Chapter 18

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Hero's POV -

Today starts off well, Jenny and Anna seem pleased with the progress we are making and the scenes are flying by. I can't believe we have been filming for 4 days already. We've shot most of the college scenes and today is the Lake. I've read this scene over and over, me and Jo kiss today. I would be lying if I said I hadn't been looking forward to it. I'd craved her taste since our drunken encounter. I haven't seen much of Jo since filming started, me and Sma have been hanging out. That dude is cool and we've really got it off. I head outside for a smoke before we leave for the Lake and spot Jo sat on the grass. She looks deep in thought, staring off into space so I decide to sneak up and surprise her. If I'm completely honest I just saw it as an excuse to touch her. I place my hands over her eyes and she smiles. I sit and tease her about reading a book but she doesn't reply so I take that as my que to leave. As I turn she asks me to wait and oats the seat beside her, I'm relieved and I take a seat. We chat for abit and then hear our call to get going.

When we get to the lake I can't help but see the script come to life. This place really is something out of a story book. Jo heads of to change or something and I talk through the scene with Anna and Jenny seems straight forward, undress, jump in, hold Tessa and then kiss. As I run through my lines in my head a woman with flippers approaches me. What the hell? She explains about the depth and these will help. When I asked for snorkel she looked pissed, my humour clearly wasted. Jo laughs, I didn't see her join us. We take our spots and start filming, as I remove my clothes and jump in I can't help but relax as the cool water hits my body, I'm also glad that my boxers and contents are under the water. That girl makes my cock twitch and I didn't want that to be on show when we kiss. As the scene plays out and Jo puts on my shirt I can help but think how hot she looks in my clothes, I mean in Hardin clothes, she dips her feet into the water and I grab her waist to ease her into the water. She feels good in my hands, she's so light and elegant as she she's submerged in the water. As the scene plays out we both stop when we hear 'Cut' Jenny is changing the cameras or something and tells us to chat between ourselves.

'So our first kiss, you ready for this. Did you pop a mint?' Jo asks whilst scanning my face. I look into her eyes as if trying to silently reminding her of our encounter but she looks blankly. She really doesn't remember, this revolution hurts me. Really fucking hurts me, clearly I made no impression when we first shared a kiss. Out of spite I reply 'Is it our first kiss?' but she changes the subject and looks troubled like she isn't in on the inside joke. I can feel the water pulsing beneath the surface she looks like she is struggling so I take her legs and wrap them around me to save her strength. She looks at me with beautiful wide eyes in shock but doesn't stop me. When Jenny calls to continue we start back where we left, as my line leaves my lips I feel my pulse quicken this is it, our 2nd kiss. But this time I would make sure she remembers it as I lean in I claim her lips with mine, I feel myself getting hard as she kisses me back, her hand on my cheek and wrapped around my neck. I like Jo tangled around my body, it feels good. I wish clothing wasn't a barrier but my thoughts are soon cut short by a loud 'cut' shit, I forgot we were surrounded by peolple. I could have easily carried on and secretly hope we have to have a 2nd take but my luck is out and we proceed to the dock. As I turn to Jo she leans into my chest and I run my finger down her front. Her chest is beating fast and it takes all my strength not to poke her in the back with my package. I feel the blood rushing through me straight to my groin. Shit, not now. Not here. As we finish the scene I panic and grab a towel covering myself and my attraction to the beautiful blonde girl who seems oblivious to what she does to me.

Anna and Jenny rush over and congratulate us both, I turn and do the same to Jo. She smashed it, I forget she isn't Tessa at times. She becomes her so well. After we finish up we head back to the hotel, I'm quiet on the way back deep in my thoughts about how this girl makes me body react, consumes my mind and is so unaware. Either that or it just isn't mutual. Great, I'm falling for someone who sees me as only a friend. What a shitty feeling. The next few days go as planned and filming is on track, everyone is smashing their scenes and Anna looks set to burst when she tells us about the editing and that we may finish early. Dread fills me, I don't want to finish early. I know Jo doesn't notice me as such but I still like being around her even if I can only admire from a distance. If we finish we will part ways until the promo tours and I'm not ready for that yet. Shit!

**Authors Note: Thank you for reading please vote and comment, all feedback is appreciated 😊 **

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