Chapter 53

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Jo's POV -

Knock, knock, knock.

I don't remember falling asleep but as my eyes peak open I see Hero laying across my stomach, we're both naked from our passionate greeting and the warmth from his body is welcomed.

Knock, knock, knock.

Shit, how long have we been asleep I suddenly jerk and Hero jumps in surprise. 'Babe, someone is at the door. Quick throw on some clothes. I need the bathroom' I whisper so our visitor doesn't hear me. As I make my way to the bathroom I hear Hero mumbling and the door closes. I peak round the door like a naughty child, he laughs at my obvious action.

'It was Anna, we have to go for a Skype call with some press teams. We have 30 minutes to I quote "get our asses in the lobby" so baby, we better walk around with our eyes shut because if I look at you much longer you are getting a replay of earlier' his laugh is beautiful, the sound booms in my ears and I join him.

We both get dressed and Hero mocks me as I spray perfume all over myself. 'I smell like sex Hero, shut up' I pout. When we both look presentable we head down the lobby. Anna goes through some points with us both prior to the call and we each take a seat, it doesn't take long. 30 minutes or so and when we sign off I feel relief wash over me.

'You both did great, now carry on like that and we will have a great time. Relax and maybe Jo you could look a little less awkward. These people love you and want to know the beauty behind Tessa. You got this ok' her words are kind but I understand I need to relax more. This is our opportunity to give back to the fans that have followed us and take the time to invest in our careers. We all go for a drink and I feel like we are back in Atlanta, the familiarity of sitting together and talking like old friends is something I missed deeply when we finished up. We all decide to grab dinner and Anna interrogates us further on what we have been doing together and individually.

Hero's POV -

When we all take our seats for the Skype I notice how stiff Jo looks, as if she might fall of the chair any moment so be being rigid she is saving herself. It's an odd look and makes me uncomfortable. I reach behind Anna and squeeze her shoulder in a bid to comfort her and encourage her to relax but it doesn't work. Why is she so nervous, everytime I see her meet people she has a natural ease and confidance, I remember feeling it when I met her but watching her now you wouldn't image that was the same woman. After the call Anna gives us a quick run over and points out my thoughts about Jo. I don't like that she looks embarrassed that this was noticed but maybe Anna's words will help her for next time. We head for dinner in the hotel and carry on discussing the tour and the possibility of a sequel. I'm glad when Anna confirms we would reprise our roles, the way she states how Hardin and Tessa wouldn't be right if we didn't fill the role pleases me greatly. I'm glad she is happy with our portrail of her fictional babies.

After dinner, a few more drinks and a tour of the hotel grounds we all call it a night. We have to be up and out by 6.00am to travel to the first book signing and I have plans for my girl tonight so I need some one on one time with her. When we reach the room Jo starts to fix the mess I made in the short time I was here alone, I'm slightly pissed that she is wasting time with this when we could be otherwise occupied but I let her do her thing. I brush my teeth and change into some sweats for bed. I won't have then on long but sitting here naked makes me too vunerable. When Jo finishes up she looks awfully pleased with her progress, I smile a nod showing my appreciation. After my girl changes into the sexiest pj's I have ever seen and joins me I pull her in to me.

'What are you doing to me Jo, these are very x rated and we are still a PG13 baby' I smirk whilst tracing the lace seam hugging her perky chest.

'PG13, really Hero. We haven't been that since' she pauses 'Well I don't recall ever being that with you' she giggles whilst swatting my hand away.

She is lay in my arms wearing a baby blue camisole set, I know this from my fashion shoots. Funny how much you pick up eavesdropping between sets. It is rimmed with lace around the neck line and on the hems of the shorts. It clings to all the parts of her body showing her womanly figure and I can't help but think how easily I could rip the soft satin from her body. I won't because I want to see this little number again.

'What are you thinking about' she questions, running her dainty fingers along the line of my collar bone seductively.

'I'm happy to show you what's running through my mind' I state whilst flipping her onto her back and tickling her. She is screaming and begging me to stop but I decide against it and carry on. Her laughs is childish and shes kicking her legs around like a spoilt kid. I feel myself fall more and more in love with her at every action she makes.

Jo's POV -

Being here with him, barely able to keep our hands off each other has subsided any doubts I had. Nothing has changed, he still makes me feel like fire is coursing through my entire body. I havent had one negative thought since being in his company and the playful way we are behaving has me hooked. We feel so at ease with one another, its refreshing. I can see that distance isn't as much of an issue as I once thought. After Hero made love to me again and again we both know that we need to try and stop our constant need to touch eachother. It's 1am and we both have to be up early tomorrow, I mean today. My camisole didn't last long, that was the intended affect I had planned when slipping it on in the bathroom grinning to myself at the idea it would drive him crazy. I like sleeping naked, our bodies touches making every fibre of my skin tingle at the contact.

I'm excited about the book signing, even more so because some of the others will arrive tomorrow and we can all enjoy being reunited. As my thoughts rake over what tomorrow will bring I drift of to sleep.

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