Chapter 57

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Jo's POV -

I am going to lose it, I don't think I can go back downstairs and act like nothing happened. When Hero came into our room I froze, I needed more time to sit a process this to figure out what to do next. I know I need to tell him but there is something within me saying it is maybe better not to, put it to bed and never speak of it again. I'm severely pissed off that Dylan pulled that shit on me. I mean what the fuck, that was such a bad idea and I didn't know he had it in him. Did he really think I would kiss him back, did he think I wanted him other than as my friend, didn't he think about the shit it would cause when Hero found out. I can't phathom out in my head why he would open that can of worms or put me in a position like I am now. I mean he must have known we wouldn't leave my room holding hands and skipping down the fucking hallway to happily ever after or did I grant him with more intelligence than he deserved. This whole friendship has been meaningless, he threw what I thought we had away by pulling a stunt like that and now I have to sit there and try not to act differently until I sort out what I am going to do. fuck!

As Hero leads me down to the lobby I say nothing, the last 20 minutes are replaying in a loop in my head. I hope he bought my excuse about the charger, I feel awful for lying. Am I lying? I haven't decided not to tell him yet, so maybe delaying is a better term. For now I take that option to smoother the guilt I'm harbouring. As we arrive in the lobby my eyes dart to check if Dylan is sat there. I'm thankful it's only Sam and Anna. Maybe he went back to his room, embarrassed I hope. I return to my seat beside Anna trying to act normal, forgetting the drama that had just jumped me upstairs.

'So I told her about the show and set them up from their. They are still married jow, 7 years on' Anna says. I wanted to listen to her story about a friend but my head just wasn't in this room right now, I am having an internal battle with my conscious and at present I don't know who is winning.

'Jo, what's up sweetie?' she asks whilst rubbing my hand vigorously.

'Nothing, I think today is just catching up with me, aswell as the cocktails. Sorry, carry on with your story' trying my best to sound interested. Just as Anna continues, Hero stands and says him and Sam are going for a smoke and refills. No one seems to ask where Dylan is, I assume he made excuses about going to bed or something, not that I carebut his absence is making me relax a little more than I would if he were here. He isn't here which is OK with me.

'Do you want anything babe?' he calls as walking across the tiled floor towards the bar. 'No thank you' I reply.

'Right, cut the shit girly. What is up?' Anna presses me for an answer. Maybe I should tell her what happened. I mean she has always been great with advice, like a Mom/Sister/Friend/Boss all rolled into one and right now a second opinion might be what I need. I proceed to tell her what Dylan had done and my reaction, I told her about lying to Hero and not saying anything yet. I tell her I feel awful because if it were me I would want to know but is it worth the drama and most likely the fight it would cause between them. Not only that but the affect it would have within our group, I mean Hero wouldn't let that slide.

'I can't believe he had the nerve, knowing you and Hero are together aswell. Fuck. Jo you need to do what feels right for you and this situation. That's not for me to advise on or judge, you need to make that call but personally if it were me, I would want my partner to be honest about it and tell me. I might not like it but atleast I would know they didn't hide things, I could trust them. Just saying' she states whilst giving me a reassuring smile. She is so understanding, everything she just said is right. I know it's the right thing to do.

'I will tell him, I have to' I shrug my shoulders in defeat whilst wondering when is there ever a right time for this shit. I didn't do anything wrong so I'm not worried about his reaction to me, I would worry for Dylan but he didn't think of Hero when he did what he did so maybe he deserves whatever happens I tell myself. Just as we finish our topic the guys return and look at us suspiciously. 'What are you two witches brewing' Hero and that smart mouth of his, if he wasn't comical he would get a slap right across those dimples. We all burst out laughing and Anna winks at me to confirm she won't say anything. After 2 more drinks we're all ready bed and leave together. Stopping off on each floor to drop off as Hero and I continue up to floor 4. I wrap my arms around Hero in the lift and smile up at him slightly drunk. A wicked smile covers his face as we reach our floor, I know exactly what he is thinking already as he quickens his pace to the door dragging me along behind him. I love playful Hero, this is a better end to the night that telling him now. For now I will park it and tell him tomorrow.

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