Chapter 40

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Jo's POV -

I try to enjoy the rest of my holiday but I just can't get Hero out of my head. I haven't told anyone yet. I know Kat hasn't seen it on social media yet which I'm thankful for. When we get home I decide to keep my phone off, I need to figure out how I want to react to this. Part of me trusts him, the Hero I know or have known isn't that guy but the Hero I don't know could be. I think some things have to be dealt with in person so without wasting anymore time I decide to go to London. I need to see him face to face for this shit. Atleast I know if we are in person I will know if he is lying or not or atleast I hope I do. I book my tickets and pack a small case. I give my family a vague explanation to my last minute decision and tell Kat what happened on the way to the airport. My flight will get me to London tomorrow morning. I'm freaking out but I know this is the right way to deal with it.

'Jo be careful OK. I don't know him to have a valid opinion on if he did or didn't but trust your gut. Always. Don't be a fool about this OK?' She says whilst hugging me goodbye.

'Kat, I got this. I'm OK. I just need to see him. A phone call won't do anything other than cause a problem. I will call you ok' I say as I walk towards check in. What the hell am I doing, now I am actually here I think I may be crazy. Flying around the world to confront my cheating boyfriend when I should ignore him, do the tour and then live my life but something is telling me there is more to this and I owe it to myself to find out. When my flight lands I feel less confident about my plan. I don't even know where he lives. This was such a stupid idea. I figure Anna will know, maybe? I call and she picks up on the 3rd ring.

'Jo, thank god. You OK? I have been going out of my mind trying to reach you'.

'I'm OK, before you say anything I have no idea what is going on. I haven't spoken to Hero at all but I just landed in London and need his address. If I am going to find out I thought it best in person. Do you have his address?' I'm nearly crying and want this call to be done with so I can stop my mind from working overdrive. 'Sure, 2 secs. I will text you it but Jo please just hear him out. Don't jump to any conclusions okay. Promise me' She is pleading with me to hear him out. What does she know? I don't ask and just agree to do as she said. When I get the text I order an Uber and set off to find Hero.

The cab pulls up to an old looking town house and I can't help but laugh. I never imaged Hero to live here. I thought a high rise apartment or something swanky. This is old and rustic. Like the London you read about in books, the irony of After makes this humorous in a way if I was in the mood to laugh I would. As I get out and grab my case I walk up the stairs and press the doorbell. The door opens and I see Hero, my heart pounds in my chest. I want to run into his arms but I don't. I stand staring him in the eyes trying to gauge his reaction. Am I looking for a neon sign flashing guilty, I don't know but I continue to stare for what feels like hours.

'Jo! Your here. Fuck, come in. I am so glad to see you, jeez I missed you babe'. He says as walking to embrace me. I stand back showing him I am here because of the shit storm brewing all over the Internet not for a cup of tea and a biscuit. He looks at me like I just slapped him in the face but before I can do anything I need to understand what is going on. I love him, standing here I feel my love for him it hasn't changed but I am pissed off and want answers. He leads me through his home, normally I would take in my surroundings but I just stare into him waiting for him to confess.

'I have tried calling you for days, why didn't you call me back. It's better that your here and I want you here but I know you are probably coming to tell me you want nothing to do with me. Before you do, let me explain. Atleast the bits I can, some of it I am still trying to work out okay? He looks for my approval and waves to a chair for me to sit in. Hero explains what he remembers from that night, he looks in pain whilst he tells me all the details. I want to hold him and tell him it will be OK but right now I am indifferent. I don't think he is lying but the fact he has blanks causes me to question him further. He phones Felix and Morgz and asks them to come over, as proof of his story I assume. I soften slightly that he is so open about it. When tears start to fall from his eyes I know instantly that my boyfriend is telling me everything, it's the truth. I rush to him and cradle his cheeks in my hands, his head resting on my chest as I hold him. Hero has been going through a dramatic incident in his life and I doubted him. I want to slap myself for being so quick to think the worst but it brought me here so I am slightly grateful. Tears fall from my eyes when I think of the danger he was put in by some idiots at a party.

What did they do to him? Why did they do it? I have no idea but I sure as hell am going to find out. I might be known as nice Jo but the fact someone put Hero in danger starts a fire within me, I have never felt rage like I do right now. I feel the heat rising and I am going to explode. When Morgz and Felix arrive I am slightly embarrassed that this is our first meeting and not on better terms. They confirm all that Hero has told me and that they checked him throughout the night, they even chucked her out. I need to know who she is, they give me the information but its of no use. After we talk and Hero starts to relax a little knowing I'm fighting his corner we decide to plan another party. A fake party but she would be sure to turn up given that she laps up male attention so I'm told. They make some calls, alot of persuading is done as clearly Hero's friends know what happened and want nothing to do with the new additions that attended some parties but it's confirmed and set to go ahead. Felix is going to have it at his place. I will get to the bottom of this mess.

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