Chapter 95 - 20 Weeks

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Hero's POV -

My fucking phone hasn't stopped all morning. Don't get me wrong the messages are all good lucks and let us know as soon as you do's but right now I am pacing around the waiting room nervously. After our 12 week scan something in me changed, when I saw the tiny dot I felt so much love for my unborn child. I knew from that day I would do whatever I could to protect the tiny human from everything bad in the world amd my girl, my beautiful girl growing our baby. We told her family after the scan via facetime, not ideal but it was a long way to travel to tell them. They cried at the news but were very supportive and checked in often on Jo's progress. Her sister Kat and Mercy had started a WhatsApp update group chat and insisted on k owing everything from sickness to kicks but so far Jo hadn't had any kicking.

Today is our 20 week scan, we find out what we are having. I am hoping for a boy, I have made no effort to hide that. Jo isn't bothered as long as Jellybean is healthy. Of course I want that to, a healthy little boy. I have already seen all the football baby grows I will be buying for the little dude with matching shirts for me. We will look awesome in our matching outfits. Jo is sitting drinking cups of water, they told her to have a full bladder so they can see properly. She is going to be pissing all day after this and I planned on spoiling her with a nice lunch out somewhere. Just as she jingles the cup to me for a refill the nurse calls us in. I feel the excitment fill my body, grabbing Jo's hand I pull her behind me. Her bump is showing now, pregnant Jo is hot. Really fucking hot.

'Hello Miss Langford and Daddy?' she asks.

'Yep, I'm the daddy' I state proudly and they both giggle. I see how that sounded after I said it. Cocky.

'Are we confirming the sex today for you?'

I speak before Jo has chance. 'Yes, yes please' I gush staring at the black screen in anticipation.

'OK then, I will be quiet during the scan as I have some measurements to take. Don't worry though once I do this I will scan for the sex of your baby and confirm OK?' we both nod and relax slightly as the lady does her business. Clicking and zooming, I stare at the screen with love heart eyes, my baby is wriggling around like a football player. It's a boy, I'm sure of it. Just at that the nurse stands and excuses herself, I see Jo's face change from excitment to worry. I squeeze her hand but I can't help but soak in the worry from her andsweat starts to form as I peer at the screen trying to see why she left. As she returns she has a doctor with her who introduces himself but I'm not interested and usher him on to speak.

'Miss Langford, please don't worry. Due to your previous complications I am here to check over how baby is doing after the surgery. We removed a restriction from your little ones wrist but sometimes the scans aren't clear so I just want to check to make sure growth in the hand and fingers wasn't affected' His words cause Jo to gasp and I find my eyes welling up at the thought of our baby being injured or disfigured. He stares and zooms and stares before speaking.

'I am unable to get a clear indication currently, I think we may have to wait until delivery. But please do not fret, the surgery was successful and early so there is a very small chance of lasting defects' he says sympathetically as he stands to leave. His words piss me off, defects! Fucking defects, that is my child he is referring to not a dented fucking bumper. How dare he refer to my child as defected. Rage builds inside me but I pull it together as I see a tear fall from Jo's blue eyes. My girl, my brave, strong girl is looking at the screen with hope in her eyes and I admire her strength. No matter what our child will be perfect and loved.

'Are you both ready?' we nod in unison. The excitment has slightly altered and the air between us feels full of tension due to the unknown affects of the amniotic band syndrome. I won't let this affect our special moment though and I lean in and kiss Jo on the for head, rubbing her hand with mine. She shows me a small smile and we both look at the nurse.

'Okay, this is the heart, the eyes, ribs, spine and this is showing me you have a healthy beautiful boy. Congratulations Mum and Dad' she smiles and prints out two images for us to take home. I hold them staring at every details, I see little legs, little arms and a cute little nose outlined on the dark image. As soon as we get out I grab Jo whilst yelling Yes, making everyone stare at us in the waiting room. She's quiet on the ay to lunch but I opt for letting her mul over her feelings, Jo will talk when she is ready. I try to make her laugh with idea's for names such as Hero Jnr, Herophine, Bernard but she just shakes her head and eats her meal. When we get home our phones are going off non stop, the magic of the day has been clouded by the doctors comments and I want to ring his fucking neck for it.

'Baby, talk to me please. Tell me what you're thinking about' I ask whilst pulling her onto my lap.

Her eyes spill with floods of tears as she tries to catch her breathe 'I am so sorry, I did this. I hurt our baby and now, well now he might be injured permanently. I failed him already, he isn't safe inside me. I am so so sorry Hero' I can't believe my girl is thinking like this. Fuck! She has been thinking this since the hospital. What the hell.

'Baby, you are not at fault. Things happen, things you can't control. Our baby is healthy and that is all we need. If anything is different it will only add to his little character. He is ours, he'll be perfect like his mother, smart like his father, loved beyond words. Stop this shit. I won't have you thinking or talking like you had any part in this. It happened but you know what, I'm glad. It made us strong, it made you strong and the way you dealt with all has been amazing. So no more of this, okay' I make no attempt to be soft or subtle and my words play through her ears and mind, I see her mentally processing them and letting them sink in. Her head burrows into my chest, the sobs softening as I hold her.

I run her a bath and stay with her, washing bubbles and suds all over her tired body. As I reach down to wash her back she jerks in shock with a slight yelp.

'Hero, it happened. Give me your hand quickly' she places my hand over her tiny bump and I feel a vibration from her tummy. He's kicking, his tiny foot is touching my palm. My eyes go wide with every movement. I feel my boy for the first time and it is the greatest gift to feel so close. We sit giggling and talking to him as he moves around responding to our words. I kiss Jo hard, full of gratitude and passion. She gave me the best gift in the world and I will never know how to thank her for this.

'Wow, he really put on a show didn't he. Maybe football will be the choice of profession after all' She giggles whilst standing and letting me wrap her in a towel. Later that evening after we sat side by side replying to all our messages and calls we look over the pictures again and discuss nursery idea's. Jo wants a subtle blue and grey theme with white clouds and Teddy bears. I want West ham colours but she is adament it isn't happening. Sitting picturing our boy in his tiny crib is magic, I am an emotional wreck since staring this journey. I need to man up I think but it's difficult not to well up at all the firsts we are experiencing together. I love the way my life is and the people in it. I'm a lucky fucker.

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