Chapter 32

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Hero's POV -

Jo practically jumped me as we got back to my room, not that I have any complaints. She said something about my towel and not to be parading around like that again for every woman to see, laughing but I could tell she was slightly serious. I like that she is a little jealous and wants me to herself, it definitely boosts my ego. Once my crazy woman has had her wicked way with me we both lay staring at the ceiling in our sedated just had sex state and I can't help but think about our time being extended. Thank god she agreed, it was easier than I thought it would be. I turn to Jo as it makes no sense keeping 2 rooms, we may aswell stay in one know we have a plan so to speak. Jo agrees and heads down to Reception to make the changes. Checking out of her room. As she walks in with her bags I laugh, I don't mean to but I never imagined this would be happening when I caught my flight from Heathrow 2 months ago. Talking of which, ai need to call home and tell them on my delayed return.

Jon unpacks some items and puts her toothbrush beside mine. I like this, I could get used to having her stuff all over the place. Now it feels real and I figure I need to do something to make sure my girl knows I'm in for the long haul. I'm not about to let her go. Part of my knows she's it for me but the other part says slow the fuck down Hero. I watch her amused her tidyness and particular way of placing things down in a row are fucked up but cute. She has issues like Tessa maybe OCD, she is quite like Tessa in alot of ways but I prefer my version, my real life partner to the scripted one I have known over the 2 months. She throws something across at me squealing about not to state its rude but I just lay back and laugh. She makes me laugh, so much so I swear I have a six-pack now. She really does wonders for my body.

I decide on a plan to make asking her to be mine official, its my version of romantic and hopefully she likes it but I have a few things I need to get to prepare so I text Anna and ask her to keep Jo busy for an hour or two. Good job I'm actor by profession because when Jon reads the text I act like I knew nothing about it and she sets of to meet Anna for cocktails. I calm and Uber and head to mall. I have a mental list of what I need, shit maybe I am like Tessa to making fucking lists. I get what I need and pick up a takeaway gelato box for my girl with her favourite flavours rum and raise with raspberry. When I arrive back I head straight the room and get ready. I am nervous, really fucking nervous. I hadn't even thought about her saying no but now I have I can't shift the panic I feel. Would I be pissed off or just embarrassed. Without thinking I call my Mom. I'm a grown ass man but sometimes we need our Mom's. She will know what to do and she won't hold back on telling me if this is ridiculous.

'Hero, baby. I miss you so much. When are you coming home'.

'Mom, don't call me baby. We' ve talked about this' I laugh. 'Well I need to talk about that, so long story short. I got to Atlanta, met Jo, fell for her, we have been inseparable, we are extending our stay and I want to ask her to be my girl. I need your help though' I rush it out so quickly I lose my breathe.

'What, what the hell. How did so much happen and you kept quiet. I'm pissed I know so little about my son andnit' s only been 2 months. But I am so happy for you, that is amazing. Does she look after you OK though if not she's not the girl for you'. She sounds gently but authoritive.

'Yeah, she really does. I' ve never felt like this. She is a keeper for sure Mom. Now what the hell do I say to her'. I plead for an answer.

'Just say how you feel and ask the question you can't go wrong with laying it all out on the table son. Good luck and keep me posted though' she replies lovingly.

'Will do but just keep it to yourself, no sharing or family announcements okay? Speak to you later, love you Mom'. As I hang up I feel relief already. I knew I would, she always knows what to say. As I start moving stuff around the room and setting up for tonight I feel excitment and jump around like a loser at the prospect of Jo being my girl, officially. I text Jo to say I will meet her downstairs for dinner so no need to come back up to the room. She replies with a smiley face and x. Sorted, this is going well so far. Now to get the show on the road.

I'm dressed in casual attire but tried my best to make it colour coordinated to appear smarter than I am, if I go down in a suit she will know something is up straightaway. Although as suit would be fitting and surely make her see how serious I am, I shake my head at the idea of playing naked butler for the night. Nah, that's cringey. As I enter the lobby I spot Anna, Jordan, Asha, Jo, Shane and Dylan all sipping brightly coloured cocktails and laughing obnoxiously loud. I take a seat across from Anna and she throws me a wink, I return it confirming I am all set. This woman has a knack for knowing things before they happen so I am slightly pleased that she didn't talk me out of it confirming it was a good idea. We all eat, dinner is great, the atmosphere is great and everyone is relaxed. As time goes on I think maybe I should make my move and grab my girl for her surprise.

'Jo, you ready for calling it a night?' I ask softly.

She checks her phone frowning, the cocktails affecting her I think.

'It's 9pm Hero, have a drink we arent a retired married couple you know' her smart mouth stuns me, wow she really does get brave in drink. I'm abit pissed at her tone and the fact she just called me out in front of everyone. Everyone who is now staring directly at me awaiting my response.

'Sure, whatever you want. If you prefer to sit and get pissed so be it' I retaliate.

'For now I do, have some cock....' She hiccups mid sentance then turns bright red at the fact she said cock so publicly. 'Cocktails, cocktails, that's where I was going with that guys' ha! I think to myself, that's your karma for being so sassy with a drink. Normally I would try to diffuse a situation where Jo was embarrassed but this time I sit back and smirk at her mishap. I know I shouldn't but it only seems fair.

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