Chapter 68 - Portugal

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Hero's POV -

'Baby, we need to get up and go meet Anna' I whispher softly. My knees feel weak after Jo and mines passionate exchange. That woman, fuck that woman drives me crazy. I am starving after our workout and need food before I become just a skinny white dude from London. Jo nods in agreement and slowly opens those big blue eyes, staring directly into my soul. That's how it feels anyway, each and every time, like with each passing day she is finding new ways of getting to know me and understands all that I am. Wow that's some deep shit Hero, get a grip and man up I silently beg, I'm turning into a melt over this woman.

We make our way down to the restaurant to eat, I gorge on everything I come across, Jo and Anna have watched me like it's feeding time at a zoo but I just carried on. 'Mans gotta eat you know, especially with this vixen'. I am quickly shh'd by the look on Jo's face and I refrain from continuing, shoving another fork full in my mouth with a shrug. Anna just laughs and luckily Jo relaxes.

As we arrive at the airport I try to be a gentleman and awkwardly wheel the three cases through, noticing my struggle Anna grabs one from me. Jo just laughs and makes some snide comment about trying to be a Hero. She gets great pleasure from my name, I know she is joking so I don't retaliate. Sassy mouth of hers, I'll sort that in Portugal I plot smirking at the idea but not sharing my perverted thoughts on the matter. Jo knows and raises a brow as if reading my mind. As soon as we get to departures I notice a big crowd forming around us and the noise gets louder with our names being screamed. Shit, this really doesn't get easier. It makes me nervous but in a good way. I just feel odd being centre of attention. We check in and make our way over to sign and pose for some photos then carry on up to the departure lounge. It's quieter up here and we all relax in the bar before we board.

The announcement is made and we make our way to the gate. When we get on the plane I'm pleased that we all got seated together so Anna slides in by the window, then Jo and I take the aisle seat. Part of me wishes it was just two seats but maybe Anna will be distracted by the window view. I squeeze Jo's thigh and see her clench her legs together. Clearly flustered at my gesture, a smirk crosses my face at the idea I drive her crazy. After a few hours of Anna and Jo talking about all sorts of woman stuff Anna starts to nod off and me and Jo cuddle up watching the movie they have on. When I wake my neck is stiff and my legs are killing me. I instantly stand and feel all the blood rush to my feet. Being 6 ft 2 on a plane fucking sucks. Jo and Anna are sound asleep still so I take a quick walk up and down to gain the feeling in my body.

Before long we land and I can't wait to get out for a smoke. I leave Jo and Anna to get the bags, needs must. As I exit the airport and head outside I take in my surroundings, its hot here but a nice heat. The one you crave in October when the dark nights are early and it's a mix of autumn and winter. I instantly like Portugal because of this. I smoke two cigarette's before the girls join me. I feel better for it, my body needed the nicotine hit. Jo walks over swatting the air, she makes no secret of her dislike for my bad habit but I just roll my eyes in a playful response to her disgust.

'Right guys, the car should be just down here. Afonso will be waiting for us' We follow Anna in search of Afonso. I repeat the name in my head so I can greet the driver correctly. I don't know any Portuguese and I feel bad for it but English is hard enough. I make a decision to try and learn some new words whilst here, it would be rude not to.

'Jo, do you know any Portuguese?' I ask, never heard her speaking it so I am smug thinking I am not alone.

'Yes, but basic nothing to indepth' Fuck, of course she does. She probably read a book in Mexico being the most organised person I know, of course she prepared. I laugh at my naivety that she wouldn't know any of the local lingo. As we spot the driver we speed up to meet him, he has a sign with Ann Todd written across it, it amuses me. I make a note to call Anna, Ann for the remainder of the trip. She will be pissed which is highly inviting for me.

'Olá Alfonso, obrigado por nos buscar' Jo states as we approach. The driver grins from ear to ear and takes her bag whilst kissing her hand politely. Abit to friendly for my liking, I find myself glaring in disbelief at the exchange. I nod to Alfonso as I climb in and Anna giggles.

'What the fuck Jo, you said basic! What did you say to him' I press her for an answer on the wierd yet attractive way she flipped from Australian to Portuguese.

'I just said Hi Alfonso, thank you for picking us up, basic greeting. Like I said' she states matter of factly with a smug look on her face. I can't help but laugh loudly, basic my arse. She is trying her best to show me up for not knowing any of the language. I love that she challenges me, she does it because like Tessa she likes to suceed at everything. She is a living version of Anna's novel but with added quirks. I have the best of both worlds here the amazing actress that I share my days filming with and the Intelligent fiesty woman I get to share my nights with. I'm a lucky bastard.

Anna's POV -

Today has been full on busy, travelling takes so much energy but it made a difference having company. I love having Hero and Jo with me. When I did my book tour I was alone for most of my travelling which sucked. I wanted Jordon and Asha to come but it just wasn't practical. This time I find I am laughing constantly and even though we had some drama when everything fell back into place it was great to sit back and enjoy everyone together.

I can't help but make a mental note of the changes in Hero and Jo lately. When we started out both of them were shy and reserved, as filming took place they got more comfortable and became family quickly. I adore them both but now I look at them and see two new people. Hero is no longer the lanky shy boy from London with a sarcastic sense of humour, which I didn't understand for some time. Jo is no longer the quiet, reserved lady that would stand to the back of a room rather than upfront. Both have grown so much as people and together as a couple. As I watch them exchange playful teasing in the car I notice how both of their eyes are alight. Hero has softened, trying to tease Jo like a child at school just to get a reaction and Jo, well she is quietly pleased at her victory on Portuguese skills. They look so happy and content. I really do feel like this is my book playing out in reality. Cliche I know but to watch it is beautiful, luckily they don't fight like a Hardin and Tessa. They work together and have a bond that is so apparent.

'Hey, why you checking me out. My girl will flip' Hero jokes, i hadn't realised I was staring at them during my wander through my thoughts.

'Shut up Hero. A few fans and you think your gods gift to women. Anna has better taste' Jo jokes and Hero makes a wounded action against his chest causing us all to errupt into laughter.

When we get to our hotel we do the usual routine, we check in, unpack, eat and explore. It has become our ritual now. Discussing over a late dinner on the upcoming days plans. I feel drained tonight and can't wait to facetime with my boys. I miss them so much but Jordon and Asha support me and my dreams. They really are treasures.

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