Chapter 48

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*I highly recommend reading the new book I had mentioned because I generally post daily on that (not to pick favorites since it's a new book😂) because At the end, I do say when I post chapters for these. It's extremely different from this book as it is a dystopian science fiction fantasy. I think this crowd would like the book but I'm sort of just..sponsoring it at this point😂 anyways, enjoy chapter 48!

  "Anyways, Nini and I will be at your performance and we're extremely excited for it. We all think you guys will do..fantastic and if you keep up the work, it'll be even better." I turn to Ms Jenn. "That's all I got."
They all laugh as me and Nini get off. I smile at the cast.
"I um," I look at my watch, "I need to go. Hey EJ, can you take Nini back? I have something up and I can't be late."
"Yeah of course." I scoot to Nini and try giving her a kiss on the head, but she moves back before I can. I raise a brow."You alright?"
"Uh yeah. Just.." she forces a smile, "tired."
"Well once you get back,"

To be honest, I don't know why I agreed to this. I'm someone and I just said yes to a blind date because of what? Because she's shady. Weird.
I get in my truck and drive off to Mario's.

I push through each door, trying to find an empty room. It was almost like each room was just bluntly filled up with either people throwing up, or people making out. Either way, it wasn't good.
Me and this guy keep pushing open doors, looking for a free room. Eventually, we find one with nothing but a mattress. Why the fuck does EJ have a room....with just a mattress?
I lay her down and feel her pulse. It was just sort of an instinct to check if she was alive but reality wise, it was just common sense.
"Wait here," I say, running past the guy and going downstairs. I push through everyone and find Seb dancing. "Hey!" I yell, "Nini passed out!"
"What!?" He questions.
"Follow me! Nini passed out!"
He looks at me funny, causing me to grab his arm. I pull him with me, past everyone and back up stairs. I lose the room, but continue to push every door like my life depends on it. I finally find the room and push it open, but no one was in there.
"You got me up here because of a mattress?" Seb asks.
"What?! No. Nini was here, she had passed out after talking to EJ. I swear she was here." I walk out of the room and see the same guy walking out of a different room. I go up to him, out of breath. "Where is she?"
"Oh. Dude, she seemed fine. She just...woke up, questioned me on where she was and just..left."
"She just left?"
"Yeah, pretty much." A red mark on his face catches my attention, but I let it go.
"She got up..and just walked right out of this house?"
"Yup. Walked right out."
I look at Seb who looks tired of me.
"That can't be true. She just left and you let her go?"
"What else am I supposed to do? It's not like I'm gonna hold her against her will. She just got up and left. I tried telling her to drink some water or something but she didn't want to and she just left."
  I look at him funny. I just don't believe someone can get up and walk out in a matter of seconds. It doesn't make sense.
"Did she go to the front door?" I ask.
"I don't know, but she left."
I sit down at a table, looking at the menu. It's 8:10 and I don't even know what the girl looks like. The waiter kept giving me a really weird look each time he passed but I try to ignore it.
  I don't know what's up with this Lachlan guy to be frank. I trust him and I honestly have no clue why. I guess it's just Nini trusting him that makes it easier for me. I mean..I'm going on a fake date with his sister so..there's a level of trust you wouldn't even think about.
   "Ricky?" I look up and see a face I just want to run away from.
   "Skye.." I stand up and back up.
   "Well. Didn't expect my brother to set me up with such a handsome guy." She smirks.
   "L-Lachlan's your brother? I thought it was just you and Kant."
   "Please. Of course not. Honestly, without Lachlan, me and Kant wouldn't even have a relationship like we do." She raises a brow. "Aren't you..with that hmm..Nini girl? Why are you going on dates?"
"I- Uh. Um. Why are you here Skye? Are you here for me or for a date?"
  "Well, I'm here for multiple reasons, and of course you. Sit down, why are you so scared?" She sits down.
  "I have..every right to be scared." I stay put.
  "Your scared of your ex? How sad. Anyways, I'm here to talk to you. Lachlan made it easier for me."
  "Talk? You mean kill me?"
  "Kill? Ricky don't get ahead of yourself. I'm not about to kill my child's father."
  The words confuse me. I choke on my own.
  "Your child's father? What are you talking about?" I reluctantly sit down.
  "Oh you don't know?" Her voice is sarcastic. "Oh you don't, because you've been avoiding me all this time. So, short story. Your dumb ass got me pregnant."
  "Your not pregnant. No. That's not true."
  "It is. I took tests. A lot of them, and turns out, a condom isn't enough."
   "Please tell me your lying right now."
She sits up and looks me dead in the eyes.
   "No Ricky. I am pregnant. With your child."
  I lean back in my chair and tap my foot uncontrollably. I run a hand down my face, trying to get her words stuck in my brain.
  "How long?" I ask.
  "How many months are you in?"
  "6 months."
  "6 months are you kidding m-" I cut myself off, not wanting to believe it. "Skye, I'm a freshman in college. Don't you remember? I'm not ready to be a dad."
  "You think I'm ready? Do you think I wanted this? Ricky no one asked for this. But it doesn't matter. I'm putting it up for adoption."
  "What!?" I look at her, "no you are not."
  "Why not? Like you said, we're still in school. We won't be able to provide for it."
  "I- Uh. I don't care. Your not giving them up for adoption."
  "Ricky, I am. I don't care what you say. It's too late to abort and adoption is the thing my family agreed on."
  "But not me. I'm their parent too Skye. I should have a say in this."
  "You didn't even know about this till like 5 minutes ago."
  "Yeah because you never told me! Your family may have agreed on it, but mine hasn't. I'm not going to put my child into the adoption system. That's hell."
  "You made this hell Ricky. Not me, and call me heartless," she stands up, "but it's going into the system."

I'm getting to the stuff quickly, and if it seems a bit unprofessional, I'm sorry. My dumb self planned everything out so early to the point where the first 3 chapters of the sequel are already written😂 Anyways, tell me what you've been doing quarantine? I like reading your comments!
Enjoy Your Day or Night!

Also Vote! And at least read the first chapter of The Ring Academy of 5. Please?

Books start off somewhere😂

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