Chapter 97

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Hero's POV -

I can't think straight, the only thing keeping me from losing my shit is Jellybean clutching my hand. He has a calmness that is radiating into me and right now I'm thankful. I have been pacing back and forth for what feels like hours. All I can hear is medical people talking, I haven't heard Jo speak at all through the door. Fuck! My Mom is trying her best to soothe me but I'm not interested and shrug her off. I feel bad for my refusal of comfort but right now all I want is Jo. I want Jo and Jellybean in my arms. I pray, I never pray but I speak to God over and over in my mind begging him to make this OK. I offer my soul, anything, he can have it but let my girl wake safely. Let my boy grow up with his Mommy.

The door opens and I turn on my heels, the nurse looks frantic and quickly walks towards me.

'Mr Langford' she says.

'Please stop, call me Hero! Is Jo OK, please tell me what the fuck is happening to my girl' I snap. I apologise quickly for the outburst but I need answers. My Mom stands clutching my sholder's tightly.

'Miss Langford is currently on an IV to replace the blood loss and replenish fluids she is steady and breathing well. We won't be much longer but will move her to a room where you can be with her' she turns but I don't understand fully and shout behind her desperate for confirmation.

'She won't die will she, she will be OK?' I plead with tears dropping down my cheeks.

'She will be in a recovery ward Sir, the Surgeon is happy that the bleeding has been stopped' she says disappearing back into the room where my girl is. I drop to my knees thanking the higher power for saving her. I kiss my boy and tell him that Mommy will be back soon as she can't wait to hold him. Daddy has been hogging him all this time and she needs lots of cuddles to make her better. I swear he knows what I say as he grips tightly on my finger at my words.

As the doors open, I see Jo lying lifeless and stride beside the moving bed throwing questions at the nurses. They assure me she is stable but has been through quite an ordeal so may sleep for some time. I feel myself calming at their words. She looked, well she looked not like Jo for a moment. Pale and fragile, not the woman I know and love. As they set up the monitors and IV in the room my Mom and I sit watching in silence. Jellybean starts to stir and a soft cry falls from his tiny mouth.

'Have you fed him yet son? My mom asks softly. Shit! I hadn't even thought about feeding him during any of that. I have only had him for two hours and I'm failing him. She reads the look on my face and opens the hospital bag we packed. We were told to bring pre made formula incase Jo didn't want to or couldn't get him to latch on but Jo told me she had no plan to breastfeed and selfishly I was glad. I got to be hands on and feed my boy rather than him needing Mommy everytime. As my mom passes me the tiny bottle I coax it into his mouth and he coo's back a thank you I think. He gulps it down and my Mom explains how to wind him. Fuck! My big hand covers his body nearly, he is small and fragile. I am scared shitless incase I hurt him or snap his tiny head off when patting his back but she comes and guides me through it.

'Thank you Mom, I'd be lost if you wasn't here' I smile whilst following her instructions. She passes me out his outfit and shows me how change his nappy and dress him. Fucking buttons everywhere, nearly as intricate as womens clothing I think whilst figuring it out. When my boy is dressed I put a tiny hat on his head to keep him warm and hold him up like that scene from the Lion King to show off my skills at clothing him. My Mom laughs and nods in agreement giving me a thumbs up. I love her, she is an amazing role model. I am so glad she is here.

We walk over to Jo and I explain to him that this is Mommy, currently sleeping beauty as he wore her out but when she wakes he will be given all the kisses in the world. As I turn I see Jo's eyes flicker open and shut. I stand over staring and she does it again. My mom jumps up and takes Jellybean for me as I grasp her hand softly and egg her on to wake up.

'Baby, it's Hero. You had some shit happen but you're OK I promise. Jellybean and I are here waiting for you to wake up so you just get strong and rest we aren't going anywhere' I say kissing her forehead and she grips my hand hard with wide eyes.

'Where's my baby Hero. Where is he. Is he OK?' she is thrashing her eyes around the room looking for him so I pick him up and show her a smile covers her face as I place him gently on her chest.

'Here you go Mommy, he was waiting patiently for you' I beam. Tears fall down her cheeks onto his tiny hat as she admires our creation. This is the most beautiful moment of my life. I join in and cuddle them both gently admiring both of my favourite people in the world. I can hear my Mom sobbing and clicking of pictures on her mobile. When Jo wakes fully I explain what happened and she looks shocked. The doctor arrives soon after and explains properly, giving us information on how to proceed and reduce any risks when leaving but Jo has to stay in for 48 hours atleast. I am not fucking leaving I state as he continues to speak and he advises I should rest because Jo will be in recovery from the C Section for 6 to 8 weeks. I shake my head not liking his tone but Jo encourages me to do as he says.

'This is bollocks you know. I just met Jellybean and now I have to leave without him. I mean I get you will be here but I will miss you both if I go home. I won't be able to sleep anyway' I plead trying to change her mind but she insists and I have no intention of pissing her off after what she's been through. I am given instructions on what to bring in tomorrow morning and to call and let everyone know how they are doing. How the hell do I tell her parents what happened, I can only imagine the worry they will feel about it all. Just as I get up to leave I have a ne pop into my head and look over Jellybean to see if it suits him. I see it, he is definitely suited to it.

'Babe, how about Ciaran?' I ask eagerly.

'Oh Hero, I love it. It's perfect. Ciaran. Daddy you did good' she beams repeating the name over and over. It sounds beautiful coming from her and I smile widely at my suggestion. My Mom says goodbye and leaves with me, when she drops me off she leans over and grabs my cheeks.

'You really are a wonderful man Hero. I am so proud of who you have become. I know that you, Jo and Ciaran will be very happy and I will always admire your strength back there' Her words fill me with proudness as I kiss her cheek and get out. Enough crying today I think, I've been a gibbering wreck for most part. Need to be a man for my woman and my boy now.

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