Chapter 55

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Jo's POV -

'That's it guys, all done. Thank you so much for coming and for a wonderful day' Anna gushes as we all walk towards the car.

'Thank you for letting us be part of it, I will never get used to that many girls screaming my name' Hero sounds so sweet in his admission.

'I loved it, once I got past my nerves I really did love every minute. You was right, they are all so nice. I was blown away by all the positive comments and commitment to After. They are awesome' I reply, I really did have the best time meeting so many new people and hearing how invested they have become warms my heart. I had worried all morning until we got here, even on stage I felt queasy but as soon as people came over and we chatted I felt at ease and enjoyed every moment. No wonder Anna talks about book signings often, the buzz you get. I understand it now.

I'm glad we are going back to the hotel, its been a long day and the others should be there by the time we get back. I can't wait to see them all, Dylan especially. I had so much fun in Atlanta with him and Shane, we grew really close but I clicked with Dylan from the ofset. I had hardly spoken to him since we left so I will be grabbing him for drinks when I get back to see what's been going on lately and how his projects are progressing. Before I know it we are back, whenever we travel I feel like it flys by. We never stop talking and joking around. I love these journeys. I practically leap from the car and stride towards the lobby leaving Anna and Hero behind. I want to see if anyone is in the lobby, I am way to excited to see everyone but if feels like forever.

As I enter I see Dylan and Sam by the check in desk. When they turn I run over and grab them both for the biggest hug shreikinng kinng and jumping on the spot.

'Guys, I missed you so much. Well Dylan you more than Sam but Hero will give you some bromance attention when he hurries up' I wink at Sam who laughs at my words. Hero and Sam were always together in Atlanta, it was great watching them. They acted like brothers, Swen too but those two just had something special. A little bromance for sure. Sam spots Hero and Anna and makes his way over for a reunion. As I turn to watch I see Hero eyeball me and make some sort of distance gesture with his hands, he looks serious but I just shake my head and roll my eyes. I pull Dylan over to the couches, grabbing his sleeve and dragging him along and we sit.

'I have missed you. Like what the hell, its gone by so quick. Tell me everything. How is life treating you' I rush, I don't mean to sound crazed I am just happy to have my friend here. This trip is going to be amazing, I am so happy that we are all being reunited and can't wait to enjoy my time with everyone making new memories.

'Well, this is some welcome Jo. I'm flattered and I missed hanging out to. I mean I had to learn scripts on my own which is nowhere near as fun as with you. Projects are good, just finished up and life is treating me fine. How about you, what's the current status for you and Hero?' he asks whilst looking around to spot the others.

'Well we are still together. We have had some stuff happen but right now, we're good. Really good. I'm just taking it day by day and enjoying the time I get to spend with him. Long distance is hard going' I'm smiling but the fact it is hard really gets to me. I push that aside and focus on the positives, the now. One by one the others come and sit with us, the drinks have started already as I notice a tray of shots and martini glasses filling the table.

Hero's POV -

As we pull up to the hotel Jo nearly breaks her neck climbing out of the car like The Flash. Jeez, why is she in such a hurry. Me and Anna follow but at a normal pace both looking confused at what just happened. As I get into the lobby I see Jo hung over Dylan and Sam. I instantly feel the need to grab her and tell her to calm the fuck down, why is she so excited to see them. I didn't even know her and Sam were that friendly. Sam spots me and makes his way over, when Jo turns to look over I make sure she see's I'm pissed at the exchange and I sign for her to move back. It may seem childish bit I don't like the image of her that close to another guy, even if it is only Dylan. I didn't like him and he grew on me, abit like mold grows on a brick wall, slowly. So he better not push me because that can change very quickly especially when Jo is involved.

'Dude, did you miss me? Sam bro hugs me tightly.

'Yeah like hole in the head' I joke back.

'What's with that? She just tackled us as soon as we turned I thought she was trying to fight us' he looks at me for an answer and I come up short. I am as surprised as he is and just shrug my shoulders. Won't be happening again I think to myself, unless it's with me. Sam suggests we get some drinks after a long ass hug with Anna and we all walk to the bar telling him all about the book signing. When we get back Jo and Dylan are on the couch so we pile over and cover the table in drinks. I decide to take a seat beside my girl and put my hand on her thigh squeezing whilst handing her a porn star or something. She looks confused at my sudden need to mark my territory but I don't falter. After that I relax because her hand rests on my whilst she is mid conversation with the group. I find myself eyeing Dylan as if to stake my claim but he isn't paying any attention so I give up. Probably unnecessary but my male hormones shot into overdrive before I could tame them. I sit back enjoying my beer and joining in.

'So Bro, what's new?' Sam asks with interest.

I turn to Jo as if to confirm I am not going to relay all that has happened, noone needs to know all the shit that happened in London. I want that to stay between Jo and I so I just brush over those parts and tell him about my shoots and mates.

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