Chapter 12

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Jo's POV -

I'm in such a good mood tonight, as Hero and I head down to meet everyone for dinner I can't stop staring at the beautiful gift he gave me. Who knew he was such a sweetheart. I feel so privileged that he took the time to buy me a good luck gift, I still feel awful that I didn't get him anything but it doesn't take away any of my excitment. Everyone arrives one by one and we enter the dinning room, we take our seats and I am next to Anna and Inanna, 5ongiht the guys seem to group together and so do us girls. As we each look over the menu I feel Anna reach for my wrist and eye the charm bracelet sitting there in all it's glory.

'Jo, this is beautiful. I haven't seen you wear it before. Is it new? I love how Tessa it is!' She exclaims which also makes Inanna look over to examine my wrist. I hadn't even thought about this when I put it on. Hero said to keep it between us and I have to agree I think that's for the best. Telling them he gave me the gift feels a little odd, only being friends for such a short time so as much as I hate imto do it, I tell the truth but make it a watered down version.

'Oh, yeah it is. My friend gave me it to me as a good luck charm for filming. I decided to put it on tonight though. Isn't it lovely and yes I agree it' s so Tessa which I love about it. Maybe I can wear it for filming?. I ask hoping that I won't have to remove my new favourite item of jewellery.

'Sure, I don't see why not. A friend eh, is this friend a male or female? Because this looks like some thought was out into it' Anna asks raising a brow and grinning ear to ear. I didn't expect that to be a question. But I am on the spot and can't think of a way to diffuse it so I just nod and carrying on reading the menu. Anna and Inanna look towards each other with a smile. What's that about? We haven't really spoke about our other halves, I don't have one so my contribution would be pointless but just as the thought passes through my mind i wonder if I said it out loud as Inanna tells us about the time her boyfriend Matthew bought her a puppy, Anna then continues with her own stories about her husband Jordan. They both look like they have love hearts about to pop out of their heads, it's lovely to watch but I can't help but feel slightly sad that I have no stories to add. I've never dated, work and family have been my main focus and a relationship would just cause me to take someone else's feelings into account. I didn't need that sort of distraction right now.

Our meals arrive along with more drinks, the night goes quickly and the conversation flows easily between us all. A few of them suggest a club afterwards but I really just want to go to bed and never want to drink like I did the night before so I choose to stay at the hotel with Anna, Shane and Dylan. As the guys and girls climb into Ubers and make there way to the club we all take a comfy seat in the lobby. It's a chilled evening and the laughs are plenty. Around 1am we all go back to our rooms for the night. I'm happy to be going to bed, I need a good night's sleep. I get into my pj's and switch on the TV. Suddenly thoughts of Hero flood me, he really surprised me tonight. What a beautiful gift I say to myself whilst rubbing my fingers over the infinity symbol. I'm happy I'm in bed, finally an early night but it does feel odd to be alone in my room. I guess I was getting used to having his company. I liked having him around, slightly more than I care to admit. My trip so far has been ne and Hero, everything has been experienced with him from the first night to exploring. Funny to think I had never met him 3 days ago, the thought sends a pain of sadness over me. I never knew him and now I do I crave more. I am trying to convince myself it is because we are both doing this for the first time but the logical part of my brain knows it's more than that. I bet he's having a great time in the club, with Pia. I scrunch my eyes closed the image of Hero and Pia dancing and drinking isn't a pleasant one. Am I jealous? Maybe I should have gone. He didn't ask me though and I hardly saw or talked to him during dinner so it can't of been on his mind. If he had wanted me there he would have asked. He is normally straight forward. Before I over think this any further I set my alarm for breakfast and close my eyes. Sleep comes easily and I slowly drift off.

**Authors Note: Thank you for reading please vote and comment, all feedback is appreciated 😊 **

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