Chapter 66

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I take a sip of my water, but quickly put it down. The thought of water disgusted me for some reason. It wasn't appealing.
"Nini, you need to drink it." Ricky says, holding my hand. "You haven't really eaten or drunken anything."
"I'm just not into it right now." I pull the blanket over me. I glance up and slightly grin at the sight of EJ, Gina, and Red.
"Okay, but you need to drink some soon. Promise?"
I nod and lay back down.
"So do you remember everything?" My mom asks. "Like how your here?"
"Yeah I-..Lachlan. Wait where is he?"
"Jail. Don't worry about it Neen." Ricky states.
I release a sigh.
"I've been asleep for 3 weeks and I'm still tired." I place a hand on my forehead.
"We'll leave you to sleep," Gina says, "me and Red have to go. University is calling us."
My eyes slightly widen at the thought.
"Hey hey hey, no. Don't worry about UCLA. Your still there, your okay." Ricky adds in, noticing my reaction.
"We've missed you Nini," Red says with a smile. "We'll come back to visit you soon."
The 2 leave with a smile but it was kind of hard to return one back.
My moms didn't seem worried like Ricky was and for some reason, that worried me. of them can't walk but I wouldn't say that's a valid reason.
"Okay, me and your mom will be back. We're tired too."
She gives me a kiss on my forehead before beginning to wheel my other mom out. I watch them in confusion.
They close the door as I return my eyes back to Ricky, who didn't seem too bothered.
"Why do you look so nice...isn't it..almost 4?" I question softly.
"Uhm.." he looks down at himself, "we went out. I kind of needed a break from staying in here."
"Oh. You look great."
He smiles before sitting beside me. I scoot over to the side for him to lay down.
"You really tired?" He asks as he does so.
"'s a bit process things right now."
"It's okay, don't worry about it. Let's just sleep. Tell me if you need anything alright?"
I put my head on his chest and move close to him. A kiss plants on my head.
"I've missed you Neen." He says, a hand on the back of my head, "I'm sorry that happen."
"What's Been done is done. I..think I'm fine and there's nothing going wrong for either of us right now. Right?"
He looks at me with a look I've never seen before.
"Is there something wrong? Wait, your still at UCLA right?"
"What? Yeah no. I'm okay baby."
Baby? Me? He never calls me that.
•€You know, revisiting this...I wish I knew that quote on quote look that I've never seen before, is the the look he gives when he lies.•
"Oh..okay." I sigh before noticing his shirt. "No tie?"
"Yeah, I thought I should let go of it sometimes." He arch's a brow, "why? Do you not like it?"
"Oh it looks great. I absolutely love it." He lets out a little chuckle. "I love you."
A grin spreads the corners of my lips.
"I love you too."
He puts the blanket over himself and pulls me far more closer to him, which was the most comfortable thing in the world.
"Let's sleep. We'll catch up later today okay?"
I nod before moving my head to the crook of his neck.

Obviously, Nini is just..not knowing shit, and I don't blame her. Ricky was too quiet with her but she never noticed because to her, he was the most open he ever was. The benefits of being the quiet kid huh?•
(Maybe not in American Schools. You could be the "shooter")

I shuffle around but the arms of someone stops me from moving far. My eyes blink open, the bright sun hurting my eyes, I use my arm to cover them.
An arm fully blocks the vision of the sun and grips mine. I grin as I turn my head slightly behind me to see Ricky with a slight grin. It was a refreshing sight.
  He puts a finger on his lips, signaling for me to not say anything. I don't know why but his grin does it for me.
He takes my arm and places it back on my stomach, his arm over it and squeezes me closer to him.
"Back to sleep.." he whispers as he buries his head in my hair.
I look around the room and find the clock.
"Ricky, it's 2:34 in the afternoon.."
"Compare that to 3 weeks. I'm spending my time with you, like it or not."
"Right..about that. You okay? W-what have you been doing?"
"Waiting in here...watching you like a fucking creep."
I grin at his words.
"And I was so terrified that you either wouldn't wake up, or if you did, you wouldn't remember me. But here I am Y'know. Hugging you."
My grin fades.
"I would totally kiss you, but I can't necessarily say I've been keeping up with dental hygiene." I say.
A knock on the door alarms both of us. The doctor walks in with a clipboard and a smile.
"Good afternoon, Ms. Roberts," he begins coming to my side of the bed. "Don't mind me, just checking up on you."
"Do you want me to move?" Ricky asks, slightly sitting up.
"No, your fine." He answers, "it is always best to have a loved one by your side after something like this."
I nod as he replaces the IV in my arm.
"You know, I've never seen a coma patient recover as quick as you. You're something else, seriously. Your brain waves during your vegetate state were as active as you now and it's absolutely crazy."
Ricky looks at me with a happy glare.
"Alright, I'm going to ask you some questions about yourself, cool?"
"What's your name?"
"Nina Salazar-Roberts."
"Great. How old are you?"
"I'm 19."
"Where were you born?"
"Salt Lake City, Utah."
"What school do you go to?"
"Um, UCLA."
"Wow. Far. You must be real smart huh?"
"I'd say so," I joke.
"Last question, your parents names?"
"Dana and Carol Roberts."
He smiles.
"Great job. You remember everything." He puts his pen in his coat pocket. "I'm going to get a nurse for you and she'll give you some of your personal stuff. Sweats will be in there for you because we aren't going to discharge you quite yet. Good?"
He leaves and shuts the door behind him.
I return my eyes back to Ricky, who still had a grin on his face.
"This is so crazy."

Sorry for making the chapter so short! I'm trying to post lots. I hope all of you guys are safe and sound in YOUR HOMES!
Enjoy Your Day or Night!

 I hope all of you guys are safe and sound in YOUR HOMES!Enjoy Your Day or Night!-CR❤️

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