Chapter 51 - New York

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Hero's POV -

As I grab my bags from the conveyor belt at JFK, I feel exhausted. I know I just sat for 17 hours but that shit is tiring before I even get to departures I see flashing cameras and hear my name being screamed. As much as it flatters me that After has such an amazing following, sometimes the reality that I am always on show does get to me slightly. Like now for instance, I'm cranky, tired and just want to go to my hotel room but instead I have to paint on a smile and pose for numerous photo's. I'm lucky everyone accepted me as Hardin, so lucky to have this and I appreciate it along with every fan but I really just want some sleep right now. As I walk out of departures Anna and some guys are waiting for me. She waves over in between talking to some fans that have gathered with books to sign. I head over and one of the burly men takes my luggage from me. As I take a pen from the girl in front and start to join in with signing the books and standing with 20 people or more for photo's, thanking each one for taking the time to come and see us I feel relieved when Anna makes our excuses and tells them we have to get going for the busy day ahead. I feel bad but wave to everyone on my way to the car.

'So glad your here, its been to long Mr. So first things first. We are going to the hotel, you can nap, shower, eat or whatever and then when Jo arrives we have a Skype meeting with some press. Tonight we will stay in and tomorrow, well tomorrow the fun begins' she squeals, hugging me tightly.

As I process the plan of what is to come I can't help the rush of excitment coursing through me, in a few hours my girl will be here. I want to come back to pick her up with Anna but that's not the best idea and may spark some rumours. We'll they wouldn't be fake rumours but it's attention we don't need right now so I will stay put and wait for her to get to the hotel. I can try and sleep for abit anyway. Anna and I talk about what's been happening since we last saw each other, I tell her about Jo's visit and meeting my family leaving out the dramatic twists. That's our business and we worked through everything so I don't disclose that information Anna looks shocked and saddened at the same time.

'Hero, I don't know how you two do it being parted for two months. I mean I get it, it's just how it is but I couldn't imagine not seeing Jordon and Asha for that long'. Her words hit a nerve in me and I instantly feel pissed that we are parted like this. Jo could move to London and it wouldn't be like this. The fact I sit slightly annoyed by her decision not to irks me. It's selfish so I try to change the subject.

'Who is coming along on tour with us?' I ask.

'Well Jo, you and I will be doing the press releases. Dylan, Sam, Shane and Inanna will be at some of the book signings and the others are still trying to figure it out due to commitments. Everyone wants Hardin and Tessa there so we can atleast deliver on that front'. I think over the time when Dylan irrated me greatly, that seems so long ago now. I actually got to know him over the last month of filming and liked him nearly as much as Sam. Strange how things change I laugh to myself.

'What's funny?' Anna asks with a questioning look. I don't have the heart to tell her I thought Dylan was a dickhead so I skirt over it and move the topic along. After chatting for an hour or so we arrive at the hotel and after checking in I make my way up to the room to settle in before Jo arrives. I won't be in here much, I guess I will be in twith Jo like last time. After checking out the rooms and getting comfy, I doze off.

Jo's POV -

Urgh, that flight was awful. I was sat beside a kid who screened the whole flight. My head is throbbing and my ears are ringing. I like kids, I think but that was a horror movie and as soon as I could I jumped and raced for the exit of that plane. I saunter through the crowd and wait for my case. I am in such a mood, I thought I would be buzzing to be here but it hasn't happened yet. I grab my case and head towards out. Camera's start flashing in my face and 10 or so girls are screaming and sobbing as I approach. This is overwhelming, how did they know I would be here. I pad over to them and greet them all. A few take pictures and I sign a poster one of them made. It's pictures of me and Hero, so many pictures and I know havllf of them are fake because I don't recall ever being in a sofa shop with him. The thought amuses me, they are so invested in us being together. It's sweet and not far from the truth but it worries me that we are going to fuck up and they will all hate us. Resulting in Hardin and Tessa being a failure with it. The pressure buolds within me but I put it out of my mind for now. They don't actually know what is going on with Hero and I so we have no expections. Luckily.

Just before I walk through the doors I spot Anna, she runs towards me and bear hugs me. I missed her and her constant happiness. This woman is never not smiling, its infectious. We climb into a car and talk so fast we both burst into laughter.

'Go, you first' I say whilst giggling.

'I missed you so much, I feel like so much time has passed. Hero got here OK. He is at the hotel. So he told me you met the in laws?' she grins eyeing my reaction at her statement.

'In laws ha! Slow down Anna, I met his family. It was lovely, they are lovely. I had the best time with him but its been 2 months and I'm nervous to see him. I mean, what if everything has changed' I can't help my admission, it's out before I can stop it.

'Jo, he is waiting for you to arrive. The boy can't wait. I grilled him already so I know nothing has changed. Distance makes the heart grow fonder and all that. You know?'

Her words soothe me greatly but I still can't shift this unsettled feeling I have in the pit of my stomach, When I see him I' M sure it will go away but until then I am stuck with it. We talk over everything we have been doing, Anna has some great news on a new book she is writing and tells me how she wasn't ready for After to finish so is paying with the idea of an additional book. I love the ways her eyes light up at the mention of After. I know out of all her work that truly is her favourite. It may be fictional but she has an invisible tie to those characters I can tell. As she gives me the lowdown on the days to come I think of all the amazing places we will see and all the faces that will show to support us. I'm not as keen on the press tour, I don't like the quick fire questions they ask. I like to remain somewhat private but at book tours I can be Tessa so the intrusive stuff doesn't affect me the same. I know that Anna will be there too so I can relax a little. When we arrive at the hotel my stomach is doing sumersalts. Shit, this is it. In my head this will be like the movies, I'll see him across the foyer. He'll see me and we will run in slow motion to be reunited, I laugh out loud at the image. But in reality, I have no idea how this will go. Why do I have such a negative feeling about all of this?

'Jo, you in there sweetie?' Anna clicks her fingers in front of my face pulling me out of my thoughts.

'Yeah, yeah I'm here. Sorry'. I can't help but think sharing a room with Hero was a bad idea, I should have had my own room incase this goes wrong. Shit Jo, get a grip. Nothing has changed I tell myself. We spoke everyday, I would have felt a shift if it was different, wouldn't I?

Anna tells me the room number whilst handing me a keycard, as I stride up the hallway to the room I feel sick. I am blaming it on excitment. I have a key but should I knock? Fuck stop overthinking this, go get your man I scream at myself internally. I push my card in the reader and open the door. Here goes nothing.

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