Chapter 58 - The Morning After

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Hero's POV -

Waking up today doesn't seem so bad, we managed to get a long lay in so I'm happy. Not middle of the night shit, waking up before the birds make any noise. As I lean over to switch off the alarm I mull over last night. I couldn't keep my hands to myself any longer and as soon as the lift hit Floor 4 I practically threw Jo into our room. The sex was amazing, it surprises me how each time we make love it feels like the first. I love that we are still mad for each other, nothing has changed in regards to the want and need we both have. Jo is still asleep, she drank quite abit last night and surprised me by how well she is building a tolerance for alcohol. When I came up to get her she looked panicked about not finding my charger, I mean why on earth would she get so upset about that. She has some odd ways but I love her for them.

I decide not to wake her but my need for coffee is strong so I am going to grab one and bring her something up for when she wakes. I sneak around trying to be quiet but hit every corner of every dresser in the damn room. Fuck. This isn't going to plan. I throw on some sweats and a t shirt I grab my key and make my way down for breakfast. I pass Sam on my way, he's already eaten and is going back for a power nap.

'Anna is in there, Dylan already ate and left'. He shouts whilst entering the elevator and disappearing from view. I walk into the restaurant and spot Anna sitting by the window in the far corner.  I wave to get her attention and point to coffee but she shakes her head. After grabbing a cup along with a croissant I decide to join her before going up to wake Jo.

'Morning, how was your night?' I ask pleasantly surprised at my spritely mood.

'Yeah, it was good. I had fun catching up with everyone. How was yours?' she asks politely whilst messing around with some sugar sachets in front of her.

'Same, was good to catch up with how everyone is doing. Was shattered though and glad when we called it a night. Jo is still fast asleep, she was worked up last night and after helping her relax I think she was exhausted' I laugh, my admission was maybe to much information but what the hell.

'Exhausted, you mean she told you already?' she asks with a frown.

'Told me? Told me what?' I question. Anna's expression instantly changes and I see what looks like panic spread over her face.

'Anna, what are you talking about? Told me what?' my tone is clipped and I am losing my patience now. What the hell is she talking about. What did Jo have that she needed to tell me about because I sure as hell have no clue what this is about.

'Nothing, I don't know why I said that. Please drop it Hero' she pleads. I can't drop it, I don't even know what IT is. I stand up nearly knocking the table over with me. I'm not angry at Anna but I probably gave her that impression as I stormed off like a lunatic. I press the elevator and for some reason it takes longer than usual. Maybe this is a good thin because I feel my temper boiling at the idea Jo is keeping something from me. As I reach level 4 I sprint to the room in search of some clarity of what the fuck is going on. My mind is pulling up all sorts of ridiculous theories and I need confirmation before I think up something absurd. Why would Jo hide something from me, after everthing we have overcome. I just don't get it.

I rub Jo's arm trying to keep my cool but I feel it slipping away quickly.

'Jo. JO. JO' I whisper but get louder in frustration, she turns over with a groan. This isn't how I would want to be woken so before I cause a scene I need to chill out and try to approach this maturely. I really am trying the whole man rather than boy shit here but this is pushing my buttons. I go onto the balcony to have a smoke and calm down before I go back and wake her up. Breathing in and out slowly whilst ignoring the stupid ideas of what this could be about.  As I walk back into the room she stirs.

'Morning baby. Did you eat already?' she asks softly.

'Yeah I did, I was with Anna. I need to talk to you Jo' I know something is up because her eyes widen and she has the same look Anna did moments ago.

'Okay, yes we do need to talk but let me just get ready real quick' she says as heads towards the bathroom. I take a seat on the couch and find myself counting, what the fuck. I'm not timing her but merely creating a distraction before I kick off at being kept in the dark about something. Something is going on and I want some answers. When Jo  reappears she is dressed in sweats and one of my tshirts, from her dress code I assume she isn't breaking up with me, that's a fucking relief because that was in the top 3 scenarios I thought up. She sits across from me nervously, why is being so wierd. What the fuck has happened.

'Okay, hear me out. First of all I was going to speak to you today about this, last night didn't feel appropriate. Secondly, try to keep your head without storming out or losing your shit please and thirdly I love you' the more she speaks the worse my mood gets. I heard her but it didn't give me any comfort but I nod in agreement. I need to know what this is about so if that's the conditions I will accept them.

'When I came up to change and grab your charger I was in here maybe 10 minutes and the door knocked, I assumed it was you after dropping a hint for you to join me but when I answered it was Dylan'. I see her upset at telling me, she isn't guilty she is upset. My fists clench without even knowing the details. Blood rushing through every part of my body. If he hurt her I will kill him. 'I didn't think anything of it so when he came in I asked if everything was OK, next thing I know is he kissed me, I pushed him off and told him that this was not happening and to get out. He said something about he had to try, to see if this was mutual. Its fucked up I know. I wanted to tell you but when he left I sat here freaking out and' before she has chance to say anything else I am up and out the door on route to find that fucker and show him what it's like to turn up unexpected and unwelcome. I have never felt anger like this, I will fucking kill him. That dick knew the situation, he knows we are together and he decided to disrespect Jo and me for what?! Some poor attempt to win my girl. I don't fucking think so.

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