Chapter 62 - Later That Night

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Hero's POV -

During the car ride back to the hotel I feel weird, like something is hanging over us all, tension Bout this morning, it's really getting to me. Today wasn't ideal but it wasn't planned in an attempt to ruin anyone's time here. When we left the book signing Anna, Jo and I jumped in one car and the others got in the second ride. Inanna seems to be in a shitty mood, considering she wasn't even here during the bust up it pisses me off that she feels some sort of requirement to be the voice on the subject with snide remarks and digs all day, I have no problem telling her to shut up. The bet scene automatically fills my head, I didn't ever think I would be saying those words to Inanna aswell as Molly.

'Guys, today hasn't been good. I know shit happened but I need you both to try and end it here, no more drama. I back you both 100% but this is my life. If you two being together is going to make that difficult I will rethink this whole situation. I love you both and agree your relationship should be kept between us and family, it's way to risky for any of this to be public with all that's happened so far' Anna announces with a tone I have never heard from her. Being spoken to like a child automatically gets my guard up but I try to be resonable given the close proximity of the car ride home.

'We get it Anna, neither of us want all this shit either' I reply whilst looking at Jo for back up.

'Yeah, he's right. Us being together shouldn't affect anyone else. This has just been messy and we're sorry' she replies dropping her head in her hands, I know tears are coming but she puts on a brave face whilst reassuring Anna who seems happy with our responses and moves on from the uneasy conversation with something about dinner. I stop listening, I am pissed that I have to justify my relationship, mainly due to that prick causing the issue. This wasn't Jo's or my fuck up. Dylan should be the one getting the talking to, maybe Inanna to for her bitchy attitude all day.

Finally we arrive at the hotel, as I climb out the car I find myself walking off to the room, I am done talking to anyone for abit. I just want to be in the room with the hope Jo follows. I need some time in our bubble where nobody can bother us, plus I need to work of some of this stress and my girl always makes my mood better.

Jo's POV -

I can't help but feel extremely awkward as Hero just sets off without a word, that car ride was unpleasant but he just stormed off and now I don't know if I should leave him be or follow. I want to follow him, check that he is OK and soothe him if I can. His day has been far worse than mine after fighting with Dylan. I want nothing more than to curl up in his arms, ignore the outside world for the rest of the day and just be with him him so with that in mind I say bye to Anna and go up after him.

Today has been somewhat of a wake up call for me. I haven't voiced my thoughts but the fact everything seems to work against us just being normal and together is playing heavily on my mind. If we were just two normal people with no media and positions in After we could just do as we please, enjoy each other. If we didn't live so far away that would be ideal too and if we hadn't filmed I wouldn't of met him. This is so frustrating that we needed this to be together but now I don't know if staying together is the right thing for either of us. I love him more than anyone in the world, the thought of not being together makes my heart ache and my body shiver but is it good for us? We seem to be putting pressure on everyone close to us and with Anna's words I felt the one person who believed in us has changed sides. I need to figure this out and quickly.

When I enter the room Hero is face down on the bed, I don't think he is crying. I hope he isn't, I have only seen fake tears during filming I don't know what the hell I would do if he actually cried for real. As I make my way over I slip of my shoes and lay beside him, pressing my body to his side to comfort him. He lifts his head slightly and gives me a weak smile but soon returns to his previous position.

'Babe, do you want to talk about anything. I'm here if you do' ai ask softly against his ear.

'No, I just want to switch off and not talk or think. I need a break from today. It can go and fuck itself' he mumbles face down. I understand how he feels, I can't wait for today to be through. I lay back beside him thinking through the clutter filling my head this version of us I love, just us. No issues or distractions. The closeness is warming but the fact we are like this is because of a bigger problem, the way we are constantly treading water and everyone causes us a problem. I sigh out loud, I didn't mean to but as soon as he hears me he lifts his head up.

'Do you want to talk about anything' he asks whilst turning to face me and pulling me towards his chest. Do I? Do I want to fuel another awkward conversation right now with my scattered thoughts. No, I can wait and process it then talk to him.

'No babe, I'm good with no talking or thinking but' before I finish his lips are pressed against mine and his hands start to roam my body. I can feel it happening, the fire starting within myself. His touch does this to me, it blanks out everything else and leaves me vunerable and wanting. This is where I want to be forever.

Herophine A tale of two Where stories live. Discover now