Chapter 60

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Hero's POV -

I'm shocked at how easily she agreed to talk about whatever the hell is going on so quickly. No messing around, she got changed and sat down in front of me, this is progress from the usual back and forth. Jo's talking but as she explains all I can focus on is how I can't contain the rage taking over my entire body, never has the thought of ripping someone's head clean from their body pleased me to the extent that it is right now. I've never had anyone I want to protect the way I do Jo. As soon as she strarted to speak I felt it, I felt the red must cascading over my eyes and pumping through me, I didn't even let her finish, I was out the door. All I want to do is grab hold of that fucker and hurt him, my need to hurt him is stronger than my need to comfort her right now. This is fucked up, what the hell was he thinking, didn't he know she would tell me. The idea that he isn't worried angers me further, I'll show him what fear is when I grab him and pound my fist into his face.

I take the stairs, I need to burn of some off this energy before I get to his fucking door. I know hitting him isn't the right thing to do, the logical part of my brain is telling me to calm the fuck down but the other side is egging me on. He tried to take what is mine, who the fuck does he think he is. Before I allow any thought to proceed on if she gave him some sort of invitation I push it away. I trust her, she told me atleast. Yeah she delayed but I can unstand that to an extent the fact is my girl told me. As I stride up the stairs 2 at a time and barge the hallway door open I try to think of what to do to him when I get there. The image of holding his head in my hand like some brave heart shit victory is at the front of my mind but even I don't have the strength to rip his head from his shoulders. I get to his room, clenching my fists and trying my hardest to calm down somewhat I knock. Pacing around like a crazed man on a mission. Why isn't the fucker answering, I knock again losing my patience. As soon as the door unlocks I push my way in grabbing him as I enter. His face is a picture, fucking pussy stood there about to piss his pants. As I throw him through his room to the other side I know I need to create some distant before this place becomes a murder scene.

'You have 30 seconds you piece of shit to explain what the fuck you was doing!' I yell, barely holding it together. He looks at me in shock and starts to stutter. This is oissong me off more. 'Come on, spit it out you wanker' I hiss.

'Dude, I'm, I'm sorry. I fucked up. I got it so wrong. I don't know'. Before he mutters another word my fist is connecting to that preppy boy face of his, the relief I feel at the contact is unnerving and I hit him again.

'Stop! Hero fucks sake man, stop!' I hear as someone is grabbing my waist and lifting me from my assault on this ass hole. I release from the grip and turn to see Sam with his mouth wide open, staring at me in disbelief.

'Man, this won't help. You need to stop. Whatever the fuck is going on is not gonna be solved like this. Trust me' his words are rushed but loud. I take them in and although my adrenaline is through the roof, I know he is right. I won't get anything from breaking this fuckers neck. A short lived victory is the only thing on offer here. Dylan is on the floor holding his nose. I don't feel any remorse, I hope it's broke and he has to breathe through his mouth for a long time, reminding him not to piss me off. Sam doesn't move to help him he just shakes his head trying to figure out what the hell is happening. As I slowly try to calm myself he speaks, the fucking loser speaks returning me to my rage.

'You broke my nose you fucking physco' he spits the blood from his mouth whilst getting to his feet staring at me like some wounded animal. Is he going to cry, is he sobbing at his new mia shaped features. Fuck him I think, he's lucky I don't go back over there and do more damage.

'Shut the fuck up, you deserved that. I mean who the hell goes around kissing guys girls thinking that's an OK way to act. I thought we were friends you tosser' I'm calmer now after witnessing the damage to his face, I'm still angry but now I just want answers.

'I said I was sorry man, I messed up I know but we all make mistakes. I wasn't thinking about you when I did it, I don't know what I was thinking' The affect of his admission pisses me off, his words are genuine and stating we all make mistakes hits me hard. I was so angry that I didn't even think about how she rejected him, how nothing happened after his poor attempt to win my her over. My girl was still my girl, she loves me not this prick. As I walk towards the door I mull over what might have happened if Sam didn't intervene, I don't think I would have stopped. Something took over, I wasn't myself. I was Hardin. Shit that guy seems to be making alot of appearances lately. Me and Jo seem to playing out a real life version of that twisted tale in more ways than one. What the fuck. I need to get out of here, I need a drink or something.

'Sam, come on' I calm as I walk out and down the hall.

'Dude, that was some mad shit. What the hell?' he asks catching up to me. I try to explain what happened, feeling like I don't have the full story due to my quick exit before Jo could finish but I cover the main event so he gets the picture. 'Shit, what happens now though. I mean you guys still have the tour together, the sequel aswell?' before I can answer I light a smoke and think about how this could be alot worse. Yeah I punched the guy a few times but he isn't dead. That's a positive surely? As for the tour and filming, as long as he stays away from me and Jo I can be professional enough to carry on I think. Sam comes back with 2 beers and we sit in silence, both thinking about the last 20 minutes I think. When Anna appears I want to leave, I don't have the energy to explain what just happens but when she scans my knuckles I can tell she already knows.

'What did you do Hero? Shit, I knew today would be a fucking disaster!' She states whilst grabbing my hand to inspect it.

'I didn't kill him, I just improved his face with some colouring' I laugh, it's not funny and it's not my usual response but then again I've never dealt with a guy coming onto my girl so maybe it is how I would react. 'It' s done, over. It won't happen again' I add. Before she says anything else I see Jo heading to join us with absolute panic across her face, shit I didn't even go back to the room she must have been sat worried sick.

'Hero, thank god! I have been going mad up there I didn't know where the hell you was. Are you OK? She doesn't hide her worry and throws her arms in the air in relief as she approaches my side.

'Sorry. Its dealt with. I just needed a smoke and a beer to calm down. Sam came and got me'. I pull her onto my lap and wrap my arms around her. Her breathing is erratic as she sits and pulls her arms around my neck. Spotting the obvious giveaway on my hands and raising a brow.

She leans into me and kisses my cheek whispering 'Please tell me you didn't do anything you will regret. I don't want you to be in trouble' a laugh spills from my lips. She is worried about me, really. She should be more concerned that Dylan didn't leave in a body bag. 'No baby, I don't regret it. Sam made sure to stop me before I had anything to regret. Don't worry' I grip her waist tightly, taking pleasure in the calm that is flowing through me at the feel of my baby being so close.

Anna tries to make the topic non violent and normal and we all look to each other in amusement at her attempt. My adrenaline has eased now and I decide to close the book on this. It's been dealt with now and it won't be happening again. Just as we make plans to meet up at 12 to travel to the book store Anna's phone rings. She looks nervously as she answers.

'Urm, okay. Yeah. Yeah I get that but it's well its your own fault really. OK. I will come by soon just hold on for now please' as she ends the call she let's out a sign and rubs her temples. I know who it was but I have no idea what he was saying. 'Dylan has decided to leave, he thinks for now it is best for eveyone if he isn't here. Not ideal as he was meant to be on the signings today but it is what it is' she states. I feel like shit that my actions have affected the plan but he is to blame. He fucked up so that eases my conscious slightly although I do apologise to Anna for the mess.

'Anna, I promise that it won't happen again. I flipped but I had a valid reason for it. As long as that fucker stays out of my way nothing will happen. I don't know if that helps you any but its the best I have right now' I Say whilst trying to sound apologetic.

'Thank you. I appreciate that Hero' she stands and leaves obviously trying to figure out how to make this less awkward. Sam shoots me an wakward look and bursts out laughing. I have no idea what's funny but I find myself joining in. Jo stares at us both like we need to be put in white coats and locked in a padded cell.

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