery she is smiling. I'm a mess, I saw a C section on telly and it made me gag. Fucking hell! Jo asks me to phone our parents to let them know so I quickly nip out and have a smoke at the same time. My Mom is on her way amd Jo's parents must be asleep, I tried Kat too but left voicemail for them all to call when they can explaining the situation. When I get back to Jo she is changed and being transferred to another bed.

'Are you ready Mr Langford?' the nurse asks but I don't correct her and follow them along the corridor clutching my girls hand all the way. As we arrive a nurse takes me aside to a small room and makes me change aswell as wash throughly. Does she think I'm dirty I think as I do as i'm told. When I enter the room, Jo is lay with a screen below her breasts blocking the view. It looks very clinical and smells like bleach, it's making me queasy. Jo reaches for my hand and I lean towards her 0lanting kisses across her cheeks.

'You OK baby?' I ask between kisses.

'Yeah, it's not how I planned but I can't wait to see our boy. I love you Hero' she smiles and the Doctor explains he is starting. I peer over but quickly regret it, Jo has a gaping big hole in her stomach and blood. Urgh so much blood. I quickly focus on my girl, how the fuck is she smiling when that horror show I'd going on. How the fuck can she not feel that. Before I make myself sick I hear it, I hear our boy announcing his arrival to the world in a high pitched scream and Jo and I both look at one another with tears spilling from our eyes.

'Well done baby, you did it. You fucking did it. You amazing woman. I fucking love you!' I gush as a nurse brings a tiny bundle towards us and places him in Jo's chest. I stare in awe of the sight before me. My beautiful girl holding the most beautiful little boy I ever saw. His hair is dark like mine and he has the cutest little finger gripping her hand. 10 tiny fingers I notice and sign in relief, she didn't need to worry he was perfect. She looks at me with wide eyes sobbing and kissing his tiny hand.

'Hey Daddy. Nice to meet you' she jokes but I see her expression change and her eyes roll back into her head. What the fuck! I grab Jellybean and the nurses push me back. I scream but they ignore and jellybean cries. I try to comfort him whilst figuring out what is happening but before I get chance I am guided into the hallway. I want to rip the nurses fucking arms off for moving me away. My rage is taking over but I try to keep my head. My boy is in my arms and needs me to stay calm.

'Sir please wait here, we have to act quickly she is hemorrhaging. We have to stop the bleeding. I will update you as soon as possible' she turns and leaves abruptly. What. The. Fuck. I am crying with fear, I can't lose Jo. I can't, I pace back and forth staring at my boy trying to keep my calm for his sake. As I pace I notice my Mom walking towards us with panic in her eyes. She knows something is wrong.

'Hero, where is Jo?' she asks whilst admiring our boy. I try to explain but can't catch my breath, she gets the jist of it and holds us tightly.

'Don't you worry, that woman is a fighter and she will be out in no time. Do you hear me' her voice is adament but her tears make me question how sure she actually is. This was meant to be a beautiful time in our lives and now, well now I don't know what the fuck it is. I stare down at my boy with adoration, taking in his tiny features and the way he is gripping my finger in his tiny hand.

'We will see Mummy soon Jellybean. I promise, she just got held up but she'll be back soon until then little man you got me and I won't go anywhere ok' I whisper as I plant soft kisses on his tiny hand walking back and forth.

Herophine A tale of two Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora