Chapter 84

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Jo's POV -

I feel so much better now we have posted our announcement, I'm surprised at how easy it was. We sat and thought it through together, it felt like a natural progression. I am ready for the world to know. The weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I intend to embrace every moment with Hero starting now, this is our beginning.

As we walk to the store to pick up some drinks, I slide my hand in his. His reaction is priceless, I swear he lifted off the ground in excitement. I can't wait to see his family, although I hope they aren't to pissed that I just left. Martha was so caring and I just went. I will apologise for my behaviour when we get there, hopefully the accept.

We walk hand in hand to his Mother's, both of us smiling like fools. Such a simple act, it can be taken for granted so easily but doing this with Hero has me as giddy as school girl. I am practically skipping down the street ha!

When we approach the doorway to the house I take a gulp of air, I am worried at how this will go. I know it will be OK but that little voice is telling me I was stupid and should have dealt better with the situation. Hero must sense my apprehension and tightens his grip on my hand to encourage me to move my feet.

'Everything is OK baby. My family love you nearly as much as I do. Plus, I hid away so they didn't see me during your fleeing the scene shit' luckily he laughs otherwise I may have taken that to be a dig. Rightly so but it's still to raw for me to actually accept how much of a bitch I was.

'OK, let's do this' I wink and stride forward trying to match his pace. Fuck his long legs make walking a workout for me. As usual he walks straight in and leads me to the ktichen. Martha turns suddenly as we enter and I study her face to gauge how she feels about me. She looks shocked but grabs us both into a tight embrace.

'I'm glad you to worked it out. I'm proud of you both' she whispers softly. She always says the kindest things and her words are genuine. I love Martha, she is such a lovely woman. As soon as she releases us I see Mercy running up behind her brother, jumping on his back and knocking him clean off his feet. I can't help but erode into laughter at the tackle.

'See asshole, told you it would work out, say I am right. Say it!' she yells as she punches him in the ribs.

'OK Ok Fuck mercs. You was right' he laughs trying to guard himself from the playful attack. Mercy jumps up and I worry for a moment that I am next but she throws her arms over my shoulders, squeezing me. Hero regains his composure and launches at her inducing a squeal and them running around the kitchen like nutters. Martha looks at me with an amused expression giggling.

'That's it Jo, no going back now. You are officially part of this bloody mad house. God knows how my boy managed to snag you but I am so pleased your here' she smirks. I sigh, being part of this mad house is a very nice place to be. I could get used to this very quickly. After Hero and Mercy surrender and calm down he grabs the bottles and pops the corks on 2, spraying champagne everywhere.

'Get the glasses Mercy. None for you though, your on orange juice. Must suck being a minor' he teases. She flips him off and I mouth that I will give her mine much to Hero's displeasure. He caves though and pours us all a glass. Titan is out with friends and won't be home for a while so it's just us 4.

Hero's POV -

After Mercy made a show of me by rugby tackling me to the floor I had to try and get some payback so I have insisted on winding her up since. Resulting in Jo taking sides with her, typical. As I open the champagne and pour it out I get the sudden urge to make a toast. I want today to be special and I want Jo to know how much she means to me. Before thinking I hand out the glasses and tap one gently.

'Mercy keep your mouth shut. Ladies and Mercy of course, I would like to make a toast maybe over the top but today is special and I won't ever forget it so first of all Mom thank you for having me, I am a fine specimen and Jo is lucky to have me' everyone roars with laughter and I wink at Jo. 'Secondly, Jojo. Thank you for coming back and making us official. I am lost without you, you make me crazy but you also make me love like never before. You may have refused marriage for now but one day you will be my wife, I promise you that' my words make my Mom spit the drink from her mouth and pat her dress in embarrassment. 'Thirdly, let's get hammered' I joke and everyone raises a glass.

We all sit and talk about random topics, the drink flows nicely and I see Jo's cheeks flush. I decide I need a smoke and head into the garden, my Mom follows.

'Hero, did you really ask her' she says quietly as if trying to be secretive.

'Well kinda Mom, we made up and it just came out. Afterwards I thought about it and it didn't scare me shirtless so I knew I meant it but she said no. One step at a time' I state whilst inhaling the tobacco from my cigarette.

'Wow. I am shocked, really shocked boy but my god I love that you are so dedicated to this young lady. She is good for, I can see the changes and your becoming a man. I am so proud of you son' she gushes, I can't help but pull her in for a hug. My mom is always supportive but this is a new phase of our lives, she see's me growing up and becoming a man. It's meaningful and I respect her kind words.

When we head inside Mercy looks suspicious, she is hunched around Jo like she is hiding her from me. Weirdo I think to myself and pay no attention. Jo is red, I think the alcohol is playing a part in that though and she smiles softly at me.

'What are you two upto?' I ask whilst pulling out a chair and moving it across to sit beside my girl.

'Shut up Hero. We was just talking and no before you ask. Not about you' Mercy states matter of factly rolling her eyes. I love my sister but since she became a teenager she is so fucking sassy and opinionated. Give me a break already I think rolling my eyes. It's getting late now and after today's events I feel the tiredness coming over me, Jo must be shattered to so I make a move and we say our goodbyes. Cuddles with Jo tonight make my pace faster than usual as we bound the high street.

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