Chapter 94

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Jo's POV -

Tonight was lovely, intimate and small but so special sharing the news together with Hero's family. I haven't even told my own yet, it has been such a rollercoster these past few days plus I want to wait until my scan, 12 weeks and then I will be comfortable sharing our news with my loved ones. On the way home I talk it over with Hero and he is happy to do as I want. I know he got excited earlier but now he is a little calmer and taking in my words. I hope he doesn't worry, I just want to be safe before we extend out our news.

As we get back home I feel a wave of tiredness hit me, the emotions and excitment have worn me out. Hero runs me a nice bath and we both sink into it, the warm bubbles covering our bodies. His fingers trace down my chest to my navel and he swirls tiny circles over my stomach. His gesture is adorable and I smile widely. His touch affecting every part of my body as his fingers brush my skin. I lean back and feel his arousal on my back, wasting no time I turn and straddle him in the tub but he looks worried.

'Babe, what's the matter' I ask tracing his frown.

'I want to, fuck you know I do but what if I hurt you or Jellybean' he pouts.

'You won't, don't be ridiculous. People do this all the time I'm sure' I try to reassure him, his hesitation irks me, I feel silly trying to coax him into wanting me. This is a first and I don't like it.

'But you said I was huge Jo, remember' He smirks exaggerating the huge part of his sentance. I never said that to Hero, not that it wasn't true but I never stroked his ego in that department. I can't help but giggle at his prying to my thoughts on his length, this guy and his smart ass mouth. He always makes me smile, never failing to amuse me. I decide another route, if I grip him he won't refuse. His body will take over his thoughts and we can claim our release together. As I reach down and wrap my hand around him his eyes widen with desire, his lips brushing mine and I slide onto him. It feels intense, I have missed this and him. I grind against him and as my name pushes through are kiss I know he is about to lose it. I follow and lay in his arms enjoying the euphoric sensatioN pulses through my body. I needed that and by his grin so did he.

After we dress ready for a chilled evening I front of the TV with snacks and movies we set up camp on the sofa, wrapped under a blanket in the dark. This is the best kind of night, just me and him and jellybean too. We laugh at the cheesy movies and stuff our faces, when we get to bed I fall asleep I stantly with Hero's armed wrapped around me.

When I wake Hero is gone. I don't panic, he took the news well SO I don't think he packed up and left during the night but when I check the clock it's 7.42am. This is way to early for him to be up, he hates mornings. I use the bathroom and make my way downstairs scanning the rooms as I go but nothing. No Hero? I decide to stay cool and make some coffee, well tea for me. I don't like it but coffee is a Jo go now and caffeine free is pointless.

I hear the door just as I sit at the Island and Hero strides in with two bags. I raise a brow to guage his mood and he greets me with the biggest grin.

'Morning Beautiful' he states whilst placing the bags on the counter.

'Turn around and leave. Tell me where you put my Hero. You are way to cheery to be him at 8.00am in the morning' I laugh a Nd he joins in giving me a glare at my impressive humour so early on.

'Har Har, we have a comedian in the room ladies and gents. She' s here all week' he replies taking out various items. What the hell has he been buying, I lift the goods one by one scanning the labels. Vitamins, calming lavender drops, Gaviscon, a baby name book. What the heck? I rub my temples as I process the bozzare items.

'I got you stuff, I read online about shit pregnant women need. You know this shit' he points proudly to the covered worktop, I cant help but jump of the stool and wrap my arms around him. He is being so supportive and making this whole thing an amazing experience. Maybe a little to keen. I hope he knows this is one baby, not a pattern to build a football team.

Hero's POV -

After Jo feel asleep I found myself googling about sex in pregnancy, luckily no harm can be caused which instantly floods me with relief. I want Jo more than ever, she is carrying my Baby but I was slightly freaked in the bath even though I throughly enjoyed it. After confirming we can fuck throughout I googled other stuff, I mean I have no idea what to expect so reading up can only help me be a support. I found lists upon lists of shit you need and made a point of setting my alarm to go to the 24 hour Asda close by before she wakes to pick up some things along with pancakes and fruit for breakfast. I'll surprise her with breakfast in bed I thought but she was up already. Damn it.

As I unpack I see Jo eyeing up the items on the counter with a confused look as she reads the labels and paws over the selection. She'll thank me later when she realises she needs it all. Maybe, if she does or not I don't actually know but the lady in Asda helped me telling me about her pregnancy. I had to say it was for my sister ha! Hope that doesn't end up on social media, Mercy would go mental.

'So babe, what would you like to do today?' I ask whilst creating a pancake tower full of brightly coloured fruits and maple syrup.

'Maybe go for a walk or something. I don't know, I feel really tired today. It kind of sucks. I just woke up' she shrugs.

'Yep, first trimester babe. Tiredness, feeling sick, low libido, mood swings. You got 2 more weeks of that and then the 2nd is easier, that's the happy phase we're you glow' I state matter of factly.

'What the fuck, who are you! When did you become Mr trimester' she giggles shaking her head amused at my overnight knowledge. I bet it pisses her off that I soaked up all this information before her. The idea of knowing more than her amuses me greatly.

'I just did some light reading, get in the know about shit and facts. You know, be prepared for your mood swings and weird cravings. I wonder if that's why I caught you scoffing ice a few weeks back' I ponder over it, could explain the sudden craving for ice cubes. She looks at me with a questioned look, thinking it over aswell.

'Would make sense now I guess but I actually wanted ice cream not ice. That was a substitute. Anyway are you going to feed me, I'm starving, that looks so good. I need to eat now' she reaches for the pancakes and I slap her hand away to tease. The glare I get quickly changes my plan and I slide it over to her. Wow she is scary when she's hungry.

Herophine A tale of two حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن