Chapter 87

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Hero's POV -

Jo disappeared all day and most of the night too, I'm pissed off that a spa day takes so long. What the fuck do women do at those places, her ignoring my calls isn't helping my mood either. As I pace around, realising I wasted the whole day waiting around I can't help but think I am quite pathetic. When she goes away I turn into some lost puppy. She did a number on me for sure.

Just as I pick up my phone to call again I hear giggles at the door and stride through pulling it open, Jo looks shocked to see me stood. She is pissed and my Mom and Mercy are laughing so hard stood watching on from the pavement. I wave them off and pull her inside. She laughs, and as I guide her upstairs I know she is going to be asleep within minutes. I'm not mad, I'm just happy she is back home with me and safe. As predicted my girl hits the bed and mumbles I love you grumpy and is out for the count. I change her clothes gently, putting her in one of my t shirts. I watch her sleep like some wierd creep and soon doze off beside her.

When I wake, Jo is lay on her back staring at the ceiling. It's an odd sight and I jump up to check she's OK.

'Shhhh to loud. My head' she whispers rubbing her temples. Ha! Hangiver from hell I laugh. Making a move to get up and get us both a coffee. As I return to the room with two paracetamol and coffee's she gives me a guilty smile. My girl can't drink for shit and it amuses me that she even tries to keep up with others. Hasn't she learnt her lesson yet.

'So, a day in bed is it? Maybe an AA meeting later on to talk through your binge drinking ways' I joke, teasing her is a favourite pass time of mine but she doesn't take the bait and sips quietly at her coffee. Throwing me a mocking glare over the rim of her cup. We sit in silence enjoying our caffeine hit when she speaks and breaks my train of thought.

'Maybe later we could go shopping, get something to cook for dinner and have a movie night before I leave babe?' her words make my coffee buzz disappear. Fuck, I don't want her to leave. I have been dreading the upcoming event and tried to remove it from my thoughts completely. I guess I didn't suceed in my task of talking her round.

'Sure, we can do that' I reply. Not knowing what else to add as the whole in my chest expands at the idea of not waking up and seeing her beside me. I want more time. The past 3 weeks have been a dream, we shower together, we sleep together, we bicker over dishes, we go out and visit places as a couple. Walking hand in hand and fuck if we haven't nearly broke my bed it is sure on its way out. Life with Jo has been amazing but if I'm honest I knew it would have to change. We have jobs and shit to do so I try to think of the positives. I'll see her soon, check. We'll talk everyday, check. That's it. I'm out of things to list. Fuck!

After we sit cuddling and debating on the movies for tonight my girl is ready to take on the day. She looks better than she did this morning so maybe her hangover is slowly leaving her. We get ready and head to the supermarket. I decide on the ingredients as she looks on trying to figure out my choice of dish. I like walking around the store, her pushing the trolley randomly shouting out the names of dishes and coming up short. When we get to the checkout I bag up the items and we head home, talking about random topics of where peanuts grow. Jo thought they grew on trees but I'm smug when I tell her they grow under ground. She googled it and slaps me at my knowledge on peanuts. She hates losing.

Back at the house I make a start and order my sous chef on her tasks, chop this, slice that etc. She does so with a smile and I pour the ingredients into a pan to make my masterpiece. Before long I dish up and we sit.

'Hero this smalls amazing' she kicks her lips and eyes me seductively.

'Eat your food and stop with the eyes otherwise I' ll take you here and now. Eat' I order and she does, very quickly. The idea of me taking her surely made her appetite peak. Neither of us hesitate to clean up and I chase her threw the house, I will show her how much I missed her yesterday. Watching Jo try to hid increases the twitch in my boxers, a game of cat and mouse has my hormones surging. As I grab her waist and pull her up over shoulder practically running to the couch she squeals and bat's at me to put her down but my cock is rock hard now and she isn't going anywhere.

'Did you think you could hide from me and I would just let it go. Tut tut Miss Langford, you should know better by now' I whisper into her ear as I press my weight on her to stop her wriggling.

'Hero!' she yells in amusement. I can feel the heat from her sex heating my crotch and it turns me on even more. I rub against her to tease her, slowly making her ache for me. Her eyes widen and I rip of her shorts.

'Naughty, now what will I do with you' I tease. She presses her teeth to my neck and I can't hold on much longer so I thrust into my girl and enjoy her release around me. Our kisses are rushed and electric. Her hands roaming my torso and her words spilling over me. This is magic I think as I find my release. Her eyes stare into mine and I feel everything she feels. We are one, closer than ever. My god this woman drives me insane in all the right ways. As I lay down on her chest catching my breathe her soft hands rub over my back and hold me tightly.

'Can't we stay like this forever Jo. Please don't leave me' my words are honest and vunerable, I need her. More than I ever thought I would need another human being. Without her I don't feel complete, she took part of me and claimed it as her own.

'I love you Hero' is all she replies, but it comforts me as we lay like this.

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