Chapter 98

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Jo's POV -

I've sat for hours since Hero and Martha left just staring at my tiny boy. He is beyond perfect, he has the cutest little nose, little full lips like his Daddy and the darkest hair. He is making little noises and peeks at me now and then checking out who his Mummy is. I know it was hard for Hero to leave, I wanted him to stay but the doctor was right. He needs to rest. I have sent him numerous photo's of us to keep him posted whilst he is at home and I facetime my Mum and Dad, Kat too. They all cried with joy when I introduced Ciaran. Birth was not at all how I imagined. In my head we would have a calm water birth, holding hands and pushing through it together. I'm just relived I was awake when my boy arrived. I saw him before any of the bad stuff happened and now, well now I can enjoy him.

I can't begin to imagine how Hero felt when that happened, he was so good with Ciaran. He even feed and dressed him. I am so proud of him. I didn't think it was possible to love him more than I already do but somehow I do. I can't phathom how to express my gratitude and gratefulness for all that he has done. That man is truly the best thing to ever happen to me. I sit smiling to myself when the doctor comes in, checking my charts and asking how I feel. I feel OK but moving is difficult, my stomach feels like it may rip open at the slightest moment but he assures me that is normal unfortunately. He puts Ciaran in the tiny crib beside me and takes a look over my wound, nodding that he is happy with the stitches and knitting together so far but gives me an in depth run through on the do's and dont's for the next 6 to 8 weeks. He is going to complete my discharge papers so I can leave tomorrow morning, he is happy I have sufficient support at home so I can go.

The next morning Hero arrives at 8am, I laugh as he swoops in kissing me and taking Ciaran from my arms. 'I missed you little man, and Mommy of course but you are so new and tiny, you' ve already taken over my heart. I need you both home today. I fucking hope you can come home today baby' he smiles wearily. He looks tired but still handsome.

'Hey babe, We can. Doctor Morris told me yesterday, the papers are at the desk. They said I can leave after I eat breakfast. Did you manage to rest any?' I ask whilst propping myself up and finishing my tea and toast the nurses gave me.

'Not really, I tried but I was close to coming back and sneaking in here with you and Jellybean. I went for a run instead then got a few hours of sleep. I brought everything you asked for babe' he smiles proudly nodding to the bag he came in with. 'And I got you a little something to' he takes out a tiny blue Teddy bear, it covers Ciaran's chest as he shows him the gift. 'Oh and Mummy has something too but that's at home so she will have to wait' he winks but curiously I press for answers. He ignores my plea's and sits down taking my hand in his and scanning my breakfast.

'That looks shit, is that toast or bread' he chuckles and I shrug. It is pretty nasty to be honest. I prefer Hero's fruity pancakes at home. Ahhhh pancakes would do nicely right now. As I finish up and gesture for the bag, Hero jumps to his feet placing Ciaran in the crib to help me. It is hard work standing, I feel shaky on my feet and my middle is very sore. Hero dresses me after wiping me down with wet wipes. I feel helpless, I really need a bath. Just as we finish the door knocks and the lovely dark haired nurse comes bounding in all smiles and good mornings.

'Right my lovely. You ready to get this show on the road? I have some meds here that you have to take for pain relief and some injections which you will administer at home to prevent blood clots. You have 10 to complete and you can put them in your lower abdomen' Urgh, injections. I instantly feel sick as she demonstrates the first one on me. She makes it look easy, I don't think I can do this, I look at Hero who is watching intently. Phew, maybe he will do this for me. After, Hero calls his Mom as we didn't bring a car seat and she agrees to bring it in and take us home, all of us. It seems so unusual for there to be 3 of us but I love it. My beautiful boys and I.

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