Chapter 3

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Jo's POV

Well I didn't expect to wake up with Hero on my bed. Last night was lovely, I didn't feel awkward at all. I think this is going to be a good experience and I'm glad he is my Costar. He's so down to earth and funny, he was so funny last night. My stomach hurts from all the laughing.

After he left I jumped in the shower, it's still early so I should make it to breakfast. I am so hungry, maybe it's the air in Atlanta. As I head down the corridor towards the elevator I can't help but think over last night. I couldn't have imagined that I would get along with Hero like I have so far, it's a perk that he is easy on the eye to. Those eyes, they change colour from a green to a bluey green. They really are beautiful. He told me abit about himself last night, his family, friends but when he stated he had never had a girlfriend I was surprised. Seems he is happy just living life right now, without any distractions. Makes sense, especially in this line of work. You always meet new people, travel, why would you want someone to be sat waiting for you to return. That's why I haven't dated. It would be unfair to ask someone to just sit by and wait for you on the odd occasions you go home. The world is to big for that and at 20 I have plenty of time for that later. My thoughts are halted when I walk into the dining room and see the group sat together. I walk over and join them whilst ordering a black coffee and eggs benedict. Everyone is discussing idea's on what to do today as we have no schedule until later on this week. Some suggest a hike, Shane likes the idea of a pool day and Inanna wants to go shopping. I don't mind what we do, I'm quite low maintenance when it comes to stuff like this. Just as my breakfast arrives I spot Hero entering the room. He strides over and takes the seat beside Anna, opposite me. After swapping good mornings  with everyone he looks directly at me and asks 'Did you sleep well Jo?' smirking. I feel my face redden, I don't know why but I hadn't expected this to be a breakfast topic. What will Anna think. Although we did nothing apart from talk it still feels slightly naughty.

'Very well thank you, how about you?' I reply, noticing the table are now focused on our exchange.

'Like a baby'. Hero says nonchantly and winks at me.

That felt more awkward that it needed to be, he is clearly testing me. From his chat yesterday I got the impression he was abit of a wide boy, always up for a laugh. I guess this is Hero teasing. It's cute and puts me in a good mood. I like him and if anything he will make this trip fun that's for sure. As long as there are no stupid live videos I'm OK with that but social media is not my thing so when that starts I shall not be involved. Everyone has decided to hang out together today, Shane flips a coin to determine if it's poolside or hiking. Just as the coin is in the air I hope for poolside, hiking in this heat won't be much fun.

'Pool and chill' he announces.

Everyone seems happy with this and we all head back to our rooms to get changed, grab a towel and meet at the pool bar. I surprised myself when packing because I bought a bikini for the beach back home. Thinking there may be a spa here I threw it in last minute luckily. I put in the royal blue duo. I'm not shy but I'm not body confident either so I give myself the once over in the mirror, looks better than I expected. The gold buckles make it look more elegant and they sit nicely against my tan skin. I take a book with me, I'm currently reading Pride and Prejudice, it interested me after completing the After series and so far I hadn't really had time to sit and enjoy it without an interview or photoshoot interrupting.

Just as I leave my room and start down the hallway I hear a door open and a hand grabs my elbow. I'm about to shout at whoever is manhandling me but as I turn I see those green eyes and stop dead in my tracks. Hero pulls me into his room, shuts the door and looks at me with panic on his face.

'Jo, I need your help. I have a wardrobe malfunction. Can you sow?'

'What? What are you talking about? And yes I can sow, you cant' I ask with a smug grin.

Hero stands back and turns around, all I can see is his ass peering through his shorts. I laugh so hard I'm sure I snorted. What had been doing in order to split his shorts right up the back. Hero turns and looks embarrassed, laughing but embarrassed. 'Can you fix them for me please Jo, I only have these with me and my Mom is in London. She' d be sure to fix them for me back home'.

'Aww Momma's boy, out in the big bad world with your ass hanging out. What shall we do with you. Of course I'll help, go take them off and give me the sowing kit'. I tease. He looks so young right now, like a little boy rather than the half naked man stood before me. It's nice to see him so vulnerable, considering I thought he was abit cocky to start with. Hero drops the shorts to his ankles in front of me, my mouth drops open at the sight of his bare ass, his very nice, manly bare ass but still maybe inappropriate considering we are basically strangers. As he walks into the bathroom for a towel I spot the sowing kit on the dresser and proceed to fix the garment. 'All done' I shout and he pops his head around the corner with an outstretched arm. Once changed he walks towards me and hugs me tightly.
'Thank you Jo, I knew you'd be able to fix them for me'. his embrace was gentle and his words genuine, I get a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach especially being so close to him. He smells so good, like coconut oil it instantly makes me think of being on holiday. I blush slightly and we head for the pool.

I don't know why him hugging me made me feel like it did, I don't even know him. Yes I has practically seen him naked within 24 hours but I get the impression he isn't shy so that was probably just a norm for him or was he trying to see what my reaction would be? Another test of my character maybe. I have no idea but decide not to over think it. We seem to be comfortable around one another and considering some of the scenes to come that can only be a good thing. I just need to keep my head clear. This is my chance to show my acting ability and nothing will sway me from delivering. Not even Hero with his nice ass. I laugh to myself and he turns to me with a questioning look.

'Nothing, don't worry'. I sigh to ensure there are no further questions.

**Authors Note: Thank you for reading please vote and comment, all feedback is appreciated 😊 **

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