Chapter 66 - Moving On

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Hero's POV -

New York has been mind blowing, I love this city. It's so contrasting to London, I've enjoyed every minute, well mostly all of it. I wish I could explore more. Now I'm recognised everywhere it's difficult to take a walk and see the sights. I'm not complaining, just adjusting to being the guy everyone stops for photos rather than being just another face in a crowd. Plus I would want to experience this city with Jo and the idea of pretending we are just friends lessens the appeal. I would be sure to slip up and do something that could be caught on camera. The image of kissing her in Central Park fills my mind or staring at her reaction whilst she enjoyed the empire estate view, it would be a sure giveaway to anyone passing that she wasn't just a costar anymore. That shit that you see in movies that make me cringe now excites me. What the hell is she doing to me, I want Jo to feel like those women and I want to be the one ensuring she does.

We're leaving today, Anna, Jo and I are headed to Mexico to continue with the promo tour. The others are leaving as they are finished up now after attending the signings, as much as I can't wait to see Mexico i'm abit down about Sam and Shane leaving. Those guys have been my dudes during this trip. Making me feel slightly like home with my guys. It will be wierd just the 3 of us, we always have a blast and the Mexican fans seem to be excited for our arrival so maybe the others leaving won't be to bad once I get there. Its that time again, packing time. Jo is rushing around doing a check of the rooms and putting everything into the cases strategically. She really does take this task very seriously, I couldn't give a shit if I left something behind. Nothing here apart from my charger would cause me any emotional turmoil ha!

'Can you just check the wardrobe once more for me while I zip this up' she asks in an anxious tone whilst practially sitting in the case.

'Chill babe, I saw you check atleast 3 times. Maybe you should have a smoke, it may calm you down abit' I laugh whilst pleasing my girl and checking for the 100th time.

'Ewww no way. I will be calm once the cases are done and in the lobby, which by the way needs to be now' she checks her watch and zips them up as if giving up and wanting them to disappear from sight. I take it as a que to do just that.

'I'll take them shall I? Meet you in the lobby baby, don't be long' I can't help but tease her, this woman is so on time all the time I know this will irk her.

Jeez, has she packed the furniture in these i think to myself as entering the lobby. They are so heavy, part of me is glad they have wheels otherwise I would take an ego hit not being able to carry them.

'Dude, she has you trained already' Sam states whilst slapping me on the back.

'Fuck off. I decided to bring them down, I make the decisions' I joke back knowing fine well that's a lie. I do whatever the hell she wants and she knows it too. Anna and Inanna are hugging, Sam is casually standing around with his luggage, Dylan and Shane are walking our way.

'Well, I guess this is it for a while bro. Take it easy and look after her in Mexico. Hope the rest of the tour goes well' Shane says whilst shaking my hand, he looks like he thought about hugging me but I'm glad he rethought that because it would have been wierd.

'Yeah, what he said. Enjoy it and see you soon I guess' Dylan nods to both Sam and I. Just then I spot Jo walking this way. When she arrives and exchanges small talk with everyone I see her hesitate on hugging Dylan but she does, some odd don't really touch me type hug. This makes me smile. We wave them all off and Anna instantly turns to us, grabbing us both in her arms shouting something along the lines of we're going to Mehico.....

Jo's POV -

I am so relieved the flight time is short, well shorter than Perth to London or New York atleast. This was an enjoyable trip, knowing when I got to Mexico I wouldn't be a day ahead or behind. As we exit the airport and head to our hotel I take in the scenery this is so different to the image I painted in my head. The people all look so relaxed going about their days in a cool pace. New York is so busy, every on a mission to get to where they are going but here they are walking along slowly and all look happy. I fall in love immediately and when Hero see's the ridiculous grin on my face he agrees it really is something else.

Anna explains that we have today to ourselves and can go out or whatever we want but tomorrow the fun begins. We have an interview and then we are opening a private showing for the film at a local cinema. How exciting! I can't wait to see there reaction to the film, nerves are present but excitment overrides them. The room is magnificent, oldy worldy type of decor and I am pleased when the air con hits me in the face. The heat here is unreal. I like the heat, I mean I am from Perth but this is close and makes it hard to catch a breath. Hero is stripping off, fanning a magazine in his face.

'This is killing me, I can't cope Jo. Why the hell is it so hot' he complains, the sight makes me laugh. He is in his boxers and socks parading around like he can't breathe. 

'Take a cold shower, it will help maybe' I state whilst turning the air con up and opening the balcony doors wide. Before I finish he is in the bathroom and I hear the faucet turning on.

'Babe, are you joining me?' how the hell can I refuse when he sounds like that, his seductive tone bellowing through and pulling me in. A cold shower doesn't sound appealing but the company in there is. As I make my way through to join him I grab a towel and wash bag.

'Fuck! Hero it is freezing!' my nipples instantly harden and I see his eyes pop out the sockets at the reaction my body makes. Suddenly the cold water feels better as my temperature rises. Hero's hands roam my body and his lips push against mine. I love the way he kisses me with those full lips, I always think how good he is at this and before I know it he is on his knees pleasuring me.

'argh' is all I can say, no words just releif and enjoyment as his tongue makes an assault on my sex.

'Jo baby, I intend on making you come in every city we visit. That sound you make does things to me, that sexy sound falling from your mouth makes me want to...' he stops suddenly, lifting me up into his arms and pressing against me with his length.

'To do this' he states, looking at me whilst entering me. We never last long, both of us are so charged with lust our bodies come undone as soon as we start. I love this, I would rather this than a long drawn out process. This is fire and thunder, want and need, sheer bliss.

After our shower we decide to text Anna and explore for the evening. Anna is so excited and it catches, we all walk along the dirt track towards town with huge grins and giddy strides.

Authors Note: Thank you so much for reading, please don't forget to vote 😁

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