Chapter 72

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Jo's POV -

Being here feels right, I glad I came back with Hero. He has been super sweet since we got to London, he always is but I feel like he is going all out to make me comfortable. After our bath this morning, I napped for an hour or two which made me feel more human. I needed a recharge after the events in the tub, no matter how I feel something about being that close to him never fails to appeal.

I woke up to the sound of Hero laughing downatairs, I love that sound. His phone is on speaker and I can hear multiple voices booming through the line, all guys so I assume it's his friends. As I peel myself out of bed and make my way to join him I see he has lay out some clothes for me on the chair opposite the bed. Luckily he has picked an outfit that matches, must be down to his time at fashion shoes, the thought amuses me that my guy can dress me better than I dress myself. I throw on the clothes, mess with my hair and decide to go make up free. I really can't be bothered to do anything else right now, I look OK considering.

'Good afternoon baby' he claims as I enter the livingroom, I hear cheers and shouts from the phone speaker on the table and can't help but laugh.

'Right man, i'm going to sign off. Catch ya later' Hero ends the call and scoops me into his lap.

'Hey baby, that sounded like fun' I whisper into his neck whilst pointing to the phone.

'The guys want to see us. We'll they want to have a party but after last time I don't think I want that so I agreed we would show our faces but not stay all night as long as it was just a quiet ine' he looks awkward, like he is expecting me to flip.

'Sure, you haven't seen them for ages. Of course we should go' I reassure him and the smile on his face confirm's how pleased he is.

We decide to eat and watch a film, it's early afternoon and according to Hero turning up before 9pm is lame so we have some time to kill. As we enter the kitchen I'm impressed that the washing machine is on the go, clothes are on the line drying and our cases are empty. The clothes make sense now. Mr Hinch in the making I jibe and he covers his face embarrassed by his new found house keeping skills. I am very impressed though, I mean he took care of everything.

'I'm looking forward to tonight babe, who will be there?' I ask.

'You are? That's good, me to. Urm Morgz, Felix, Age, Valand, Jack, Ollie and Ham I think' he replies rubbing the back of his neck as though trying to confirm it to himself.

'No girls?' I don't mind as I am there with Hero but it seems odd to me, a party full of guys and no females present. Although Hero did tell me once that they decided early on that girls come with drama so they all chose to steer clear until they met someone special. He also added that as they got older and went to other people parties there were girls but they liked there set up. They messed around and just had a laugh so never really noticed the all male environment. It makes sense when out like that. Before he can answer I let him know I remember our previous chat so no need to explain.

'Instead of eating here, let's go down the road. The cafe serves the best food and I can't be arsed to cook' he says taking my hand and pulling me towards the front door. I remember I need to change money as I have no bitch currency but he tells me not to worry about it, I'm a guest. His statement feels odd, a guest. I never thought of it like that because I feel so at home. I'm not sure I like that term.

Hero's POV -

I have been at it all morning, making sure I make a point to show Jo I can look after her. This shit is tiring, I washed the dishes, I washed the clothes, I dried the clothes, I even fucking moped the kitchen. After picking out some clothes that were the same colour I lay them out for Jo, I feel like a creep doing this but I thought it may earn me some brownie points. Girls clothes are so difficult, straps everywhere, I don't know what way up to place them so I just hope for the best.

After agreeing to go to a party tonight I talked her into eating out. I am hopeful I can sneekily hold her hand and she may be to engrossed in London to push me off. Step 1 of my plan. As I push her out the front door and we walk towards the cafe I make small talk and tell her about the specials they do. Edging closer and making my move, she doesn't flinch and I feel her tiny finger grip mine. Her hand is so small compared to mine, I like it though. As she takes in the scenery and watches the passers by she still hasn't let go. I feel pretty smug right now.

'The cafe is just round this corner' I say, as we turn we nearly knock over 3 girls who instantly start screaming, not in anger but excitment. Jo pulls her hand away and puts them in her pockets. Shit! I am pissed the fuck off right now, we nearly made it without a hiccup. As we pose for some pictures and give them a hug I see Jo looks uncomfortable. Way to go Hero! I think. I need to try not to push her otherwise she will go the opposite way, I just know it.

We make it to the cafe injury free and take a seat at the back, scanning over the menu's. I order two monster shakes, these are the best I have ever had and I hope Jo agrees. The thought of this being make or break for our relationship has me laughing but when I explain she doesn't see it in the same hi our and just rolls her eyes whilst swatting my menu. I opt for Cottage Pie and Jo has some Chicken salad thing. When the food arrives she has a fork in my dinner before I even pick up my cutlery.

'This is so gross looking Hero but my god it is tasty!' she exclaims whilst trying to get more food from my plate.

'Jo, that was a brave move. Anyone else did that and I would stab them with the fork' I joke but her face drops at her actions and she apologises. We laugh about it though, it's lighthearted. The shakes arrive and she loves it, maybe one day I will wife her as she seems to enjoy the same stuff as me. This could work out well I laugh at the thought in my mind, proposing to Jo ha! Steady on Hero, your first girlfriend and already you have this in mind. My thoughts have varied since Jo became my girl, from babies to marriage shit I got it bad.

We enjoy our meal and chat for ages, when I get the check I notice it's 7.30pm already. Time disappears around her. I just get sucked into Jo World, I'm not complaining but we need to make a move. I already decided on a few drinks at mine with my girl before we left so on the way back we go into a local shop and pick up the beverages. She decided to try some Flavoured ciders and I opt for a 6 pack of lager.

Herophine A tale of two حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن