Chapter 67 - Next Stop

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Hero POV -

Mexico has been fucking insane. We've had non stop interviews. The heat has taken a toll on all 3 of us. The Mexican fans are amazing, I can't believe have much love we got and gifts, they really went all out making personalised posters and tshirts. All our fans are awesome but these guys really got emotional when we met them. I am buzzed I got to experience it here and with my girl which makes it even more special. I will never forget Mexico that's for sure. Today we leave for Portugal, the flight is going to be a pain in the ass, a 12 hour flight is a killer, especially when you smoke. I am lay on the bed trying to cool off at present, just mulling over the past few days.

This tour is a roll coaster, seeing how everyone we meet is so invested in Hessa, seems they have the same hopes for Jo and I too, they make no secret about that when we meet them. I forgot where I was during one of the interviews and placed my hand on Jo's before realising that the Interviewers eyes were about to fall out of head ha! Jo scolded me that night, Anna just laughed about it. Shit is getting hard to hide as more time goes on switching from being able to hold her when I want to pretending like we haven't shared many nights together in the public eye is taking some getting used to. I just want to shout it from the rooftops that we are together, I don't know why we can't. Everyone would be pleased with it, I think. But I know my place and until Jo is ready, I wont make any mighty Jo young gestures by grabbing her and climbing to the top of a building ha!

Buzz buzz buzz, as I reach and grab my phone from the bed beside table beside me I see Morgz name flashing.

'Hey man, long time' I answer. Today is one of my mates birthdays and we always make a big deal of them. Parties, days out the lot. I was gutted to miss it but I couldn't fly home mid tour.

'Dude, what's popping! Yo, I saw your tour pictures. Looking sweet in your football drip'. He laughs.

'Yeah man, gotta wear the shirt to represent where I am. It's fucking hot here, like melt your face off hot. My white ass is dying'. I can't help laughing as I say it and hear him following suit.

'Man. Shit got crazy here. I love you man, you know dis but girls are off their heads. I got so much attention, my DMs, My Vlogz, they are constant trying to find your white ass. I mean I know I'm sexy but they bypassing me as a stepping stone to you. I may need you to hook your mandem up with security soon'. I feel bad as soon as I hear this, Morgz is my brother and I knew as soon as After started things would go mad. My mates had been great, understanding and supporting me with everything even the new attention they all got but it had to be hard for them. All their socials were being hit hard by fans and it changed everything for all us. I had to stop being in the vlogz as my agent wasn't happy, I had to ask them not to live stream where we were aswell. I asked a hell of alot from them but my Boyz did it without so much as a moan. I got shit for it, constant ripping but in the usual bro way.

'ahhh man, I'm sorry. It will calm down, it's just new. Anyways what you doing for Age. BBQ? Beers?' I try to change the subject as its making me uncomfortable, selfish I know but being in the spotlight is daunting, I can't get used to it. We chat for a while and he tells me all the shit about home. Jeez I miss it, I miss my mates and family but I will be back soon and will have some time off to make up for being away so long.

'Anyway my superstar H, gotta go and start the madness with the Boyz. Be safe bro'. As I lay back thinking about the crazy shit that will go down Jo comes in and jumps on me.

'Jeez babe, your tiny but nearly winded me' I laugh but there was honesty in my statement.

'Sorry, sorry babe. I just missed your face. Talking of your face why is it tripping you over. You OK?' she asks pouting. Fuck, that pout makes my cock twitch. As I roll over onto her with my biggest fake smile she pokes my dimples and closes her eyes with laughter.

'You know that could be classed as assult, maybe you need to be punished' I smirk.

'No, no punishment. Not yet anyway' she shrieks. 'Anna is packing and we need to do the same, you know I hate this bit so the quicker we do it the quicker we can continue this' she waves her tiny hands at the small space between us.

'Oh yes, let's encourage crazy Jo to come out to play. You know the pacing like a loon, packing and checking 20 times Jo that I love' I can't help but tease, she turns into someone else when packing. She huffs and slides from under me but not before I manage to smack her ass in an attempt to coax playful Jo back from the dark side. I laugh at my Jeykl and Hyde girl. Switching from sassy to sarcotic over a suitcase ritual.

Jo's POV -

I leave Anna with plans to pack and meet back for a late lunch before the flight. This morning has been chilled, we spent some time by the pool but Hero refused stating the sun was trying to kill him and turn him into a human puddle so he went back to the room. His reaction to heat is so amusing, he just isn't cut out for the sun at all. Just as I get to the door I make a mental pack with myself not to let him distract me, I need to get packed. He can help me or he can leave but he isn't side tracking me.

When I see him lay on the bed I run and pounce on him, well done Jo initiating contact was error number one I think as he rolls me over with him on top. I just can't help myself when I see him, my body craves his and I lose all self control. As he teases me I decide to make my escape, as much as being under Hero is more inviting than the turmoil I am about to endure. Right, my logic returns and I grab the cases ready to gather our belongings along with all the extra stuff we have accumulated during the tour. The fans were so happy handing us personalised gifts but I knew then it would cause a problem trying to fit it all into our cases. I make a checklist and start chucking in this and that, Hero sits amused on the bed watching intently.

'Can you help or leave, your distracting me' I joke, trying to sound authoritive. His reply throws me off my task.

'Jo, when can we go public?' he stares at me awaiting a reply.

Shit, where did that come from. I mean I love this man and hate hiding but I thought we agreed in New York to stay under the radar for now. I don't like where this conversation may go so I try to diffuse the ticking bomb which is about to explode in my face. 'Urm, after the tour maybe? We need to think it through and discuss it with Anna I think' my voice is shaky but hopeful this will be enough of a promise for him.

'hmmm.... Okay. I guess that makes sense. For now' that last bit sounded slightly threatening but i quickly move on and start asking him to help, he will be sure to disappear if I do this.

'I'll go shower, be back soon' as planned, he made an escape. I know him so well, it really does work in my favour at times. I sigh loudly in relief at the quick turnaround of packing. I'm becoming a pro at this. Infact I feel very pleased with myself that I am all done by the time he returns. He strides over to me with just a towel on, that sight never gets old. Pressing his hand to my forehead he asks 'Did you pack without a meltdown, who is this new woman'.

'Haha very funny. I am just getting used to packing two cases rather than one because someone isn't organised' raising my brow at him with a grin. I rip the towel from his waist and quickly jump on the bed to make a run for it.

'oh no you don't Jojo, get your ass back here. That's twice the punishment now Miss Langford and well deserved at that!' he shouts chasing me around the bedroom naked.

He grabs my waist as I hop of the bed and I know it's game over. I am ready to take the consequences of my actions and surrender seductively. As soon as he lifts me over his shoulder and stalks to the bed I feel the build in my stomach, its fluttering like crazy at the contact and my eyes roam his body erratically. God he is hot, his slim build is toned and exquisite. Quite the contrast from his character who is covered in ink. I like this version, nothing on his skin apart from the odd freckle here and there. This is my favourite place to be, with him. As my heart rate rockets I feel his hands make there way up my thighs, smacking my ass playfully.

Hero lays me down and stands tall looking down at me whilst screwing up his face. 'Well, now you gave up on escaping me I will have to sort out this situation' he points to my body and I feel slightly embarrassed not understanding his comment. As he realises my face is reddening he adds quickly the situation of me being clothed and I relax. Phew, I'm glad I'm not the problem. He slowly removes my shorts and panties, kneeling infront of me and giving me a wicked look with his piercing green eyes. I'd lose it just from this but I grip the sheets and wait for his pleasure assault. If this is punishment let me sign the dotted line now.

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