Chapter 81

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Hero's POV -

Felix must have a girl, he took a call outside. What is with that, never has he left to answer his phone. Sneaky bastard. I leave him to it and consume my food, its making me feel better and maybe just maybe I know how to get over Jo and all this shit. As I head out and catch Felix ending his call I laugh, I won't ask him yet and see if he tells me.

'Yo, I think tomorrow we party. I am going home to tidy up and call the guys. I need a distraction and this seems ideal' I state whilst slapping my hands together like my plan is the best thing this year.

'Urm, maybe hold off mate. I mean a party, really? Sounds lame' He says.

What's his deal, Felix loves a party. The way he dismisses me fucks me off, he should be supporting me more than anyone right now and a party will make me forget everything you never know I might even hook up and move in. Its done, in my head it's decided. As we walk a back to mine I send a group chat to announce the plan and instantly get replies. Morgz is first and we'll up for it.

'Felix man, pull your face straight or fuck off. I am moving on. You with me or not?' I glare at him for a reply but he just nods his head. Right, let's get shit moving. I need to buy some drink, food and make some sort of effort instead of my current hobo look. As the hours pass by I feel better, thinking about the night to come rather than the past. Felix goes home to change and said he'll be back soon to help me set up for tomorrow.

Next day - As people start to arrive I fill there cups and turn the music up loud before long I am half cut and laughing with my guys about shit we did when we was younger. When Felix arrives I decide to rip him about earlier, his mystery call but he shuts me down and grabs Morgz dragging him to the garden. Ahhh fuck him I think and carry on dancing around to the tunes bearing through my house.

As I go to the livingroom the door knocks so I stride to greet my guests, I don't even know them but let them in anyway. 2 dudes a 4 girls pile in and I tell them to help there's elves to drink in the kitchen. My house is full and the party is in full swing, it's only 9pm and everyone is drunk.

'Tuneeeee' I shout whilst standing and dancing on the spot, my guys join and a pretty little brunette makes her way over to me. Wow she's hot, not like Jo but she will do as a distraction for tonight. No more Jo shit I tell myself as I pull her to my side, she grinds me up and down and I enjoy it, this is what I wanted. To forget everything and have fun. As things heat up she turns and smacks her lips against mine. She feels foreign, I'm used to Jo and how in sync we are but this kiss is messy and wet. It's not great but I don't stop. Then someone grabs my shoulder and when I turn I see Felix looking pale. Really pale.

Jo's POV -

Shit, that call has my head scrambled. Can I trust Felix after what he did, I really want to but I'm not sure. My gut says go but my head says stay. He cut me off too which makes me wonder if his words were true. I shout Kat, I need her advice. After telling her about the voicemail and the call from Felix she grabs my laptop.

'Right, 20 minutes. You have 20 minutes to get your stuff together and we go to the airport. Your flight leaves soon' I stand mouth agape. My god she is bossy but right now I welcome this side to her. Without thinking I pack up some stuff and wait by the door for herr. She drives so fast it makes me queesy but we arrive in record time and hug.

'Go sort it Jo. Don't mess up again because next time I won't be there to wipe your tears. Your a woman now, go get your man' she screams whilst smacking my butt in encouragement.

My flight went really quick, maybe I am getting used to the time in the air, it doesn't seem to affect me like before or it could be my nerves about coming face to face with Hero. I hope he let's me fix this. I don't want us to be over. Instead of calling Felix I decide on an Uber. The Uber ride is quick to and as we drive up towards Hero's door I notice flashing lights seeping through his windows. That's odd is he having a party. My mouth goes dry and I sink into my seat. This was a bad idea. A really bad idea but before I ask the driver to turn around I jump out and grab my bag. I knock loudly but no answer, so I dial Felix.

'Jo. What's the update?' he shouts. It is so loud down the line. 

'I'm here, outside Hero' s door' the lines goes dead and panic surges through me. Fuck! At that the door opens and Felix hmgrabs me into a tight hug pulling me inside. As we walk down the hall I see that Hero is having a party, a crazy one at that. People are everywhere and that music, that awful music is flooding my ears. As we pass the livingroom I stop dead in my tracks. Bile rises in my throat and my fists clench. I look to Felix for answers but he stares back blankly, quickly moving and grabbing his shoulder. As he turns I see his green eyes lock on mine, I want to slap his face. Scream at him but I stand silent staring right back at him.

As he shakes his head in disbelief and strides towards me I automatically step back from him. I don't want him near me right now, I flew here to beg him for forgiveness and this is what he is doing. You have to be fucking kidding me. I look at Felix with disgust, he fooled me with his sob story. I thought Hero was suffering as much as I was. What a joke! Felix just hangs his head. No words just looks at the ground.

'Jo, why the fuck are you here' Hero demands. I laugh in his face. No way am I going to admit that I came to beg.

'Right now, I have no clue. It was a mistake, a big mistake. Please, don't let me stop you. Carry on' I wave to the girl standing watching our interaction. I want to grab her hair and throw her around the room but I stop myself from doing so. She isn't to blame, he basically ended it so temheyvare free to do as they please.

'Come with me' he says grabbing my wrist and leading me up stairs. I want to stop and turn. Run away as fast as I can but instead I decide to see what he has to say. He leads me to his room and I scan the bed to see if she had been in it. It's messy but I don't smell sex in here, my stomach settles slightly at this.

'Again Jo, why are you here?' he asks pacing back and forth, rubbing his temples. My self control is lost and I decide its now or never. Just own up Jo and tell him before this gets even worse tell him. Open up to him for fucks sake.

'I came back to make it upto you. I left, I ran and it was wrong. I know that I fucked up Hero. When I got your voicemail, it broke me. I knew then that you are it for me. Its you and me, we can do anything together. We'll atleast I thought so but then I saw that' I point downstairs 'And all that hope I had disappeared. I was wrong, I thought we loved each other but you..... You moved on quick. So I will leave again I shouldn't have turned up like this. You told me you was done and I should have listened' as soon as I finish Hero's fist connects with his door. Shit!

'Jo, you fucking left. You always do. You don't stop and work with me. You piss me off you know that don't you. You fucking ripped me to shreds when you went, I couldn't eat, sleep, think nothing. I was a mess until today. And now your here and everything feels right, you came back. I want you here, fuck me I love you. That, well that was to distract myself. I needed to forget you and us. It was driving me insane' his eyes water and I feel my anger dissolve at his words. We always get things so wrong, we always make it worse than before. I have no time to reply before he walks out the room. I hear shouting downstairs and I sit on the bed gathering my thoughts. This really is a mess. We are a mess. After a while it goes quiet and I hear the front door slamming. Did he leave?

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