Chapter 64

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Hero's POV -

I needed that, I needed to lose myself in my girl and forget all the stress from today. Jo has a way of making me forget everything by taking me to a place I have never been. I mean I've had sex before Jo and I but it didn't feel or mean anything like it does with her. I can't get enough of her, the way she makes me calm and safe at the same time. When I'm with Jo, nothing else matters. I think today as been tough for everyone, as we lay chatting nonsense about this or that I can't help but laugh at some of Jo's answers.

'Do you prefer Popcorn or Chocolate' I ask.

'Both' she giggles

'Nah, your not getting this Jojo, you have to pick that's why it's called this or that' I laugh, the way she wants both answers each time is making me crease. She can't pick and it's adorable. After we mess around for what seems like hours her phone starts pinging like crazy.

'It's Anna, she wants us all to go out tonight for bowling' she looks unsure on whether she wants to go and to be honest I feel the same. I am not really interested in team building shit today. I would happily stay up here with my girl trying to explain the rules of our silly game.

'What do you want to do?' I ask, silently hoping for the same answer as mine.

'Well, I'm not thrilled at the idea but I also think we should show our faces and try for Anna's sake. I don't want to bail on her. We could go for abit and leave if its awkward atleast we tried?' she says softly whilst typing away. 'Anyway I just agreed so move your ass and get ready' she pokes my dimples whilst rolling over me dramatically heading for the bathroom.

'That's alot of sass and shaking of ass Miss Langford' I shout after her whilst trying to calm my urge to follow her and make us late. I guess I better freshen up to for our night of fun with the group, I roll my eyes as lifting off the bed to find something uncreased to wear. I have no issue with Anna, Sam and Shane but the other two have pissed me off throughout the course of this trip. Just as I head to the wardrobe I hear the door. For fuck sake what and who the hell is this, I close the bathroom door on route so Jo has some privacy from the intruder. Pulling open the door I can't help but laugh.

'What?!' I don't hide my frustration at the intrusion.

'Hey, urm can I talk to you and Jo real quick?' he stutters looking nervous as hell. This really does please me.

'Jo is busy. What is it, I' ll be sure to pass on the message' I state whilst standing in the door way.

'I am really sorry man. I fucked up and this' he waves his arms between us 'Is not ideal. I didnt mean to do you like that. I would take it back if I could, I know I can't but can we move past it, please?' Dylan looks at me like some lost child waiting to reunite with Mommy. Fucking pathetic.

'Easier said than done but I said I would be civil so your face is safe aslong as you got the message it's a no go zone. I wouldn't have been as pissed if you just said it to her, but you kissed my fucking girl, in my room. That's low' I don't hid my anger in the subject but I did promise Jo I wouldn't hit him again so I'm doing well so far.

'I know, I get your pissed. I would be to but dude I already lost my friendship with Jo and we never really got on did we. Not an excuse for what I did just the facts so I really would appreciate if we can forget it happened and maybe start over' he says whilst holding out his hand towards me. I want to tell him to fuck off but his words were genuine and I'm not an ass hole. I shake his hand and nod. I'm not a pushover but this is maybe the right way to go and just forget. He seems really sorry and why hold a grudge. I still have my girl and he has the embarrassment of the rejection and ass kicking. I won in that sense. I can atleast give him a break and get on with shit by agreeing. As he heads off he asks if we are going tonight as I reply with a yes closing the door. Small steps Dylan don't push it we won't ever be what's that phrase BBF's.

Jo's POV -

As I finish up Hero comes into the bathroom to brush his teeth, that guy is forever brushing his teeth. I'm glad though because smoking is gross so it works in my favour that he is very well doused in mint and mouthwash. Just as I leave he tells me Dylan came by spitting toothpaste everywhere, me included.

'Urgh Hero, brush your teeth then tell me. Jeez' I laugh, he looks embarrassed but smiles whilst spitting out and rinsing.

'Sorry, I was saying Dylan came by to apologise'

'Oh god, did he leave in one piece' I ask, joking but slightly nervous.

'Ha! Yes he did, we even shook hands and called it a day on our fued. Told him he' s not on your bowling team though' He's grinning and I join in. I like playful Hero, this is the Hero I alway get when we are together but lately he has been slightly more sombre so I welcome this version with open arms.

'Well you better bowl well then otherwise I may switch' I wink and just as I turn he slaps my ass. I instantly feel my body react but pace across the room before anymore contact happens and we don't go. This man is the devil, he makes me want to do naughty things. Just as I grab my purse and prompt him to leave my phone goes off again.

✉️ Anna - Down in the lobby. Get Innana on route please as she hasn't replied to me x

I roll my eyes but stop my mouth from saying anything negative. We need to go out tonight and make sure everyone gets along so even if that means me not calling out Inanna for earlier so be it. No drama, no drama I chant as we leave the room.

Hero continues to the lobby to meet the others whilst I make the detour to get Inanna. I knock loudly but nothing, I knock again and the door bursts open. Inanna looks slightly unsure why I am standing here so I quickly explain whilst side stepping on the spot.

'Come in, I'm nearly done' she says as walking back into her room, I follow not saying a word. This feels awkward, I should say something but instead I just stand looking at my shoes.

'So I owe you an apology. I had a bitch fit and stuff just got to me. After Anna chewed my head off I thought about it all, I was wrong. So I'm sorry for being a shitty friend to you' her admission surprised me and I look around as if trying to pluck a response from the air between us, before I can reply she throws her arms around me and gives me a hug.

'We good now?' she asks whilst still hugging me and I reply with 'Yeah sure, already moved on from it now let's go' Maybe if Hero can forgive Dylan I can do the same with Inanna. Progress already and we haven't even been bowling yet. Anna will be made up that things are getting back to normal.

'Let's go and throw some balls' She squeals whilst dragging me to elevator in her usual Inanna style.

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