Chapter 80

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Jo's POV -

I feel like I'm here but not present, the past few days have been awful. Everytime I sit all I think about is how much of a mess I made. Hero wants nothing to do with me, I feel absolutely miserable. I have lay in my bed most of the day in and out of sleep just to numb how I feel. I came home to think, to have some space and all it has done has made me realise how ridiculous that idea was to start with. I could be in London with Hero now, we could have announced our relationship and lived without hiding. I'm a fool, an out right fool. Why did I react to badly about anyone knowing? Why didn't I just stop and appreciate him and what we had.

When I finally get out of bed, I decide to shower. Today you get a grip Jo, today you win back your man. I have some work to put in for certain. He tried everything to make me feel comfortable and I gave him nothing. I need to turn this around and show him that he is it for me. He is the man I want to spend my life with. I want to wake up next to him, I want to fall asleep beside him and I want to make a life with him. I have no doubts about how I feel for him, I just couldn't show him and that's where I need to start.

I grab my phone with determination to call, I need to speak to him, to explain how sorry I am. As I pick up the phone I see a missed call and new voicemail. My heart pounds.

↙️ Missed Call - Hero
      (1) new voicemail

Shit, he called me and I missed it. I am so angry that I didn't hear my phone. This was hours ago. Shit, shit, shit! I instantly click on the voicemail and listen to his beautiful voice. I think he's drunk but he called. That's progress atleast.

Jo, this message will be brief. You broke my heart, you took it and stood all over it, how could you. I loved you, really really alot. I don't know why you ran from me, we could have been happy together but it's not meant to be I guess so your free. I won't bother you again. I mean, I will see you for after but apart from that enjoy your life.

I can't believe it, he is through with me. His words cut through me like a knife. I hoped he wanted to give me a chance to explain but no, he was cutting me off. I can hardly breathe from crying, I feel my lungs fulling and I drown in my tears for hours. I lost the only man I ever loved and I only have myself to blame.

I don't try to call him back, he made his feeling clear. He hates me. I never should have left and now I will live with that regret, I can't turn up and beg. He made his feelings very clear. As I lay back in my bed clutching the phone to my chest I want to throw it across the room in a bid to rid myself of his words. His last words to me. Fuck!

Felix's POV -

I can't deny when my man called and asked me over I wasted no time. I have spent my life growing up with him and the fact we made a huge mistake really hit us hard. We wanted to help our boy out, get Jo to stay but we messed up.

I raced to the shop for beers and snacks, a sure way to get him talking. Beer and food never fails with a Hero, a few drinks and the honesty Gates flood open so he will talk for certain. When I get to his house the sight before me is scary, he looks like utter shit. His eyes are swollen with dark circles below them, he looks skinnier and his face is emotionless. I have never seen my guy this way, it makes me feel sick that we had a part to play in this.

As he drinks a few beers he tells me what went down with Jo. She did a runner just left him to figure shit out. I'm pissed at how she treated him but I get it somehow. She needed some time to get her shit together. I don't think she left him for good, I see them together and how they are. No way she just left with no intentions to return. I try to tell him this but he tells me to keep my mouth shut. Right now, I'm not pushing him. I'm lucky he even let me in.

Hero finishes the crate, he won't eat though. As I chill on the sofa I drift in and out but hear him talking, when I peak I see his phone in his hand and tears rolling down his cheeks. He's saying something about your free, I won't bother you again and then hangs up. Falling back into the chair I notice is he out for the count and I pad over and take his phone. Last call is Jo. Shit! He just told her it's done. Fuck! He doesn't mean it, he wants her here I know it. I'm crossing a line here but this time he will tank me I know he will. I take Jo's number and save it in my phone.

I need to sort my man out, I need to make this right since we are to blame. I send a text and tell Jo to call me when she can.

* 6 hours later *

Me and H crashed out where we sat, I wake before him and panic he actually looked dead for a minute. Pale and stiff, jeez that was scary. As I feel his pulse he wakes hitting my hand away.

'Fuck you doing you knob' he hisses.

'Man, thought you was a gonner. Like actual kicked the bucket type gonner. What the hell dude, you need to eat. Come on, cafe now!' I pull him up and lead him out down the street to eat, neither of us have washed and look homeless but eight now I don't give a flying fuck. He needs food. Just as the food is placed down we both start shovelling it down like animals. Atleast he didn't fight me on this and is eating something. I feel my pocket vibrate and check the Caller ID - Jo.

Don't panic..... Don't panic, just act cool. Go outside and answer I say to myself. He can't know what I did so I excuse myself. I never have before so he will think this is strange luckily his food is all he cares for right now and a slide out the door onto the pavement to answer.

'Jo, thanks for calling me. I gotta be quick so don't hang up OK? I ask.

'oh okay'

'We messed up, me and the guys thought that taking the pics would help you come out and decide to stay here with H. There is more to it but this is the quick version. I'm sorry, we messed up big time. Jo, he is a fucking mess. Like never have I seen him like this. He looks like shit, I just got him to eat for the first time since you left and I know he left you a voicemail but please trust me on this. HE DID NOT MEAN IT' I emphasise the last bit to get my point across but the line is silent.

'Jo, you there?' I ask hoping she didn't hang up, I hear her cry. Shit. I'm no good with crying chicks.

'Yes, I'm still here. Felix I'm mad you did it but I know how close you all are so I guess I ye just went wrong but you had the best intentions. As for Hero, I let him down and want to fix this. What should I do?' she sounds so young right now. I feel so shit for her.

'Come back, please. You can fix him, I can't. Book a ticket and message me the times. I will get Morgz to pick you up. H won't know but you can fix him I know it' I plead. I see H approaching and end the call without another word. What a dick she will be thinking on the other end but I trust she will come back.

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