Chapter 39

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After I puked I felt slightly better apart from the fact some chick was lay beside me. What the fuck is with that?! I head downstairs to find out what happened, hopefully someone can fill in the blanks for me. As I enter the kitchen Morgz and Felix stride over to me with worried expressions.

'Dude, you okay? We didn't know what to do with you last night. We tried to give you water but you refused so we took you upstairs, put you in Jack's spare room and took turns checking on you' Felix says rushed and worried.

'What the fuck. I didn't drink anything different but I was out of it. I can't remember a thing after chatting to you. I just woke up and some girl is in there with me half naked. What the hell is she doing!' I'm pissed off and need answers.

'Wait, what? Who?' Morgz looks confused, Felix has the same expression.

Part of me hoped this was some practical joke and they were winding me up by putting some girl in there with me to freak me out but they are clearly clueless and I feel bad for thinking they would do that. Especially Felix knowing my status with Jo. These guys aren't my enemy, they are my bro's.

'Go up and see, she is still there. That curly haired girl from last night. Guys I don't have time for this shit and something happened last night. I' ve been pissed before but that was something else I just know it' I rub my hands over my face in desperation trying to figure what went down. I hate that I can't remember a damn thing and my head is buzzing with pain and anger. I need to sit down and drink some water before I vomit again. Felix and Morgz leave, assuming they are going to find whoever was in there with me.

'Chill the fuck down. I don't have to explain myself to you two muppets. Fuck off!' I hear a girl shouting from upstairs.

'Get out, your not welcome here again. Now get your shit and do one' Felix's voice is raised but he isn't shouting. None of disrespect women, it's not our thing. I'm glad she is going but I still have no idea what she was doing there in the first place. I need answers but I'm not about to chase her down the street to get them. The door slams and they both return. Morgz is holding a clear bag with 3 round dots inside, waving them in front of him as he approaches me at the table.

'What the hell is that?' I ask confused by the contents.

'I don't know man but I think it could explain how you was last night. I'm not about to try them to find out though. What do I do with this shit? Flush it?' he looks to me and Felix for an answer. Shit, someone drugged me, was this how these new 'friends' had a good time. This shit isn't funny and it isn't how these parties go. We drink alot but drugs aren't a game we play ever. I feel the anger boiling inside me, what the fuck would they do if they had killed me. This is serious and I contemplate calling the police, I don't know what to do. I don't even know what happened. The fact my boys checked on me eases me slightly. I wasn't just dumped in a room and left but she was still there and I had no explanation for that part. I check that I have boxers on, I do. Atleast that's something.

Morgz sits beside and rubs his hand on my shoulder in a reassuring way. 'H, I'm sorry, I had no idea they did this shit and neither does Jack. You know we wouldn't be part of this and I sure as hell wouldn't have left you if I' d known. I swear it'. He looks gutted, like he let me down and I feel shit for him. 'Morgz, I know you have my back. I trust you and don't be. Wasn't your fault. You didn't ditch me, you checked right?' he nods in confirmation and Felix tells me how they check every hour up until 7am. It's 9.30am now so she must have sneaked in then.
I Nedd to get out of here, I don't want to spend another second in this place. Whatever shit she pulled had put my off parties for life. I can't help thinking about how it could have killed me. I'm embarrassed I was foolish enough that I got drugged and more so why was I the target. This is so messed up. Felix walks back to mine with me, this guy is like my brother and I'm glad of the company whilst we still try to piece together what is going on. We come up clueless. At mine we lounge around most of the day, order food and just act like a pair of slobs. When Felix leaves I decide to go to my Mom's, I don't know if I will tell her yet but I need to see her.

Later that night I arrive home and feel better after a chat with my family and a big dinner. The door knocks but I'm not expecting anyone, I answer to see Felix sweating. After he barges past me into the livingroom he looks at me and the colour drains from his face. 'Dude, shit just got complicated. Have you seen this' he holds his phone to my face, so close I can't see shit so I take it and scan over the image. It's her, curly and me. Shit, why does it look like we are well getting cosy and what the fuck 'my baby daddy' is the caption. I look at Felix in absolute shock. What the hell is going on. Felix and I sit insolence, both processing the shit show happening as we speak. There are thousands of comments. My heart races when I think of Jo seeing this crap, I don't want anyone to see this but especially not my girl. I call and call but get her voice mail. I remember her trip but that isn't helping me sort this shit out now. I curse at the timing and pace across the room. I'll text, hopefully she will hear me out before she tells me to fuck off.

Babe, please hear me out. I swear I can explain. Well to an extent. I need to know that you will hear what I have to say before you make any decisions. Please, please call me ASAP. Its not true what they said about me, I swear it x

Just as I hit send my phone rings, it's Anna. I answer immediately and hope to explain what is going on.

'What the actual fuck Hero. I saw it, eveyone saw it and I am so disappointed that you did this. Not only to Jo but to everyone who thought you loved her,,we saw you less than a week ago. What changed'. She screams down the line.

I try to explain it, Felix shouts to back me up but she is pissed and makes no secret about it. After I explain further she gasps and her tone softens. She knows I'm not lying and I feel some sort of relief knowing that.

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