Chapter 4

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Hero's POV

After leaving Jo's room this morning I headed for a shower. I didn't expect to stay the night but we really hit it off and laughed so hard, good job I'm full of bright idea's and decided to knock. I liked being around her. When I head down for breakfast I see I'm the last to arrive. Typical. I take a seat next to Anna, Jo is opposite and I can't help but smirk as I think of ways to annoy her. That's it, let's see how she handles this..... Did you sleep well Jo?' I ask grinning like a fool.

'Very well thank you, how about you?' her cheeks blush as she realises everyone's eyes are on us. This is the reaction I wanted. See how much fun I can have with her.

'Like a baby'. I reply with a wink. She looks down at her breakfast, she is deep in thought but I leave her be for now. Plenty of time to figure her out. I don't know why I am so interested in getting her to interact with me. New meat to wind up, I assume making excuses for my new favourite pass time. During breakfast it's decided that we will have a day by the pool. This suits me fine, it will be good to relax and have a beer or two by the pool. Take advantage of the weather here, so far it feels like a holiday. All I am missing is the M Boys from back home. We all go back to our rooms and agree to meet by the pool shortly. I didn't unpack so I have the task of routing through my case for my shorts, got em. I get changed and notice something under me bedside table, just as I reach to grab it I hear the backside of my shorts rip. Fuck! What the hell. They fit me so how did this happen. Shit! I can't fix them, I panic. Then I hear footsteps. Jo, she must be on her way down to the pool she will help surely. I open the door and peek through to make sure it is Jo, when I see her I grab her elbow and pull her into my room without a word. She looks pissed, is she going to hit me? Then she realises it's me and her pissed expression softens before she can say anything I plead 'Jo, I need your help. I have a wardrobe malfunction. Can you sow?'

'What? What are you talking about? And yes I can sow, you cant' she grins questioningly. I turn around and show her the problem. She's fucking laughing, she better not be laughing at my ass! 'Can you fix them for me please Jo, I only have these with me and my Mom is in London. She'd be sure to fix them for me back home'. I sound pathetic, my Mom would fix them but it was a factual statement.

'Aww Momma's boy, out in the big bad world with your ass hanging out. What shall we do with you. Of course I'll help, go take them off and give me the sowing kit'

Thank god she agrees to help me, now that I have her onside I decide to play with her a little as I turn around I drop the shorts to my ankles in front of her. I look over and see her mouth about to hit the floor, result this is what I had hoped for. Luckily she didn't scream indicent exposure and do a runner. I head into the bathroom as I see her spot the sowing kit on the dresser. She has this, I knew she would. I hear her soft voice 'All done' and I reach my arm out of the bathroom grabbing for the shorts. Atleast I can go to the pool now, I stride over to Jo and hug her tightly 'Thank you Jo, I knew you'd be able to fix them for me'. She looks at me with wide eyes, taking in my face. Is she checking me out? I don't know but it makes me feel strange so I quickly release her and head for the door, waving my arm in front of me signalling for us to leave.

Down at the pool I see the guys by the pool bar, I automatically go in that direction. Assuming Jo will be leaving to join the girls anyway. As soon as I make it to the bar Shane turns to me with a smirk. What's his deal?

'You to sure are embracing your alter ego's. Joined at hip since yesterday hey'.

His comment annoys me but I guess it isn't far from the truth, we seem to gravitate towards one another without it being a plan. Pisses me off that juvenile comments are being made though. Can't a guy tease his costar and just get along without a hidden motive. If he knew I slept in her room last night that would surely cause rumours but also have them question my sexuality since I never touched her. Guys we sat up through the night chatting and laughing then both fell asleep, yeah way to go Hero you big girl I laugh at myself and how ridiculous the guys would think I am if I told them. Thinking about it, did I even want to touch her, I mean she is nice on the eye. Her hair looks soft and smells nice and her eyes are some of the prettiest I have seen. I shake my head, get a grip Hero, you work with her stop being such a melt with shit like pretty eyes and soft hair. What the fuck. Who am I right now. Must be the heat.

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