Chapter 8

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Jo's POV -

I'm on my third bottle of water, drinking it as if trying to rehydrate my soul. I feel yuck today, my headache is easing off since I took some paracetamol. Hero left shortly after, he seemed to be in a mood but I assume it's the hangover. I was relieved when he told me that last night was only a repeat of the night before. I am so confused about him, do I like him? Yes I like him but am I attracted to him? I feel things when he is around, is that because we clicked from the start. I could be thinking to much into this but when I see his green eyes I can't help but feel something stir deep down inside of me. It's a ridiculous concept though, we will be working together for the next 2 months and if we get a sequel then we would be together again. This is my first lead role and I can't let anything jeopardise that. I need to stop this, I only met him 3 days ago and I have spent 2 nights with him. Who am I right now, this isn't me. We need to put some boundaries down before this gets messy.

Today the rest of the cast are arriving, I'm sure Anna said late afternoon so I have time to feel human again. I've missed breakfast which sucks as I could really eat something right now. Maybe I will head out today and see the area, grab something whilst I'm out then join everyone later on. I need to call home anyway, they have only had the odd text from me since I left. I don't miss home, I thought I would but the excitment of this project has eased my home sickness. I jump in the shower to freshen up and opt for a casual light pink jump suit with flats. It's warm today so I pin my hair up and apply light make up, more so to hide my pale complexion until I fully recover from last night's antics. Done.

I send Anna a quick text to let her know about my plans and see if that's OK, I don't need permission but I would feel rude just going off without saying a word. She has been so nice, maybe she will want to come along. I hope so as I could use the distraction. I need to stop zoning out and landing on Hero. It's not productive and it confuses me.

Hey Anna, I woke up with a hangover so I was going to head down town and get something to eat and explore, is that OK?

Jo, your alive! You missed breakfast. Wait so did Hero? 🤔 We all have hangovers, dying by the pool currently so I'll give it a miss but have fun. Drop by before you go. Love and Hugs x

I hope she doesn't ask me about Hero if I swing by before leaving, I don't want to lie to her but I feel uneasy about saying he has slept in my room since we met. Part of the contract stated no in house relationships, I recall laughing at the absurd mention because I knew that wouldn't happen. It hasn't happened but now it made me cringe rather than laugh. What the hell am I doing? I don't know who I am since I arrived in Atlanta. Sharing a room with a stranger and drinking, that boy is a bad influence but I like being around him. He is so different to anyone I normally spend time with, he is confident, cocky but not arrogant and such a lad but around him I feel different. I don't think to much about how I act, I'm just me without worrying about judgement. I can talk about nonsense and he gets it, we laugh until we can't breathe. As I think over our interactions I slightly miss him. He's only been gone an hour or so but I like his prescense. As a friend, I like him as a friend. That's it. Isn't it?

I walk down to the elevator, I really need to eat before I pass out or puke. I walk through the lobby to the pool area and see Anna and the others. Hero is already there, great. I'm the drunk straggler, that's not the tag I wanted attached to me this early on or ever but here we are. Everyone looks sluggish as I walk towards then. I can't help but wonder if they know Hero has been in my room and it gives me anxiety. Just be cool Jo, you got this. You didn't do anything I tell myself.

'Hey gurl, you look better than we feel. What's the secret'. Inanna laughs and Anna joins in.

'Concealer and enough water to flood the lobby' I joke back.

'So you're going exploring? We all ate and I think we'll be napping here soon. Get an Uber and charge it to your room, that's OK with me' Anna says smiling.

'Not sure exploring is the term but I am going on a fast food hunt, do you guys want anything whilst I'm out'. I scan their faces as they all nod to decline. Hero looks at me as if he is going to speak but instead turns to Shane and continues talking. Is he pissed at me for something? I know he was grumpy when he left but I thought it was down to his hangover. Ahhh, I'm not going to think to much about it. That seems to be my problem, I keep thinking to much into our interactions. I say bye to the group and go to Reception to order my Uber and grab a bottle of water from the bar. Just as I turn I'm faced with Hero. Great!

'Hey, everything OK? I ask before face planting into him.

'Yep, starving like you though due to missing breakfast so I wondered if I could come along in search of a meal. I need something greasy' he smiles slightly but looks unsure at the same time.

'Sure you can as long as you don't try to steal my fries we can prevent a murder' I joke back. His face softens and at that the receptionist tells me the Uber is out front. We both get into the car, I have no idea of the area so I just ask to go downtown near a mall or something with a food court. The driver nods and off we go. Hero and I sit in silence, it's not uncomfortable but it's not the usual easy going vibe we have either.

Herophine A tale of two Where stories live. Discover now